Pre-term labor questions about steriod shot and Procardia XL

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by gonersgirl, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. gonersgirl

    gonersgirl Active Member

    I'm 31 weeks pregnant with twins.

    I had a non-stress today and apparently I'm having pretty consistent contractions. I'm not feeling that, at least that I'm aware of. Because of the contractions I was having, my perinatologist did the pre-term labor test (I have to call for the results in the morning) and an internal. My cervix has not dialated, but it has shortened and thinned out.

    I have an u/s scheduled for Monday morning, then another non-stress test. At that point he'll make a decision about whether or not I should have the steriod shot for the babies lungs. He also prescribed Procardia XL for me to start taking. He said if the side effects make me too uncomfortable, to stop taking it. It also looks like tomorrow will be my last day of work.

    Here's my questions:

    1. Did anyone take Procardia? I'm wondering if anyone experienced the side effects from it. I'd only be taking it for a short time.

    2. As for the steroid shot for the babies that a shot that's give to me, or is it given to each of the babies? Do you only have one shot, or is it a serious of shots?

    I'm hoping that at 31 weeks staying off my feet and doing everything necessary will allow me to stay at home and ward off labor without finding myself in the hospital.

    Thanks for any information you have!
  2. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I took Procardia for quite a while towards the end of my pregnancy & the only side effect I had was feeling a little bit lightheaded if I moved too fast ~ so nothing major :)
    I also had the steroid shots & I believe it was a series of 2 shots, given 12 or 24 hours apart (I cannot remember...) to me, not the babies.
    Hang in there momma & stay rested & hydrated :hug:!
  3. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member

    i am now taking procardia as of lastnight. i have read and been told by people that it makes them feel very jittery and nervous. how long are you having to take it? i am 24 weeks and just found out lastnight that i am in PTL. dialated to 1 loose cm (almost 2) and 50% effaced. hang in there. i have been looking up articles on the drug online and found some not so good news about how it can affect the babies and i have found good news. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND YOUR LITTLE ONES!
  4. terrag

    terrag Member

    I have been on procardia for the last month or so. I'm on it for a heart problem with one of my twins following TTTS. Right now I'm hating this medicine b/c of the side effects which are nausea, severe headaches, light headed feeling, just plain ick feeling.
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(gonersgirl @ Sep 23 2008, 02:30 PM) [snapback]993982[/snapback]
    Here's my questions:

    1. Did anyone take Procardia? I'm wondering if anyone experienced the side effects from it. I'd only be taking it for a short time.

    2. As for the steroid shot for the babies that a shot that's give to me, or is it given to each of the babies? Do you only have one shot, or is it a serious of shots?

    1.I was on procardia for about 4 weeks and I didn't notice any side effects at all.

    2. I got the steroid shots at 24 weeks, and its a series of 2 shots that they give to you in your butt. They give you the first one and then the second one 24 hours later. I got a booster of the steroid shots 2 hours before I delivered at 28 weeks.

    If I were you I would ask you to give you the steroid shots proactively at this point. They won't do any harm to your babies. I strongly believe they significantly helped my girls lungs develop and avoid long term complications. GL!!
  6. MrsSally

    MrsSally Member

    I am currently on 30 mg of procardia twice a day. The first two pills I felt like I as really tired after I took it, but I will be on it two weeks as of Friday and I haven't notice any side effects...other than fewer contractions. :)

    I haven't had a steriod shot yet, I don't have cervical issues...just contractions.

    Good luck.

    QUOTE(gonersgirl @ Sep 23 2008, 04:30 PM) [snapback]993982[/snapback]
    I'm 31 weeks pregnant with twins.

    I had a non-stress today and apparently I'm having pretty consistent contractions. I'm not feeling that, at least that I'm aware of. Because of the contractions I was having, my perinatologist did the pre-term labor test (I have to call for the results in the morning) and an internal. My cervix has not dialated, but it has shortened and thinned out.

    I have an u/s scheduled for Monday morning, then another non-stress test. At that point he'll make a decision about whether or not I should have the steriod shot for the babies lungs. He also prescribed Procardia XL for me to start taking. He said if the side effects make me too uncomfortable, to stop taking it. It also looks like tomorrow will be my last day of work.

    Here's my questions:

    1. Did anyone take Procardia? I'm wondering if anyone experienced the side effects from it. I'd only be taking it for a short time.

    2. As for the steroid shot for the babies that a shot that's give to me, or is it given to each of the babies? Do you only have one shot, or is it a serious of shots?

    I'm hoping that at 31 weeks staying off my feet and doing everything necessary will allow me to stay at home and ward off labor without finding myself in the hospital.

    Thanks for any information you have!
  7. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I would call and ask for the steroid shots right now as well. They are most effective between 48 hours and two weeks after the last shot. Two weeks from now you'll be 33 weeks and the babies will be in decent shape if born. Being born without the shots right now though they will almost definitely need breathing help. They'll be fine in the long run but it will mean more NICU time and procedures. Monday is a little long to wait since the shots won't reach their maximum effectiveness until over a week from now if they get them then. If your ffn is positive tomorrow, you'll definitely want the shots and I'll bet your peri will recommend you come in and get them. Good luck!
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I took Procardia from 22 weeks until right before I delivered at 31 weeks, and had no side effects from it. I had steroid shots right at 24 weeks. It's 2 rounds, 24 hours apart. I had a rescue round 48 hours before I delivered. It's a shot that they give you.

    Take it easy and hopefully those babies stay put a while longer.
  9. artemis

    artemis Well-Known Member

    I was on procardia for awhile because of contractions, but never dilated past 1cm. It made me lightheaded a lot and sometimes it made my vision really blurry. I also got a few headaches on it.

    I agree with the others on the steroid shots. I got them at 30 weeks and the neonatologist told me that there really aren't any negative effects on the babies at that point, just positive if they're born anytime soon. I don't see why our Dr. would be hesitating on that, when my perinatologist and neonatologist both agreed it was one of the most important things that could be done.
  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I was in the hospital for a week at 24 weeks with contractions then on bedrest until 32 weeks and in the hospital again until delivery at 33 weeks due to pre-e. I was on procardia from 24 weeks on and did not have any side effects from it (the terbutaline and mag in the hospital was a different story but still not too terrible).

    I got steriod shots while in the hospital at 24 weeks and another round at 32 weeks. There are no negative effects of having the steriod shots and I think they helped my boys considerably. They didn't need any breathing support after 24 hours when born at 33 weeks. As PPs have stated it's 2 shots for you 24 hours apart.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    . As for the steroid shot for the babies that a shot that's give to me, or is it given to each of the babies? Do you only have one shot, or is it a serious of shots?

    I had the steroid shots at 24 weeks. It's 2 shots, 24 hours a part and given to you as others have said. I know my twins also got cerfactin (spelling?) for their lungs after they were born. I truly believe the steroid shots made a huge difference. I would call and ask for them now.
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