Potty Training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by akuaba, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. akuaba

    akuaba Well-Known Member

    I am seeing sure signs that my B&G twins are ready for potty training. They are telling me when they want their diaper changed and they can communicate if they "poo pooed" or "pee peed". My daughter is definitely ahead of my son on this but I have heard that girls usually make the transition a bit earlier than boys. But, I am not very excited to dive into this new "activity". What kind of potties are you using? Do you have two? I think my son will want to do what his sister is doing so..I think I need two. And do I need two downstairs and two upstairs? Or do I put them on the toilet with one of those toilet training seats?? Ugh. This just seems really overwhelming. And, then when we are out of the house, do we bring a potty just in case we are caught off guard and not near a public restroom? I am excited to get them out of diapers but the transition scares me a bit. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I started introducing the potty at 18 months...by that I mean just having the potties around the house and telling the kids what they are for. Around 23 months, I started having them practice sitting on it at different times during the day (wake up, before & after nap and before bed) to help them get the idea. I did get two potties (a talking Elmo one and a Summer Infant One) and also have a toilet seat for upstairs. My son has only gone a couple times in the potty and my DD over the past month pees frequently in it. My friends who have potty trained before do recommend getting a cheap potty seat for the car in case they need to go. I also will take their toilet seat with me in a plastic bag in the diaper bag in case DD has to go when we are out.

    I wish you the best of luck on potty training!
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We have two Baby Bjorn potties and two Baby Bjorn potty rings that sit on a regular toilet. At first, we only used the little potties, and kept both of them in the playroom. That way they were close whenever someone needed to go. Once they were competently using the potty rather than a diaper, I introduced the potty ring, and now those are used 95% of the time.

    Once they were mostly potty trained and I didn't think they'd have accidents, I transfered one of the little potties to the back of the car for trips. That was a life saver.

    Just FYI - my girls started showing interest in potty training at about 22 months -- so similar age to yours -- but didn't actually potty train until they were 28 months. We tried at 24 months but even though P & C could tell us that they had gone, and were interested in the little potty, they just weren't fully ready and it was more stress for all of us than we needed. When we tried again this past October, they were ready and trained in about a week.

    Good luck!
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    It is all so overwhelming :hug:
    I tried a lot of different things with my oldest when he was this age. What ended up working for us and I plan on doing it with the twins. Is getting the training seats that go on the toilet. We tried the little seats but I hated cleaning them and also once he got the hang of it I ended up having to transition him to the big potty. I'd rather them just start at the big potty, one less transition. Plus they have the little portable one that can fit in the diaper bag so you can take it with you, rather then carry around a big potty.
  5. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    We started a few months ago with 2 potties from Ikea. Super cheap, like $4. You could buy lots of them if you wanted some upstairs and downstairs. Anyway, their sitter wants them on the real potty with a "donut". So we switched to that. I notice quickly that Mallory really wasn't into the potty just yet but Samantha really was. They are 22.5 months now and Sam is potty trained completely. She's wearing regular underwear. Something I did with the 2 of my girls that I've now potty trained, is put them in training underwear instead of pull-ups. We did pull-ups with Sam for a week before switching to training pants. They don't get the wet feeling in pull-ups and I really think they need that feeling. Good luck! I'm going to start on Mallory soon since Samantha is completely out of diapers. It sure would be nice not to buy them for Mal! Oh also, I'm not using the little potty with Mal when I start. The donut is so much easier because you can just flush it!
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