Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by me_and_my_boy, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My boys are going to be 2 at the end of the month. I wasn't planning to rush the potty training as I'm a SAHM, but I think I might want them enrolled in part-time preschool when they are 3 and the ones I'm looking at require 3 year olds to be potty trained. How old were your kiddos when you started trying to potty train? How long did it take to have them fully potty trained? Do you think boys are harder or easier to train than girls?

    I know the boys will need access to the bathroom for me to be able to potty train and we are in the process of fixing up our house so that is not possible at the moment.

    Anyway, just curious :)

    Thanks for your responses.
  2. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    I have showed my girls (22m) how to I go potty in the toilet. On their own time they have learned how to take pants down, wipe and then pull pants back up and they do it fine except they have yet to actualy go potty, they sit but nothing. Have actually sat them on the toilets, we have both little potty's and sm toilet rings, for a while with books or toys and they have sat there willingly but still nothing. I am also a sahm and am not pushing them, I just keep explaning and letting them practice when they want but still nothing so far, so will just let them go at their own pace, as I have done what I can to teach them.
  3. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    We really started working with our boys a few months before their third birthday. Starting after their second birthday we had shown them the potty and would ask occassionally if they wanted to use it, but didn't really push it on them. We actually had a trip to CA planned the week after their third birthday and were hoping to have them potty trained for that - and they did it. Once we stopped using Pull-ups (too much like diapers for my boys) it was only about 2 weeks before they were going without accidents. By the time the trip came up they were diaper free, even at night.

    I can't answer on the boys vs girls - my DD is still in diapers. I think training the boys was easier because there was two of them. When they would see the other get a sticker on their potty chart they were determined to "keep up" - I'm actually hoping once we decide to train DD it will go as smoothly.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If you "train" them it can take a very long time. If you wait for them to train themselves, it can be very quick. You have 14 months before school would start--My boys birthday is June 27--so I understand where you are coming from. Take them in the bathroom with you--and more important, have their dad take them. You have plenty of time, when they are truly ready, it can be relatively painless. Also, talk to the preschool, the director of our preschool said they needed to have self help potty skills, but didn't need to be 100% trained. Also, she said that you would be surprised by how many kids train in August, right before school starts!
  5. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Neither of my children were hard to train but they did train at different ages. Kayla on her third birthday, Kyle 4 months later. They trained overnight, one day diapers the next day underwear with about 5 total accidents between the two of them (they have been trained for two years+ years now).
  6. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My first dd I started around 22mos old and she was fully potty trained by 2.5 yrs old. So it took a while but I had no clue what I was doing and didn't push anything.
    My first ds we started trying around 3 yrs old and it took him a couple of months. We tried before that and it was no use...he just wasn't into it at all. When he decided he was ready it was like overnight.
    My twins turned 2 April 25th. Today Kenna decided she wanted to be done with diapers. So she ran to the potty on her own about 20 times today and actually peed in the potty 3 times...okay well the last time she sat on the edge of the potty and peed on the floor but hey I counted that one!!! Mitchell couldn't care less and just likes to help Kenna get the toilet paper of the roll....ALL of it!

    Good luck. I personally think that if they aren't ready...its not worth your time...but you will never know until you try right!!
  7. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    I bought a potty for the girls and over time they are learning that it's the "potty" and what the potty is for, but you won't be able to make them use it. When they are ready, they will. It's very possible that they could be fully trained by 3 but I wouldn't press it just yet. Maybe just get a potty and encourage them but (and I'm sure you won't) press the issue. I work with a woman whose 2 and 1/2 year old boy was doing fine and suddenly is not going again in the potty. It's frustrating for her, but perfectly normal for him.
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