Pre-Preschool... would you?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Aug 18, 2010.


Would you send him to Stepping Stones (read below)?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  3. Other (please explain

    1 vote(s)
  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Evan turned 2 in April. He qualified for speech through EI which means that all services for the next year is free for us. It was suggested that he participate in "Stepping Stones" which is a school based program that is set up like a preschool. He'd still be 2 when he started it. The twins had 2 years of preschool (paid for because of Speech EI). If Evan's speech picks up, he could 'graduate' from needing help in speech. IF he doesn't do the 'stepping stones,' then him & I would be doing mommy & me classes. I'm just trying to figure out what would be best for him (and us). Everything that goes through my mind is 'how much will it cost & can we afford it.' I want what is best for him of course, but we're living paycheck to paycheck right now (with me not working) and I can't imagine what the additional cost of preschool would do to us.

    So, finanancial facts put aside.. would you participate in Mommy/Me Classes or send him to 'stepping stones' alone?

    Please tell me the "Whys" of your answer!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Really depends if you can afford it. My two get speech therapy also, they've been 6 month behind for over a year, and I just heard about Stepping Stones but I have no idea how much it costs. I've considered sending them to preschool this fall but can't find anything we can afford unfortunately... so I would consider it as an alternative, depending on the cost (for us it's in a bad neighborhood so I probably won't do it).

    If you're only looking at something that will help him talk, I'm not sure mommy and me classes will really help... but I've never been to one of those. At this point we're going to look at the YMCA as they do free daycare with membership (which is only $800 a year, plus I'd get some exercise, lol), and depending on the price of membership where you live and the child care facilities, it could be an option too... I'm going to check the facilities this week end.

    ETA - it depends on how big his delay is too... some kids are just late talkers and spending a lot of money in a program might not be worth it if he's just going to start talking in 3 months. Also most EI services pay for preschool once kids turn 3 if they still qualify for services, so it's something to think about (we're still unsure mine will qualify or not, will probably know at the last minute).
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  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Putting finances aside, I would put him in the Stepping Stones school. I am assuming that there, they would help him with his speech issues and that would be the main factor in my decision (if finances were not a consideration)...
    However, I do know that finances are huge consideration for me (a big reason why my two are not in any formal program because we can't afford it) so personally I would have to weigh what's cheaper and more beneficial for him in my decision.
    That probably wasn't the clearest of answers, but it's the best I can do.
    Does your state do any type of day care/ preschool subsidy program? Maybe that might help offset some of the cost of sending him to Stepping Stones if that's your decision.
    Good luck!
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  4. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    My middle son needed EI speech services. The in home services provided were excellent. I think you can provide plenty of social interactions for him without the need of preschool. I also think that EI is so great because they come into your home. It was SO much better than the private therapy we received at Children's and another therepy center. All of it helped David with his recovery, but we loved EI the most.
    Now I know I always err on the side of no preschool, but it's because there is only one chance for them to actually be toddlers. There is plenty of time for a structured enviroment. With financial concerns on top and getting speech already, I'm sure you could give him everything he needs at home.
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  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    If its a school based program, then they may have income based limits on paying. Many of those programs are financially based or needs based which means that you shouldn't have to pay if you qualify financially or because of some educational deficiency. Since you are the only one with a paycheck, if I were you, I would call and see what the income limits are for qualifying for free.
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  6. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I'm a believer in preschool. I have my boys in preschool and they are thriving! If it's somethign you can afford, I think it can benefit you. I think there are things good teachers can do that parents can't at home. There are tricks they learn, specific ways of helping a child learn who may need extra help, and it's not Mom doing it. I'm not saying you can't do this. Your Lo would benefit also by you taking him to mommy and me classes, but not in all ways. It sounds to me he may need the extra stimuli with other kids and with someone trained to teach him. If you can afford it, I'd say do a little bit of both. Preschool and some classes together. That way he gets the stimuli from school and the one-on-one attention he needs from you along with the socialization.

    If finances are an issue, you and he can benefit from either decision. Which ever decision you make will be the right one.
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  7. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    As a former teacher I think 2 is too young to start preschool unless it is a necessity. They will probably go to school for 17 year(just K-college) so why rush it. Now if he needs it for speech that is a different story but kids who are ahead at 3,4,5 yrs are not ahead by 3rd grade so it doesn't make a difference in the end. I would try to do some speech at your house and do mom and me activitites at this age.
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  8. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yes, the speech pathologist would still be coming out to our home to provide in home speech. I just have a feeling that one day he is going to be talking in sentences... it'll be like flicking a switch!

    I am too!! It provides some structure that the kids need when school comes around! It also provides a lot of social interactions!

    I totally agree... I don't feel that over two years of preschool is necessarily better than just 2 years. That is kind of why I am hesitating. I am presuming that we'll find a way to get him in preschool for the next two years IF he doesn't qualify for some sort of EI.

    Thank you everyone for your insight! The mommy/me classes do tend to be for the moms to provide an outlet and I love them! Thank you!
  9. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    Is the Stepping Stones program not paid for by EI? Our local EI office has a pre-preschool program called STEPS. My DS was in it for a year, and it made all the difference in his speech development. It was 100x more beneficial than the speech we received at home. For my DS, he really needed to be in the language-rich environment and he needed to be put into a situation where he was expected to talk to get his needs met. (To ask for his food and drink at snack time, to pick which activities to do, etc) It also helped him get used to the routine of a preschool. He's in an integrated preschool program now with an IEP, and I feel confident that the his experience at STEPS is helping him transition.
  10. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls went into a preschool type daycare at 2 and now in prek you can definitely see the difference between them and their peers who have been kept at home

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