Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by orangeyaglad, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    We just started introducing the potty to them and the past few days they have gone pee in them a couple of times. They know where their pee and poop come out of and where to go if they do, but won't sit long enough on them to really let it all happen. They know how to pull their pants on and off and forget about keeping that diaper on. LOL They also can hold it a lot longer and wake up with not so full diapers anymore. They have a lot of the signs of being ready so I think we're going to give it the full go in a month. Just wondering when you started and what you did for nighttime training? We are converted their beds soon because now they are getting really stuck in between the slats and wake up screaming. Any advice/tips is much appreciated. Thanks all!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we haven't yet. :laughing: we have potties for the girls that they like to sit on, fully dressed, while i'm going to the bathroom but that's about as far as we've gotten. the few times they've peed without clothes on they've lost it (screaming, crying, terror :unknw:) so it's not something we have any interest in pushing right now. recently both girls have started letting me know when they've gone in their diapers (although sometimes it's hit or miss & sometimes they'll say they've pooped just before nap or bedtime because they know i'll take the time to check which means they get to stay up 30 seconds longer :rolleyes:), so that's a good step in the right direction.

    honestly, i would say it can't hurt to give it a go. just know that on average, the sooner you start, the longer it takes until they're fully independently pottying (only because, for most toddlers, regardless of when you start, the average age of being completely daytime potty learned is between 2.5 - 3. nighttime is a whole different beast & is, in some respects, completely out of your control when it happens). obviously, there are some toddlers who take to it no problem - so on the off chance you have some of those, go for it! worst that will happen is that it will be obvious they aren't ready/interested & you go back to diapers for a while.

    i really recommend Elizabeth Pantley's "No Cry Potty Training Solution" - she has lots of great ideas in there & also has a whole section on pre-training. we're doing a lot of that stuff with our girls right now. GL!
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the book suggestion. They are telling me when they go now and I can't keep a diaper on them worth anything. I tried the duct tape and they totally figured out how to get it off. :headbang: I'm just lucky they don't wake in the middle of the night and do it, but I'm sure that's right around the corner. ;) I know a lot of parents who have successfully potty-trained their kids before the 2 age mark, so that's why I thought I would ask. Thanks again!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two were not ready before age 2 but it sounds like your girls are giving you the signs that they are. I would follow their cues. I started practicing with my two at 18 months (introducing the potty, etc) and my DD is close to day trained now. DS is nowhere near ready. As for night training, I would also follow their cue on that one, if they start waking up dry then maybe they are ready to night train. I know there are some people who recommend waking them either an hour after they go to sleep or right before you go to bed and see if they have to go and then doing the same an hour before they normally wake in the morning.
    But it sounds like you are doing a good job with them and what you are doing is working. Good luck!
  5. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    Mine are ready and we are starting tomorrow. I am sticking with it. I am certain that many children are capable of being potty trained well before two and mine are and will be too. They are showing all the signs and I am eager to get them trained - just not looking forward to the training part. So when they get up tomorrow it's full force ahead for potty training. I bought a tonne of gerber training pants from Wal-Mart and some pull-ups for when we have to go somewhere, and am using the rest of our diapers for night time. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm glad I'm not the only one going for it at this age. I'm sure I'll be cleaning up lots of pee and poop in the next few weeks but oh well... at least it's the end of diapers in this household forever(until I need them for my leaky bladder!)
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  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Rachel, the more I hear about your girls, the more I think that they are the soul-mates of my boys! :laughing: My guys tell me when they poop, tell me when they're *going* to poop, ask to sit on the potty fully dressed, but when I try and take their diapers down they scream and cry in terror. :pardon: So there is no way I'm pushing it either. Thanks for the book recommendation; I put it on my Amazon wishlist!

    To the OP: as long as your girls seem ready and aren't fighting it, then there's no harm in trying! Let us know how it goes! :)
  7. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    We're half a day into it and the story goes like this. Woke up, both had semi-dry diapers, and quickly made a trip to the potty. Nothing. Oh well... Go downstairs for breakfast, and my son tells me he wants to go boo-boo(his word for poop) and we dash to the bathroom. He pees in and out of the potty. While doing that my daugher pees on the floor behind me. Then we go upstairs, my son tells me he has to go again and I put him on the potty. We wait for eternity and I tell him I have to go downstairs and I take him with me and put him on the potty down here. SUCCESS! Huge poop in the potty. YAY! In the meantime my daugher goes poop in her training pants upstairs while telling me from the top of the stairs she needs to go poop while I am helping my son go poop downstairs. Off to outside and no accidents. Right before lunch another trip to the bathroom and my son pees in and around the potty again - when can i teach him to point his penis down or to stand up? Hopefully quickly since this seems to be a theme. Nothing from my daughter but she tried very much to go pee. I'm wondering how the rest of the day goes but if it's anything like this morning I'm calling in my mother or mother in law for a couple weeks of help. One person training two toddlers is demanding. I'm so grateful they are communicating they need to go. I'll keep you posted.
  8. mela27

    mela27 Member

    Was just on here looking for some tips on this subject as well. My Girls are 19 months and im looking into trying the whole potty training stuff next month. My son will be in school so it will be just me and the girls. One tip I have gotten so far was to let them be bare all day. only put a diaper on them at nap and bedtime. yes there would be a lot of cleaning up but they will get to understand their bodies more. Pick an area in the house where you will be spending most of the day. Have their potty and sippy cup ready for them all day. That way you dont have to be running back and forth to the bathroom. once they get the hang of this you can start putting the potty in the bathroom. Pull ups feel to much like diapers and as for underwear there will be tons of accidents that your laundry load will be crazy. So this will be our set up next month. Pick an area in the house, have their potty near by, give them lots of water during the day and keep that bucket and mop near by for the clean up. Good Luck to all
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