pregnancy after twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rainkane, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    So.... babies are one, I got my period once, then it never came back... curious I took a test, guess what,, Pregnant!!! So as happy as my husband and I are, Im freeking out. Im not sure what scares me more the fact of how to you raise a baby with twins, but could it be twins again, or what will everyone say! My family isn't nessisarily helpful and I know as soon as I tell them Im preg they are going to say and how do you think you are going to manage that! What are you crazy1?!It isn't like I planned this, but why wouldnt everyone be happy? Babies are a blessing, no matter when you have them. Anyway I think I just need some words of encouragement, I always seem to get that when I come on here. Im also worried of taking my attention away from my boys, how is it possible to love another as much as my boys, I know its possible but I feel like a traitor or something... does that make sense?
  2. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your newest blessing!!

    Your story sounds just like mine! I had two irregular periods then nothing so I took a pregnancy test, not expecting it to be positive. My twins were just under 10 months. I was happy, but had a really hard time with the news... scared, anxious, thinking of twins again... it wasn't until about 14 weeks that the excitement overtook the negative feelings. My family's reaction was 100% positive, but there were the comments like "how are you going to manage" or "you will be busy" or "holy crap," but they were meant in a supportive (or sympathetic) way. If your family isn't excited for you, forget them... don't let them bring you down!!!

    I also have the same feelings about changing our family as it is and feelings of guilt that my boys were the babies for so short of a time. I feel like being pregnant, I can't be the active and playful mother they deserve. They are too young to completely understand, but I think they know something is up. They have been very clingy since I started showing. I just try to remember that in the long run, they will benefit from having a little brother so close in age and I imagine all the trouble they will get in together!!

    Congratulations again, and come join us in the Expecting Twins -> Pregnant After Twins group!!
  3. jendisney8

    jendisney8 Member

    Congrats!! As of this morning, I am in the same boat as you so I was relieved to see this post. My girls are a little older, 21 months, but I am still concerned about how I'm going to handle two toddlers and a baby. Just the logistics is going to be a hurdle. I will need another stroller to hold three and now the DH and I will need to look at vans as we have a mini SUV that won't hold three carseats. We has wanted to move into a bigger house before we had another one as this house will not fit all of us, but financially, that's not doable.Also, I don't see either sides of the family being too happy about it. Right now, I'm just feeling all of the stress and hoping the excitement will kick in eventually. I'm so glad to know there are others on here that I can relate to. Whenever I ask myself "how am I going to do this?", I just come to "People do it". People have triplett's, quads, etc. and still live to tell about it. My mother had 4 kids, one after another...people just do it and so can we! You're in my prayers! Good Luck!!
  4. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I found I was suprise pregnant about three weeks before my girls turned one. The day I took the test and it came back positive I jsut cried. I was so scared about how I was gonna handle all of it. How are we gonna afford it? We have already bought a bigger a car (and added the first car payment to our family..our other cars were payed off). Then we dicided we needed to move to be in the same town with the grandparents. That meant DH looking for a new job, lookign for a new house, and trying to sell ours. ALl of that has gone smoothly except the selling part. Then when we told the family and friends we got all sorts of reactions.....happy, seemingly dissappointed, and my favorite the people that made fun of us for "getting in this situation". I am now 23 weeks and still scared about how it is all gonna work. Are the girls gonna get left out because I am so busy with the new baby girl? Is the new baby gonna not get as much attention because the girls take all of my time? My girls wake randomly in the middle of the night for hours at a time and am I gonna handle all three of them awake and crying? I also think about the fact that come November I am gonna have three girls under the age of two before my third wedding anniversary. It is just very very overwhelming. The family and friends have all become very supportive but it took a lil while. I am so glad you posted this because I feel very overwhelmed by it all and it is nice to know that I am not the only with these fears and concerns. Good luck to all of us!!!
  5. Well-Known Member

    I had the shock of my life when I got pregnant when the twins were seven months old. I was asking myself all of the questions about how in the heck I'd manage, how could I take time away from the twins, could I afford the extra help I'd surely need, where would the baby sleep, etc. I got over my shock pretty quickly and enjoyed being pregnant and thought about all of the parents who had triplets+ and large families and managed.

    My pregnancy was a walk in the park compared to the twins. Entire days would pass and I wouldn't even think about being pregnant, I was so busy with the twins! The delivery and recovery were super easy too. I think carrying around the twins made my really strong.

    The twins love "their baby" and she is a huge blessing. They'll never know a time without her. There are certainly tough times, like our recent run of illnesses lasting nearly 12 weeks, and it's hard to get out around all of the naps, but we do. The toughest time for me was not being able to pick the twins up after my c/s for six weeks. DH travels, so his mom helped two weeks and then I had to hire someone to help me while he was gone.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  6. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Congrats! My twins just turned 1 and DH and I have been talking about trying again. I'm turning 34 this summer so I'm not getting any younger. Your twins will be almost 2 when the new baby is born, which actually is a pretty common spacing between siblings. You'll do just great and you'll be surprised...2 year olds are actually quite good with babies. You'll be able to get them to fetch you diapers and toys. You may find yourself letting them watch a little more tv than you initially planned, but oh well :)

    Hope to join you on the expecting forum in the near future *fingers crossed*
  7. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    oooo...I just read this post and got the shivers of excitement for those of you pregnant and thinking about it. :) Just wanted to say good luck and I know you will get lots of support and hugs from here. Congratulations!
  8. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    We found out I was pregnant shortly after the twins first birthday. It was a bit of surprise, but we were planning on trying this summer anyways. The first thing my mom said was, "Wow, you will be busy" Last time I checked, I already was! But alot of people have given me reassurance and said how nice it will be that the kids will be close in age, and therefore like to play together. My cousin has two girls who are 5 years apart in age, and she said it is really difficult right now to find things for them to do that they both like...and it is hard because the younger one still needs a nap....
    I am sure there will be hard days, but I think we will get through it! If you go to the Pregnant after Twins Forum, there are alot of mamas on there who have BTDT!

  9. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmmm I guess since I'm right in the thick of it with a newborn and 1.5y/o twins I can tell you it gets easier day by day! The twins love their baby sister (though not always as gentle as we would like!) and just like with twins you just figure out what works for you! When Hannah was about 1.5-2wks I even took all 3 to Target by myself!!! Yes I thought I was crazy but then at the same time I thought if I never do this I will never figure it out!
    I guess what I'm saying is you just figure it out day by day:) Babies change soooo much in that first year that I can't believe how different Hannah is than just a week ago!!!
    As for what everyone else will say...who cares!? Its your family;)
  10. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Mrs Wright,

    I am very intrigued in how you took all three of them to Target. Do you have a triple stroller? HOw did you manage it? That is one of my fears...trying to go out with all three and not being able to do it.
  11. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No I refuse to buy a triple stroller bc we don't even use the double that much. I carried Hannah in a carrier and pushed the boys in the basket part of the cart. I will say I don't ever take them when I need a lot of stuff, only to walk around and buy a few things here and there:) The boys were great, stayed sitting and didn't fight....Hannah however did not like the carrier so it was a fast trip...but I did it nonetheless:)
  12. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I got pregnant with #7 when the twins were 4.5 months old. The hardest part for me was the last couple months. Just being sooo pregnant (she was 10lbs 11oz.) and then recovering from the c-section. After that, it has just been awesome. I love how the twins and Miss J. interact. They will never remember a time when she wasn't there. It does get to be a challenge with all the diapers ect., but you will manage and you'll actually become quite proud that you and your DH are able to raise 3 happy healthy little ones!
  13. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I got 1 period after I quit breastfeeding at 6 months and then found out I was pregnant....quite a shock since we had to do IVF to get the twins! LOL The twins are 20 months and the new baby is almost 4 months. It has its ups and downs but overall we feel very blessed and LOVE watching the twins interact with their brother!

    You are soooo my hero!!! LOL
  14. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I really had a hard time when I found out I was pg. I think after having such a hard time with infertility I didn't think it would happen so easily. It was only after I was pg that I thought about cars, carseats, strollers, getting out of the house... Yeah I do have twin envy somedays where I wonder what it would be like to just have twins.

    A singleton pg is easy but it was tiring chasing after twins a being pg Plus one was still not walking yet. Lifting the twins into the car was a pain. When the baby was born it wasn't that bad because it was only one baby waking and feeding and it was nice to just enjoy ONE newborn for a change. I really liked that experience even with twins running around. I often blocked the baby in the kitchen for the first months. I let them kiss the top of her head near the back and they liked that.

    clothes, she has caught up to them in size which I guess sort of makes things easy. They can all play outside together and for that it is nice. Being so close in age there is less "twin". I think having kids with an age gap does have its benefits and setbacks too. While it is difficult now, all the toys are the same, interests are the same. It got better when the "baby" sleeps when they sleep. She moved to one nap earlier than the twins for this reason. Sometimes you might find bathing the baby early and then napping at say 5 pm will put the baby in bed while you feed the twins.

    I don't have family nearby, my dh is away ALOT and works often but I have a cleaner once a week and I have the twins both in one day, and then only ONE twin in another day. This allowed me one day a week to be alone with the baby. We were able to get 3 carseats into the backseat of our car but soon we are going to get a 8 seater Toyota Sienna or Honda Odyssey which is the best for these ages.

    I think we just find a way to make it work. When they become a part of your life you will never want to give them up, it is hard now but yeah I think going on the large family sites it made me realize that if they could do it so could I. Plan now though by finding activites, parks, play areas, etc where you can take all three by yourself. We did Kindermusik for awhile and eventhough it was a pain, I could take all three.

  15. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! You are right, babies are a blessing! I found out I was expecting baby #3 when my lo's were five months old. So when we brought home our DD our sweet twins were 13 1/2 months old. It does get crazy around here sometimes, but now that she's almost six months old and the babies are 19 months old, it's getting a little easier every day. I take my three out by myself now and have been doing that for a month or so. Some days it's just a car ride, other days it's a stroll through the mall or Target or Walmart. (We have a valco trimode twin w/ toddler seat and Target has those awesome double buggies so we get one of those for the twin and I'll carry DD in a snugli.) DH and I have to plan more now before any kind of outing or traveling, but we try really hard to stay on the same page and work as a team. Your boys will almost be two when your new baby is born so they will be able to help you and entertain themselves well too. I know it might be a little overwhelming at times to think of life with three under the age of two, but all I can say is I have three under the age of 20 months and I wouldn't have it any other way. So enjoy your pregnancy and congratulations again!
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