Pregnancy Brain Strikes AGAIN!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by 4kidsmomexpectingtwins, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    Okay, Where to begin??? First of all, I have been working 8 hour days the last couple days, having to get up at 5. NOT something I enjoy doing! I have not been working full time since October, so working these hours is something I am not use to doing anymore. I work at a daycare and so I had been busy with 5 babies, 4 pre-k's, and 3 toddlers.

    Now the story- After work yesterday, I had to take my 8 year old to the doctor. I had to stop at the bank and make a deposit before I could go and I grabbed something quick for lunch at Taco Bell. I was getting hungry! Then I took her to the doctor. After that I had to run to the pharmacy, which didn't have her prescript, so I went to a different pharmacy. Went to Walmart after that, because my 12 year old needed dress shoes for a band concert he was performing in last night and it was right there and of course I was in a hurry. Left there and headed home. My mind is racing by this time hoping I can get everything done before I needed to get my 11 and 12 year olds to the concert. Got home, had t.v. dinners (I know it's not the healthiest but works in a pinch ;) ), and I began getting ready to go. Once I got ready I helped my son with his tie, made sure my daughter looked fine and helped her with the nylons, then I sent those two to the car while I had to use the bathroom. I was washing my hands when my 8 year old heelies through the hall by the door and says, "Mom, did you just go to the bathroom with the door open?" I thought for a second and looked at her with a laugh and said, "Yes, I sure did!" OMG- I can't believe I did that!

    Okay, so this morning it doesn't stop there! I had to take my other 3 children to school, so I left my 8 year old at home with the dog and set up the phone so she could call my cell if she needed me. I head out towards the school and ask my 14 year old to check the time on my cell so I know what time it is, as I needed to stop and get gas before dropping them off. Come to find out my cell is dead. I thought that I had turned it off for the band concert, (thank heavens no one called me during embarrasing!) so it died over night and I didn't know about it. I try to call my 8 year old with my 14 year old's cell, but I can't get through, thinking I had forgotten to get off the internet (we live in a rural area and so we haven't been able to set up for satalite internet yet)... come to find out my 8 year old was trying to call me... for no other reason than to have the opportunity to call. She was fine. I had to run in to the school and talk to the nurse (give her meds for my son), talk to the music/choir teacher (I owe for a shirt for the 14 year old, in choir, and other fun info.), then had to talk to my son's social studies teacher, all the while thinking I had left my dead cell on the car seat, which was actually in my purse. I finally get home and my 8 year old is in tears cause she couldn't get a hold of me. I REALLY NEED TO HAVE MY BRAIN RETURNED... THIS IS GETTING TERRIBLE!!!!

    I don't know if I can make it this way for another 5 months! LOL! Next thing you know, I will be leaving a kid somewhere! I hope I make it through my finals... with this brain, I'll be lucky to get a C!
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: Sorry! I used to blame everything when I was pregnant on twin pregnancy brain. But I do feel since I had my oldest DD my brain and especially my memory have never been the same. I don't know how childbirth takes that from you, but it seems to. :D
  3. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I can totally sympathize with you. I am trying to work on my schoolwork and it seems impossible sometimes to focus and remember simple words to add to my assignments. It is amazing, I feel like such an idiot sometimes, I will be talking to someone and lose my train of thought or forget words again, or just go totally blank. It happens to most of us, hope you feel better.
  4. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Honey, I don't think I could do what you do pregnant or not! Give yourself a break and just know that I admire your good attitude and upbeat qualities!
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I am convinced parenthood saps valuable brain cells. Seriously. I am missing some and would love to find out where I can get some more.
  6. BMartinez72

    BMartinez72 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and being pregnant with twins - no wonder your brain is tired. You need to sleep more girl!!
    But if you don't want to or can't sleep more this may help:

    They say that pregnancy makes a woman's brain shrink by about 3% during the last trimester. The omega 3 levels drop by 2-3rds from prepregnancy level. The omega 3 fatty acids also block the formation of factors that can lead to premature labor. They've linked it to Omega 3 Fatty Acids and how the baby needs it for serious developement (brain and eye) even after pregnancy. This draw on our own supplies causes memory loss and the brain shrinkage. This is even linked to postpartum depression. The best thing to do is make sure you are getting enough through your food, maybe even flaxseed oil supplementals, they have a new thing on the market called Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement by Enfamil. It's a one a day pill and gives you 250mg (the average american only gets 50mg). My grandma has noticed a huge increase in her memory since adding this in and eating more salmon, so after we had a cool conversation about it, she bought a ton of canned salmon (the awesome kind with bones in it still) for me. I haven't been eating that much of it right now, but maybe 1x a week. I'd rather get my Omega 3 from a non-mercury source. Walnut oil, olive or canola oil, flaxseed oil, eggs enriched with it. The link has more. But beware, if you cook with the oil, it changes the properties and may actually contain less omega 3 than when it's fresh. Cold-pressed it usually the best. (some info gleaned from Dr. Luke's book When you're expecting twins, triplets or quads) has a bigger list.

    I'm definitely doing what I can now (while I just read that I need it the most in 3rd trimester - oops! I must have forgotten!) as well as afterwards because I got serious postpartum depression with DD and I'm worried that I'll have it twice as bad after having the twins.

    MARYLANE Well-Known Member

    I'm just impressed at all the things you do while pregnant with twins. No wonder you're loosing it, I would too even without being pregnant at all! I have only one daughter and it's already hard enough.

    a modest piece of advice: slow down on the activities before your body forces you to stop completely :pardon: you don't wanna end up having to go on bedrest or else...

    as for memory loss due to pregnancy, it's true that I have lost a LOT since I had my first daughter and things aren't getting any better. I sometimes feel like my head is purely empty and all my neuronal connections just burned out <_<

    Good luck!
  8. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    slow down on the activities before your body forces you to stop completely you don't wanna end up having to go on bedrest or else...

    My doctor has already informed me that at 24 weeks he wants me on bedrest no matter what. I guess I am trying to get it all in before I can't spend that extra time at school with my other kids! ;)
    As for school, next semester I am taking 1 class only and it will be online. I am so stressed over everything else, that I actually had a dream about it the other night! LOL! I wouldn't even take the one class but I don't want to loose my scholarship. I am taking the class with a previous instructor that I know fairly well, and she has already assured me that I won't have to go in for the final presentation. I will only have to do the written part! YEAH! I hope to be so bored with bedrest, that I will have the semester's work done in the first month.

    it seems impossible sometimes to focus and remember simple words to add to my assignments. It is amazing, I feel like such an idiot sometimes, I will be talking to someone and lose my train of thought or forget words again, or just go totally blank.

    I am soooo with you! I hate trying to figure out the easiest information that use to come so quickly and now it's a struggle just remembering how to type the word "and"! LOL!

    Thanks for caring everyone! Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on!!!! :friends:
  9. ercooper

    ercooper Active Member

    Oooh, my brain is so bad this time! This is my 4th pregnancy, but first twins. It doesn't even compare to the singleton pregs. I just stare at people when they are talking to me and it's like I take nothing in! My poor DH has to put up with it, but I think he gets a kick out of it. It doesn't help that my other three are preshoolers and toddler and I am continually on the level of about a 3YO.

    Add in the extra clumsiness, and I am quite a sight!

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