pregnant again

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by EJ, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. EJ

    EJ Member

    Hi there, I am new to this forum but have a question for anyone that can help....

    I am 41 years old and DH is 49. We have 6 1/2 month old b/g twins born at 34 weeks in 7/06 (due date was 8/29/06) They were very planned (one and only attempt of IVF) and I just found out I am pregnant again (with no fertility help) and VERY unplanned. Due date would be early October, 2007.

    I am wondering if any of you have had a singleton 13-14 months after having twins. I am wondering the dynamics of the family. I have several concerns (our age, financial situation, etc.) but would like to find someone in my situation.

    Is there anyone out there? Thanks in advance!!!
  2. EJ

    EJ Member

    Hi there, I am new to this forum but have a question for anyone that can help....

    I am 41 years old and DH is 49. We have 6 1/2 month old b/g twins born at 34 weeks in 7/06 (due date was 8/29/06) They were very planned (one and only attempt of IVF) and I just found out I am pregnant again (with no fertility help) and VERY unplanned. Due date would be early October, 2007.

    I am wondering if any of you have had a singleton 13-14 months after having twins. I am wondering the dynamics of the family. I have several concerns (our age, financial situation, etc.) but would like to find someone in my situation.

    Is there anyone out there? Thanks in advance!!!
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! (& welcome to TS!)
  4. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    Let me be the first here to say Welcome and CONGRATS!!!
    Yes, I have been there done that! My twins were a little older 17 months when #3 came along. Life is very busy, sometimes hard, but I love having all my babies! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions I can answer!
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to TS [​IMG] My #3 will be 2.5 years younger than my twins. 14 months will definitely be a challenge, but they will all be so close and really enjoy each other as they get older! Best wishes to you!
  6. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    My son is 13 months and 1 week older than the twins. He was planned, they were a (very happy) surprise.

    The good news is you will have all the gear, huge money savings, clothes are no big deal since you already have one of each! Lucky you!
    You already know how to do diapers in bulk etc..

    We only have 2 useable rooms (the 3rd is in the basement) so all 3 share a room, not usually a problem they are used to sleeping thru each other's fussiness. We don't think we will be able to afford to move for at least another year, but not too worried about it. With less space, less to clean, fewer things to get in trouble with.

    Day care is not terrible, we do a home daycare and get a family discount, and DH works from home 2 days a week..

    Today was an awesome day. DS is full in his terrible 2's but we all had a ton of fun together this afternoon and I love my sweet kerrbabies soo much, life truely is wonderful!

    Good Luck! PM me if you have any other questions.
    Congratulations, I wish you a very healthy pregnancy!
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and Welcome to TS.
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS!! And congrats on your surprise! My third child turned one only six days before the twins were born. I honestly think it would have been easier to have the twins be 12 mos and have a singleton! You will do great! I spent the pregnancy focused on having Aaron on a good schedule and sleeping well. Like the previous posts, feel free to pm me or ask any questions...I'd be happy to help if I can!
  9. ccpersson

    ccpersson New Member

    I just found out that I am pregnant again, as well!! Congrat's to us!!
    We share similiar concerns,, finacial the biggest one. We have a 11 yr old, a almost 3 yr old(4/1), 14 month old twins and now I am I think4-6 wks preg, I think I will be due in the mid of OCt. At this point I am staying home,, working from home and contract services. So I can plan if I need a sitter. But usually Its me or my husband with all the kids. I am not making as much money as I would be if I was working outside of the home, but if you factor in daycareand stuff, I think it works out. The biggest thing is that we are always with the kids, which we love!! Feel free to PM me!!
  10. Mommyof 2tg and 1ds

    Mommyof 2tg and 1ds Well-Known Member

    Same exact situation here. I have a ds, Christopher, that is 3. My twin frat girls, Manda and Sydney, are 8 months, and I am 20w1d with another girl, Anastasia! She will be 13 months younger than my girls, and like u after fertility treatments, she was a surprise blessing. I am also very nervous, not so much on the if we can handle it front, but as to how they will get along i.e. will the twins ignore her or purposely leave her out of stuff. I was about to pop on here and ask questions too. For example we have 3 upstairs bedrooms, one for us, one for the twins, and one for our son. Will it be ok to put Anastasia with my son, bc I don't want to break the twin bond, plus we decorated our son's room just for him, and I really can't see him switching rooms the way we would need to based on size to put all 3 girls in one room? He won't even be 4 when she is born, so we will have four under four. Also would I be better off moving the girls downstairs first, or him, bc I think the girls would have each other and be less scared in about 3 years or so bc we are trying to finish our remodeling.
  11. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    I'm almost 3 months along with #3. My boys will be 20 months when they are born. I'm very nervous but excited. I'm glad that they are all going to be so close together so the baby won't feel left out!
  12. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I know the shock you are feeling. Our twins were very planned and the result of many months of trying/fertility assistance. We got pg with #3 (our unexpected surprise - no fertility meds with him) when our twins were 9 months old... so they are about 19 months apart. It's a little hectic at times, but I really like having them so close in age. After about a week or two, our twins really didn't even remember life before their little brother. Having all of the baby stuff from our twins has been a huge help. I've actually had to turn things away from friends and family. We have tons of clothes, toys, etc. I think the key to my sanity right now, is getting some help. I was determined to do everything on my own when I had the twins. I didn't want help and was really very stubborn about accepting it. Now, though, I will take any help offered to me. If you have friends or family that can help you get a nap, or get out of the house alone every once in awhile, that's a huge bonus. I know it's not always possible, but even if your DH watches the kids for a few hours on the weekend so that you can get out alone, it can be a good break. Those moments give me a chance to regroup and think about all the wonderful blessings in my life.

    If nothing else, you will get all the diapers out of the way at once. [​IMG]

    Take care and congrats on your pregnancy!
  13. MichelleVDH

    MichelleVDH Well-Known Member

    I am in that situation! Our twins were planned but our fourth was not. She was born six days BEFORE the twins turned one! Less than 12 months apart. [​IMG]
    I can honestly say that, after twins, one baby seems like a PIECE OF CAKE! And I have a reflux fussy baby too. It is busy, and at times I am truly exhausted, but we get through those tough times.
    I have found my baby to be such an unbelieveable joy and blessing even though she was unplanned. To be able to take the time to enjoy just one is something else. It seems as though with the twins we always had to be doing something with one or the other that taking the time to truly enjoy infancy didn't happen with the twins like it did with my singletons. I am so much more attached to her than I was to the others, but don't tell them that!
    One good thing too is that the twins will be too young to fully understand how their world has been rocked once your baby is born. There shouldn't be any resentment or acting out like older toddlers can. However, they are also too young to understand they need to be gentle with the baby. Our baby spends a lot of time in her bouncy seat or travel swing up on our kitchen counter where it is safe. If you don't have a bouncy seat or travel swing I HIGHLY recommend getting one. We do have a regular swing but the twins like to hit it or play with it while it is swinging and it is just not safe for the baby.
    I also understand your concern about finances. We are by no means whatsoever well off but we do get by. Quite often paycheck to paycheck especially in the winter. One great benefit is that you will be able to reuse all your clothes since they will be born in the same season. Also I am breastfeeding the baby and very much enjoying it (HATED it with my others), as well as all the money I am saving by breastfeeding instead of all the formula I had to buy for the twins! And although diapers are a HUGE expense, I buy all my diapers at Costco and spend about $55/month for all three. If you figure that right into your budget then it won't be such a shock.
    Prepare yourself for all the rude comments people WILL make and the crazy looks you'll get when you're with your twins and also quite obviously preggo.
    Like I said before, one baby honestly seems like a piece of cake to me. I wholy, completely adore my baby. You will definately need a support system, so please PM me if you have any other questions or need advice or just support!
  14. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Hi - how nice to be able to talk to someone in a similiar situation as mine! My twins are now 15 1/2 mo. and my baby is 5 1/2 mo. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am a SAHM and love these little babies! They are keeping me very busy for sure. Are your twins sleeping through the night? That was my hardest obstacle because my twins didn't sleep through the night until they were 8 mo. I would love to be able to keep in touch. I look forward to chatting with you! Meanwhile, good luck with your pregnancy.
  15. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    My older dd is 20 months older than the twins..the advantages: you never really got out of the baby phase so it's not so hard to go back... the kids are too young to really understand that they SHOULD be jealous..and they never remember not having the sibling so it's very natural to love them... And they are all close enough that you can do all the same activities with all of them....
    Disadvantages: obviously your pg might not be as "relaxing" ha ha... but with twins first your singleton pg will probably seem like a piece of cake... the cost of diapers...just remember that regardless of spacing you would have paid for those diapers just hurts a little more in the short run...but think of it like a car payment...once it's done there's a huge surplus in the budget!!

    Congrats ... you'll be fine... it'll be busy..but you'll feel like superwoman on your "good" days...
  16. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the pregnancy... even though you are surely stressed out. [​IMG] Welcome to TS. No advice, but I'm glad mbcrox found you... I was going to mention she was in the same boat as you. [​IMG]
  17. Sweetbabylovex2

    Sweetbabylovex2 Active Member

    We too are expecting # 3!! At first I was very nervous and scared, but the girls couldn't be more excited, and I think that eased me up a little bit. Now I too, am excited. It of course is going to be a little hectic getting used to; and on another schedule, but I think moms of twins can do anything!

    You will do great and everything will work itself out! Congratulations and [​IMG]

  18. Smartycat

    Smartycat Well-Known Member

    Well, two days ago I was reading this post because I thought "Wow -- I wonder what that would be like! I can't imagine!" It took us several years, fertility treatments, a miscarriage, and an ectopic pg before we had John and Reid so getting pg again naturally was very, VERY low on my list of worries. The dr even said it was unlikely given everything we'd gone through. Well, I've been feeling like cr@p the past few weeks and I thought it was a cold. Then yesterday I was sitting at my desk working and felt like I was going to vomit. Then I started thinking "hey, the last time I felt this awful (cold symptoms plus barfing) I was pg. And then I couldn't remember when I last had my period. I got myself to CVS right away. Took and early lunch. And yes, 2 ept tests said pregnant! I am IN SHOCK. Thrilled, scared, but IN SHOCK. I'm going to the dr next week for bloodwork and a possible ultrasound (because I had one ectopic, another is always a risk) and we'll see how far along I am. 4 years ago, I would have said I wasn't sure we'd EVER have even one baby. Now I can't believe it looks like 3. I am so glad to read all the happy posts here because I am really nervous about how to do/pay for it all.
  19. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and Welcome to TS
  20. w2bam

    w2bam Well-Known Member

    I'm pregnant with #3 too (naturally on my first post-partum cycle after doing IVF for the twins). They will be 16 months apart. But I'm actually not too worried ... I think it will be nice to be able to re-use so much gear because none of it will be outdated yet, and the thought of only waking to feed ONE baby in the middle of the night sounds like a breeze! I'm sure it will be crazy for awhile, but well worth it to have three kids close in age [​IMG] Good luck!
  21. EJ

    EJ Member

    Thank you to all that posted and wrote to me. I do feel more at ease and will have lab work done this week to confirm. CONGRATULATIONS to Melissao, ccpersson, tulip1981, sweetbabylovex2, smartycat, and w2bam. I know now and feel better that I'm not alone. THANKS SO MUCH
  22. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    Conrats and welcome to twinstuff
  23. All Boys

    All Boys Well-Known Member

    Welcome! [​IMG]
    Gregory was planned... the 2nd pregnancy I found out about when Gregory was barely 8 months old. Totally unplanned and freaked me out. Then we found out at our first U/S at almost 21 weeks, they were twins!
    It was a shocker but now things are great. They are all very close and ALWAYS mistaken for triplettes now. The twins are 16 months younger than Gregory. Look forward to hearing more from you!
  24. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

  25. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats!

    My daughter is 16 months (to the day) younger than my twins. Its not that bad. I think its easier than having a young one when the twins are born.
    My son was almost two when the twins were born and that was an adjustment, but when my daughter was born when the twins were 16 months, it was kinda easy. You forget that with one baby you only have to do things once!
    I think the hardest part is being pregnant and having young twins to tote around... But thats easier with a singleton too!
    Good luck and if yo uhave any specific questions, just PM me!
  26. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    My twins are my last but wanted to say...
    [​IMG] to TS and congrats!
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