
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mommaoffour_ohmy, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    Ive been taking mine religiously this pregnancy, makes me feel kinda bad considering I dont think I took them past 6 months with my others... but I was just wondering who fell off the band wagon and who was still self medicating!? :laughing:
  2. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I am on mine and have always taken them through breastfeeding as well. I think they made me feel better especially after delivery when you loose so much blood and energy. I not only take prenatal but extra iron and Calcium, Magnesium , Zinc supplement as well as juice plus. I think good vitamins are essential throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are not breastfeeding, then taking them just to help stay healthy when sleep deprivation sets in!!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I took mine throughout my entire pregnancy and kept taking them until I stopped BFing and pumping. :good:
  4. tanyasdogs

    tanyasdogs New Member

    I've taken them since 1999. My midwife started me on them a year before we started ttc. Over the years, we've been ttc (fertility issues), I've been pregnant or I've been breastfeeding, so I just never went off of them. My RE added extra folic acid before my last IVF cycle too and kept me on it since I'm pregnant with twins.

    Besides, now Meijer has free prenatals (along with their free antibiotic program).
  5. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    I'll be honest, lol, I try to take them everyday and mostly succeed. But I will admit there are days where I missed the morning pill or night pill. But don't worry.... if you eat right, you should have no worries!!! Face it, they didn't have prenatals so widely available back then, and we all turned out fine! LOL!!! :p
  6. liliana

    liliana Well-Known Member

    I took in the begginning but then I got many nauseas, and I even couldn't put a pill in my mouth so my OB said for I take kids vitamins like flinstones and gummy bears!!! :ibiggrin:
  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't swallow pills so I took Flintstones vitamins, too. :lol:
  8. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    My doc encouraged me to take them from the moment we began talking about having kids...been on them for years!
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