I have been swellling horribly for the past about 4 weeks the past two weeks have gotten worse even when I am not doing anything I am swelling. My BP has been up and down since about 28 weeks and I am now 34 weeks and 1 day. I have been asking everytime about pre-clampsia because I felt like I was having signs of it and it makes me nervous, my sister just had it with her baby. They kept saying no bc no protein was in my urine. I went to doc on tuesday and she found protein in my urine and my BP was 148/90. She put me on stict bed rest aloud up to pee and shower and wanted to see me back in one week. I was to collect a 24 hour urine sample to see how much protein is in my urine and then get some blood work. I turned all this in yesterday and I do not go back til monday. I feel like alot can happen between now and then and it makes me nervous. Doc said depending on how much protein isin my urine determines the severity of the pre-e. Siad if its higgh then we willl talk ab out delivering these babies and then if its mild then she will try and contain it with bed rest until I can deliver. did anyone else go trhough this?! I am just nervous that if it is bad then monday is far away, and if its not can it get worse over time?! I know I am at an "ok" stage but i want these girls to stay n me as longgggggg as possible. just nervous i guess. I am monitor my BP at home and its always in the 140s and 150s even when i am sitting down doing nothing. when i get up someimtes i get light headed but it usually goes away and does not last very long...any expereince with this?!?! or how long after diagnosed did you deliever?!? anything will help!
I had severe pre-e. I was on hospital bedrest from 31 weeks until I delivered at 33.4 weeks. I would not wait until monday to find out your results. I would call them tomorrow just for peace of mind. If you have any spicific questions for me feel free to ask. My girls needed some time in the nicu, but just as growers and feeders. They are VERY healthy 10 month olds.
ME me me....this is actually my third time going through all of this. I developed it late with Ashlei and was induced a week early. and then again with Amber I developed it around 7 months and was able to keep it under control with bed rest. This time it showed up around 27 weeks I went through the same routine 1 week strict bed rest, 24 hour urine and blood work. Although there was protein in the urine there was not enough to do much more than bed rest. So here I sit at 29 weeks on bed rest and I will redo the 24 hour urine and blood work next week. I understand you anxiety and I am sure she would call if the results were severe. I do have her nurses direct number if you want to call me tomorrow I can give it to you or send it to you over facebook. Try and relax and enjoy your weekend.
I started with pre-e about 35 weeks. My pregnancy was already very difficult. I told my doctor I thought my BP was getting worse (based on home monitoring) and he said No, my BP taken by the nurse was good. I didn't believe it was accurate. The protein in my urine came back plus 3. I went in the hospital and we decided to deliver the following day. We didn't try to go any longer since 36 weeks is considered 'ok.' If you have any concerns, don't wait to get care. 34 weeks is actually quite good, so it's great you've made it this far!
I developed pre-e at 21 weeks and was kept in the hospital for a bit, but sent home on strict bedrest. I was already on bedrest from week 17 for short cervix. I had to do weekly 24 hour urine and blood tests. I ended up making it to almost 32 weeks, so I had it for a while. I always got my results within a couple of hours of turning in my urine. You should be able to call today and get that. If I remember correctly anything over 300 is considered pre-e, but the number can go up quite high. I think mine was nearly 600 when they delivered me, but I also had several of the other problems with pre-e. Of course the protein and high blood pressure, but the thing that did me in was my blood platelets had dropped to a dangerously low level and they had to take the babies. They were 31w6d and of course they needed some NICU time, but did great with no major problems. Just take it easy and try not to worry. I would definitely call though to ease your mind. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to get the results by now. Good luck!
welll i called my doctor on friday to get the results and her nurse called me back. Told me that my results were in but the doctor wanted to discuss a plan of action with me on monday. so she would not tell me my results! which made me very angry, i felt they were my results and I should be ableto know them when I want to. But i guess i can look at it two ways, one, they were not that bad so she would talk to me on monday or two they were high and she did not want me to worry over the weekend. not sure, we will see, but i go to the doctor tom. morning! will let you all know what they say...and thanks for your replys
I had Pre-E with both of my pregnancies. I delivered my DS at 36 weeks, was diagnosed with Pre-E only 1 day earlier. With the twins, I developed Pre-E at 30w3d and had them by c-section 2 days later. My ankles and hands were swollen and my BP was OUT THE ROOF (170+/110+) and ALOT of protein in my urine. Even after I delivered (both times) I had to be put on BP meds as well as meds for all of the fluid. Once most of the fluid was gone, my bp finally started to level out. Sounds as if you are far enough along that if you had to deliver now, your babies may not have to have a NICU stay. If they do, I bet it won't be a long one. My babies had a 6 wk NICU stay, but they are fine and healthy as can be! Good luck and keep us posted!
I developed HTN around 5 months and then became pre-e at then end of my 7 month. They monitored my pre-e constantly. I did the 24 hr urines, the stress tests, on and on. I was also hospitalized for a couple of days once. I went from modified bedrest to strict bedrest. What I noticed was that when I was in bed all day the pre-e wouldn't increase, but it was hard to be on strict bedrest sometimes b/c of all the appts. B/c of the pre-e, they decided to do my c/s at 36 wks instead of 38 wks. I felt so crudy by then. I was so swollen, felt like I had bugs crawling all over my body constantly, my fingers were numb...it's all a distant memory now My boys were just fine and didn't need NICU time. I know it's easy for me to say, but try not to worry. Before you know it will all be over and you'll have your beautiful babies!!!