Premature Babies & Day Care

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Shiko, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Shiko

    Shiko Active Member

    If anyone of you had your babies very premature and had to put them in day care PLEASE tell me your experience. I am trying to enroll my baby in a day care for 3 days a week so I can conduct my business. I am scared to even think about it but I have to. My babies were born at 25 weeks and did good all the way until I lost my sone to NEC at 5 months. MY baby girl is doing really good she is now 9 months 6 months adjusted age. What question should I ask? How did your babies do in day care especially those that were born very early?

  2. Shiko

    Shiko Active Member

    If anyone of you had your babies very premature and had to put them in day care PLEASE tell me your experience. I am trying to enroll my baby in a day care for 3 days a week so I can conduct my business. I am scared to even think about it but I have to. My babies were born at 25 weeks and did good all the way until I lost my sone to NEC at 5 months. MY baby girl is doing really good she is now 9 months 6 months adjusted age. What question should I ask? How did your babies do in day care especially those that were born very early?

  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your son.

    My girls were born at 31 weeks, and I actually have a nanny. Have you looked into that, or possibly an au pair? I'm not sure how much you will be paying for daycare, but a PT nanny or au pair may not be much of a price difference and it would keep your baby girl away from potential daycare illnesses. I know my girls still manage to pick up colds even just being home...don't know what it would be like if we took them to daycare.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am so sorry for the loss of your son. [​IMG]

    My twins are not in daycare, but they were born just as early as yours (see my siggy) and I don't think I would put them in daycare unless it was a last resort. Preemies are much more susceptible to anything and you have to be so careful with them. Have you looked into a nanny or au pair like PP mentioned? I think I would try there first. I know I would not want my preemie twins around all those germs daycares have, JMO.
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine were only 6 weeks premature and I have been told by my pedi to keep them out of day care. My littlest has a heart murmur and we are to the dr at least twice a month with this or that virus. I myself wouldn't put your child in "daycare" I would look for a home style enviroment with only one or two child to cut down on possible illnesses if you must put her in care. The best option would be a nanny IMO.
  6. mariz

    mariz Well-Known Member

    There is another set of twins at our daycare who just moved up to the toddler room. They're now 21 months (18 adjusted). They have been there since they were 10 months and as far as i can tell, they're doing very well. They seem happy kids. In fact, the little girl made friends with my DD right away, it was so cute. I wouldn't even know they were born at 27 wks until one of the teachers told me. They did consider their adjusted age before moving them out of the infant room.
  7. expectingtwo

    expectingtwo Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is terribly sad. How hard it must be for you to cope, and I'm sure it makes you even that much more overprotective of your daughter. I understand your anxiety.

    Mine weren't born nearly so early, but at 34 weeks... but they did go into daycare much earlier than I would have liked (at just shy of eight weeks). They have done very well, and have rarely gotten sick. I think part of that is the exposure early on to so many other children. At your daughter's age, she should be OK... but don't be surprised if she gets sick a bit at first as she adjusts since she is older. That was my experience with my first, also a preemie.

    I would do a lot of research, ask around, and ask the daycare directly lots of questions to ease your concerns. A good daycare will take great care of your baby. Also, be sure you do research (probably available online) on inspections and complaints against a daycare before you choose one. If you tell me your state, I can find a link for you.
  8. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    So sorry about the loss of your son.

    My girls were born 6 weeks premmature and have been in daycare 2 days a week for 4 hours a day since they were 4 months old. Yes it was a difficult decision but one that was necessary. They are getting there RSV shots and I am bf them. They really are doing well.

    I don't know how I would feel if they had been born any earlier though. I think I would try to find a nanny if you can.
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