Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Birchbeer6, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    DD and DS go potty very well when they have no diaper on, even while we are home and they are no where near potty, they tell me they got to go.....but I always take them out everyday and by habit put a diaper on....well of course they are going to go in diaper, and of course they wont tell me they went... So what do I do now???? at times, they want there diaper on and DS refuses to even put on underwear!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would try some short trips without the diapers on and leave the underwear on. If the kids just absolutely refuse to go w/out a diaper, then I would follow their lead for the time being and do diapers for the trips out until the kids are more ready for it.
    With my DD, I started taking her out with underwear on when she was staying dry consistently while we were out and getting better at using the potty while we were out. My DS, I did the 3 day potty training program (he's not fully PT-ed yet but he is doing really well after 2 weeks of this) and I just had to go cold turkey with him even while going out. I just always bring a change of clothes with me and keep a potty in the car. Good luck!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I agree with Nancy. I would try some short trips, even if it's just a quick trip the store with out a diapers. I wouldn't even make a big fuss out of it... Just say okay we're going to run to the store.. Lets all go potty, and then leave.
    Good luck!
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yep, just try it! we did mediocre potty training for a few months at 2 yrs... then on Aug 20th (27.5 mo) I bit the bullet and bought the 3 day potty training ebook and packed up all their cloth diapers the next morning and haven't put a diaper on them in a month! there have been crazy days, but the last couple of weeks they have really excelled! An example is that the morning of Aug 20th we'd gone to the park and I brought the little portable potty (Potette Plus - love it!) and even still we had probably accidents each! ugh! that's what prompted me to just go for it.

    anyway yesterday we went to the park again and my ds came and found me 3 times to use the potty and my dd 1 time. No accidents, we came and left in the same clothes! Wooooohooo!

    With all that said, I put a small changing pad cover or something else that is waterproof in the bottom of their carseats and but they've never even had an accident in their seats. I still try to make sure I have something in the seats in case... but they are getting so much better. I think if you have them in the diaper the kids are bound to use them...

    good luck!
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