Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cjoy, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    I am just now starting to read about potty training...my boys are 20months. I have some time yet, but was wondering how you all have handled it. Did you train one at a time? Did you kick the other out of the house so you could focus on the one being potty trained? How long after training one did you train the other?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My husband came home when the twins turned 2 and told me "Shouldn't they be trained already?" Apparently people at his work were suggesting that. Audrey, at 20 months, had said potty and she may or may not have sat on the potty and was successful. I know she sat, but the question is whether she went or not. They were NOT ready at 2 years old. I waited until they showed signs and then did them together starting on a Thursday. I remember it well. Those first two days were torture for me, but I was stubborn and once I started, refused to give up... including the 3rd day when we took them to the State Fair! Ha! My husband suggested we put them in diapers for it but I argued that I did not work so hard the past two days to 'give up.' So, they were trained in 3 days basically, day trained at least. Keep in mind that your 20 month olds MAY still not be ready. Just watch for signs.. them telling you to change their diaper etc...
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Jackie.
    I attempted to train my twins at the same time and it did not work. My DD was ready before my DS was and she was completely trained by 32 months (night and day)...with her we used pull ups and using a sticker chart and M&M's were motivating enough for her. She went through the stages of having a few accidents, to no accidents, staying dry in the pull up while we were out, going to underwear when awake, staying dry for naps and then staying dry at night.
    My son was closer to three when he was trained and training him like her was not working. I had to do the 3 day potty training program with him...he was not PTed in 3 days but he went from a kid who would not do anything on the potty to on the 4th day exclusively going on the potty...it took him a few weeks to be dry at nap and night time but using the 3 day program got him over the hump.
    I always say, you can try to train them and if it doesn't work, you can always go back to diapers and try again later.
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My kids will turn 2 next month. They have been going daycare 2 days/week for 2 months or so. They got trained at school, but not home. They still wear diapers. But now they do tell us "pee" and go to bathroom. They hate to pee in diapers, even at night. Im just not ready for this training thing. But i guess i will ask the baby sitter start next week.

    One more thing, my kids dont like potty trainers. They like sitting on the toilets. They use mini toilets at school. So i bought the baby sit to put on the toilet and they use that. Gl i know its so frustrated!!
  5. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    Thank you all!
    It is interesting...I just started reading a book, "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day"...sounds crazy doesn't it? I really don't expect it to take a day, but a figured a week or so of clearing my schedule and putting them on the potty every 15mins..working up to 45min, etc. They seem to show the readiness, as far as telling me "peepee, or poope"...but then just want to hang out on the potty, DS2 has peed on the potty a few times, but DS1 just tells me about it, and never wants to sit on it. Meanwhile when DS2 is on the potty, DS1 is getting into things in the next room. I don't want to discourage the toilet if they willingly say "yes" when I ask if they want to go on the potty....but I also don't want to drag this out for months and months if I don't jump right into it. I think I am going to wait a few more months and then go for it, as they are still not always waking up dry from naps yet, and never ever are they dry in the morning. I don't want to rush it and frustrate both of us, but if the window of oppurtunity is here, I don't want to miss it either.
    My pedi gave us a neat article on how we as parents are waiting longer and longer to potty train because of our life styles, and I can totally see how. It mentions how in 1920 the average potty trained age was 12months, in 1940 14-16months, in 1960 18months... in the 1980s 2years...and now it is 3years. I believe these kids are smart enough to go on the potty...but maybe not focused enough to recognize the sensation while acting quickly enough to verbalize it, and get to the potty?
    Regardless, I was just wondering what other twim mommies were doing...because when the time does come, I don't expect it to be easy!!
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