Preeclampsia and low amniotic fluid

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by srcrothers, May 6, 2009.

  1. srcrothers

    srcrothers Member

    Hi all,

    I am 32 weeks pregnant with twins, and had two doctor appointments yesterday. At my regular OB, there was a trace of protein detected in my urine so they drew blood and now I am doing the 24 hour urine collection (eww). I am terrified of developing preeclampsia. Did anyone else have protein in their urine but not have preeclampsia? Since I still have several weeks to go will I likely develop it even if I don't have it now? If you had preeclampsia, how did it turn out for you (was it as scary as I imagine it to be?)?

    At my appointment with my peri later in the day, we discovered via u/s that baby A has extremely low amniotic fluid around him. The doctor was not sure why this is the case as he could not see any blockage in the baby and I am not leaking any fluid. When I told him about the possible preeclampsia, he seemed to think they possibly could be related. Has anyone else heard that the two could be related? Did your baby have extremely low fluid? If so, what happened? I am so worried for baby A now, and baby B in the event that I have to deliver early.

    Needless to say, it was not a good day at my appointments. I am panicking about my health and the health of my babies. Any words or encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We had low amniotic fluid at 19 weeks and bedrest with protein shakes really helped. I didn't have pre-e though so I'm not sure about that. I just wanted to let you know that at 32 weeks you may want to get the steriod shots just in case you do have to deliver soon. We had too much fluid by 32 weeks and I was given the shots. The boys were born at 33 weeks 1 day and had great lung development. :hug:
  3. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Cant give you any input on the pre-e, but with my DS he was born at week 35 due to extremely low amniotic fluid. The only thing they could attribute it to was intense stress, as i had no other problems and was doing fine in the nutrition dept. I had an u/s as well and was sent in for a NST that showed he was under a bit of distress. He was totally healthy and perfect when he was born and everything turned out great once he was out. As long as baby A doesnt seem to be under distress, they will probably monitor you really closely and send you to L&D if things get iffy at all. Good luck!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I had pre-e diagnosed at 30 weeks. I did 2 weeks of bedrest on Magnesium Sulfate and then they had to be delivered. They are doing great. I did not have low amniotic fluid. GL! At 32 weeks you are definitely far enough along that if they have to deliver they will be fine. Get the steroid shots just in case. :hug:
  5. ilovemonkeys

    ilovemonkeys Well-Known Member

    Hi Sarah,

    When I went for my 33 week appt my BP was slightly elevated and had been as well earlier in the day. I also had put on another 5 lbs in 2 weeks and I was having a pain under my ribs on the right side. I think they said my urine was slightly elevated that day but nothing that would have made them think pre-e at that point. Anyway, the doctor wanted to admit me to the hospital overnight for observation. Maybe this was overly cautious but now I'm glad that he did. They did the 24 hour urine catch and my protein count was in the 500's! My doctor was shocked at how high it was. I ended up staying in the hospital until I delivered at 37 weeks 1 day. My babies' amniotic fluid was never low so I'm not sure if yours could be related to pre-e or not. Other than the fact that it got boring to be in the hospital for so long it wasn't bad since I was closely monitored and so were the babies. I was never put on the magnesium, which I hear is awful. Good luck, I hope everything turns out okay for you!
  6. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I had protein in my urine and the doctor discoverd I have a UTI (the 4th one for this pregnancy). But I'm sure they would have checked these things for you.

    If it helps my mother had pre-e with my brother and low amniotic fluid. He was delivered at 34 weeks. He's a healthy teenager today.

    Hope that helps some.

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I delivered my daughter at 35w5d due to low fluid levels (4.7). There was a problem with her cord. It formed off center from her placenta which wasn't something we knew about until after I had her and the dr. saw it. I was told the week before to drink drink drink LOTS of water to try and bring the levels up. As for the pre-e I cant be much help with that b/c I never had it. Good luck I hope everything works out:)
  8. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, but I did want to send some :hug: your way! Good Luck!!
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