Prefer onesies to regular shirts

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one who prefers onesies to regular shirts? I'm really having trouble finding some short sleeved (not sleeveless) onesies in size 12 month or 18 month (depending on the brand). We do have limited choices for stores in the area. My options are basically Walmart and Target. I guess I could go to Herberger's, but it's a 45 minute drive and I usually find their stuff to be pretty expensive. Anyway, all the stuff I'm finding stops at 9 months and the stuff that would fit my girls are regular shirts. I loved that I could go to Walmart last summer and get all sorts of mix and match onesies/pants for about $3.50 or $4.00 a piece. Sigh... The weather is getting warmer and my girls are stuck wearing long sleeves because I haven't found spring clothes I like for them.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Now that my parent's computer has stopped freaking out on me:
    I have found onesies by Carters in size 12 and 18 months. They are not plain but with designs on them. Not sure if you have Babies R Us or Toys R Us nearby that might carry them but you might also be able to get them online too. I don't mind plain shirts but I do have a preference for onesies myself.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found some short sleeve onesies at BRU a few weeks ago-plain white ones to put under long sleeve shirts if it's cooler out or something. Have you tried Carter's? Online even? I know we have a Carter's outlet about an hour away. At BRU, I think I paid $7.99 for 3 short sleeved onesies. It was cheaper than some others I had seen.
  4. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I should specify: I'm looking for onesies that can be worn with short or jeans as the outfit, not as an undershirt, so I definitely want something colored or with a print. I guess I should go look at Herberger's. They carry the Carter's stuff. I found a couple cute ones on, but I hate ordering clothes online because I can't see the sizing and tell if it looks like it will fit or not.

    Thanks for the comments so far, Ladies.
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest Kohl's. They have alot of Carter's clothes as well as some other brands - and they usually have good sales. You can purchase their stuff online, too. So, if you went to the more expensive department store to see how the short sleeves onesies fit by Carter's and then went online and ordered them - you might get them for cheaper!

    Good luck!
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I'm the opposite...I HATE onesies! I KNOW I've tossed shirts aside recently because they were onesies and I SWEAR it was at Walmart or Target. I think they were the Garanimals or Circo line...they were folded on a table & when I picked them up, I was so disappointed to see snaps! I think JCPenneys & Children's Place may have some, too, but don't quote me. I know I have some sleeveless onesies from Children's Place, but you mentioned short sleeved.

    I'll keep you in mind when I'm out & about & find those darnded onesies ;)....
  7. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    OH, and I KNOW Carters has onesies as actual shirts. I saw them at the outlet a few months back. Some even came with matching pants/shorts & I recall a circular set up with a bunch of mix/match stuff. I didn't look closely (I pretty much turn away immediately when I see onesies) but I'm 99% sure they were there. Unfortunately, you cannot shop Carters online, except within stores that carry it (ie Kohls). The selection itself is 10000 times better at a store or outlet though. That being said, I don't know WHERE in MN you are, but I know MOA has a Carters & both Albertville & Woodbury have the Carters Outlets. Might be worth a drive if you're desperate!

    Good luck in your search!
  8. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    JCPenney has a lot of short-sleeved onesies in their Okie Dokie line that are pretty cute. Not terrific quality, but definitely fine for one season, and inexpensive, too.

    My kids are waaaay too big for onesies. In fact, 12-18 months was the last size I bought in onesies, and they were wearing those when they were 7 months old. :lol:

    Now they're in 2T and 3T, and I definitely prefer regular shirts. I like sort of the sloppy look on Kevan -- printed baggy T-shirts that are untucked, and long shorts. Karina is wearing all of Nadia's hand-me-downs, including Hanna playdresses with capris -- I love these for little girls.

    (ETA -- the dorky vest that Kev is wearing in my avatar was a gift from DH's aunt -- she always buys them ridiculous Easter clothes that I feel obligated to use -- but I do NOT choose to dress him like that myself. Just so you know. LOL!)
  9. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    we stopped wearing them when the boys were tiny.... i don't like that "tucked in" look, lol!

    but, gl finding some. sounds like you got some good suggestions!
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I'm in the onesies-avoiding category myself, but I know I have seen lots of onesies at Target and at Kohl's.

    GL finding some cute clothes for your girls!
  11. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    i do too! i hate when thier pants fall down because there isnt anything to keep them up! -I bougth a pack of 4 pink onsies size 12 months at Walmart in the Newborn section! they have it on the wall , cute patterns and just as nice as a t-shirt look:) I do alot of dresses on the girls:)
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I like shirts better also (hate snaps!) but use onesies as PJs in Summer (they have a sleep sack so don't want them to get too hot).

    I like the Carter's onesies, the ones that come in pack of 5... The quality is pretty good and they are cute. You can find them about anywhere too, although Babies'r Us has Carter's stuff for 30% cheaper usually.
  13. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    I LOVE onesies. Without them on, the boys recently discovered how to pull their diapers off, so onesies are a lifesaver in my book! I find the bigger sizes in Walmart & Kmart. Hope you don't have to drive too far to find what your looking for!
  14. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    I would look online for onesies. I used onesies on my boys up to the 2T size. I found them at Target, Walmart, our local Carter's outlet, Belks Kohl's and Old Navy. Old Navy has great sales going on all the time for in season clothing. It took me forever to want to switch to regular shirts with my boys, so I understand where you are coming from. Oh, Children's Place also had tons of the larger sized onesies last year- very cute,too! Good luck with your search.

  15. cacorsi

    cacorsi Active Member

    There are pros and cons to shirts and onesies.

    I like onesies because their bellies don't show then. But I like shirts because there are no snaps!

    Kohl's definatly had Carter onseies. I love the Carter brand.
  16. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I LOVE onesies. She can't get her diaper off this way... and if we are home and not getting out she wears them around the house. If we go somewhere I put a shirt on her and pants... but I have tons of onesies because we are home a lot.
  17. alechiac

    alechiac Well-Known Member

    count me in as one who loves onsies. Even when they're in shirts, I put a white onsie on them underneath. In fact, I was just going to start shoping for some "light" onsies for under their shirts now that it's hotter. I still pick them up so much, and I don't like rubbing their stomach skin... AND they've recently learned to take off their diapers!
  18. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I was also going to suggest Kohls. Either the Jumping Bean or Carter's brands are great play clothes.
  19. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i'm a onesie lover too....

    in addition to those mentioned already like children's place and carter's, they have some pretty cute ones at gymboree, too--though not too big a selection or anything. i haven't been to target in several months (not by choice mind you) but mine had 18 and 24 month long-sleeve ones from there--circo brand. so i think they should have them for spring too? IDK

    ETA -- the dorky vest that Kev is wearing in my avatar was a gift from DH's aunt -- she always buys them ridiculous Easter clothes that I feel obligated to use -- but I do NOT choose to dress him like that myself. Just so you know. LOL!)

    and it's funny because i love the clothes Becca's kids are wearing in her avatar.....
  20. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I don't like onesies and am shopping for boys clothes, but I see them on Children's Place website on clearance often. They have $5 shipping. They do tend to run a little big IMO though.
  21. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I LOVED ONSIES!!! They stayed in their pants/shorts and stayed down!! Yes! ME! I did!!!!

    Now, it wouldn't be practical with using the potty etc., but OH YES!
  22. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    After looking about a million times, I finally found some 12 month onesies at Walmart. Whew! It was 93 degrees here yesterday, so we were definitely needing some short sleeved onesies. It's back to being a windy and a high in the 50s though. :( It was fun while it lasted. Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who plans to keep her kids in onesies until it's time to potty train.
  23. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    :lol: i probably bought the same ones:) Old Navy had some on clerance if you dont mind non matching ones-they were ok priced .
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