Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hogbeast, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. hogbeast

    hogbeast Active Member

    It's been a while since I've posted. I have started (really, this time) potty training my boys, will be three and a half in June.
    They are a little delayed in their speech and have been in EI since they were 2. My one son was dx'd with PDD-nos but we think that he has
    very mild autism... he is doing great :) Anyway, thoughts on potty training... advice? Just trying to keep my head straight here!!!!
  2. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    We did the 3 day potty training technique by Lora Jensen right before the twins turned 3. It took the full three days, and I thought I was never going to make it - it is definitely a challenge, but it worked. Even for the nighttime sleep. Once we started, we never used diapers again, and they only had 2 or 3 accidents at night. It was amazing. You can find info at 3DayPottyTraining.com. If you will be doing it by yourself, you may want to just train one of them at a time.

    Good luck!
  3. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    Oh, and to mention since you said they have speech delays - in her method, she explains that it does not matter if they can not verbalize the need to go potty. She talks about other signs to look for and how to work with them.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Are they in the school preschool program? Jon was (he was almost 4 when he finally trained), and I worked with the teacher on it. She would give me ideas, and we would follow through at school and home for consistency. One thing that really did help was to buy something that he really wanted (at that time a v-smile game) and put it up high in the bathroom where he could see it, but not get it. Once we had a major success, like actually pooping in the toilet, he would get the prize. He got one for his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd successes. Then for a week without an accident. Then about 2 weeks later, he was declared "trained" and he got the last prize.
  5. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I pt'd my middle son who had speech issues from a head injury. We used the potty sign instead of him conversing with us. He was able to sign to us, but even if you use the sign and they recognize it and understand it would work. I agree incentives worked very well for him!
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