pre-school question(s)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my LOs are just 2 but here in NY i was sending my LOs to pre-k when they are 4. its a private school, and i can do 2-3-or-5 days a week. (only a 1/2 day)

    some friends send their kids earlier (at 3) and i was wondering if there were pros/cons, etc. they are at an in-home daycare during the school year.
  2. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    My girls have been going to pre-school since they were 2 yrs old. They go two half-days. However, if I had to do it all over again I would've waited until they were at least 3 yrs old. I know they enjoyed it once they got over the initial terror of being dropped off some where (we never dropped them off and left, not even with family). Also that first year of illness being exposed to others was brutal and it would've been easier i think if they were a little bigger. However, it sounds like your little ones are already outside the home and probably won't have the same issues. You can always start slow with two half-days and see how they do. This September my girls are almost 3 1/2 yrs old and I plan on having them stay two full days...this is freaking me out. I still feel like they are too young but I know there are kids there 5 full days! GL :)
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I've enrolled my guys in preschool for this fall; they turn 3 in August. One thing to consider is potty-training. The preschool program that we chose is associated with the local school district, and they require that the children are 100% potty trained (verbalize having to go, take care of all hygiene needs, and clean up any accidents). This is a big deal for us at 3 and I'm honestly kind of concerned that they are not quite ready (PT-wise; I know they would do great socially and intellectually).
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    IMO the main goal of preschool before 4 is socialization, so I would say that it's unnecessary to send kids to preschool before that if they go to daycare anyway (unless they are the only kids there).

    I started at 2.5 with my kids but it's because I'm a SAHM and needed the break... and that preschool doesn't require kids to be potty trained (thanks god).
  5. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    We turn 3 years old in September just 15 days before our county deadline. Most of the preschools around me follow the public school kindergarten cut offs.

    So, we have been doing a toddler program drop off 1 morning/week since they were 15 months old. The place transitions to preschool. And they Will Help me Potty Train!!!
    We'll be 2 mornings/week with art one day and music the other starting this September!!!

    Socialization has been key for us. Also learning that sharing with each other is different than sharing with others (who aren't used to sharing). Also one of mine talks alot so it seems like the other doesn't really. Only when seperated or during school does the other one do better with communication.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls are 4 and will start pre k at our local elementary school in september. This will be their first school experience, and will be 5 days a week 1/2 day. While they might have been ready to start something earlier, I didn't want to enroll them ( for a lot of reasons). We have a wonderful babysitter, we go to the library a couple times a week for story and craft times, they get social interaction with friends, at the park, and at the library. So formal school didn't seem necesssary. It's a personal choice, but for us, the cons of sending them at 2 or 3 outweighed the pros.

    Eta: however if you ask my kids they will probably disagree. After we went to pre k orientation Ana said to me accusingly "why haven't we been in school until now mommy?!" and Meara said "mommy some 3 year olds go to school!!!". Whoops :laughing:
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