potty training woes and clueless mama

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Hi there,
    So I've posted a fair bit about my one DD who was very interested in the potty to start, we started 5 weeks ago. Some days she does quite well, usually seems to wet her undies a little and
    then realize and come get me, sometimes she is dry, is quite good with pooping in the potty. Overall she was progressing well, I thought. Lately though she is having tons of 'mini' accidents.
    Like one afternoon after her nap I had to change her clothing six times. Same thing this morning, she peed for me before I went grocery shopping for ONE HOUR, and then had an accident and two potty trips with my husband, then another accident when I came home! I thought about a UTI but she is otherwise happy, pleasant, eating normally, sleeping well, nothing that would indicate she is unwell. I am going to take her to the clinic anyway but I am doubting a UTI. I'm almost thinking that the novelty has worn off for her? She is not quite even 27 months corrected. She is a petite little thing, on the 25th percentile or so, but she wasn't having as much difficulty holding her pees and poops in the beginning weeks, so I'm not sure if her small size/small bladder would matter?
    Barring any UTI issue, should I press on with her? I have been putting pullups on for naps/bedtime. Is this confusing her? Should I give her a break from all of this and try again? How soon? I feel a little bad about quitting the undies, etc. because she loves them and she loves the encouragement and praise when she has success, but I really don't see just changing her 10 times a day as progress!
    Sigh...her sister is totally uninterested...what should I do???
    Thank you :)
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's possible the novelty did wear off for her. The same happened with my DS. Initially he started out so well and then got to the point where he'd sit on the potty and do nothing. Finally DH and I just gave him break from the potty & put him back in diapers until he got to the point where he was peeing and pooping only at nap and nighttime and we decided that a) he's a stubborn mule and b) if he could hold it like that, he could start potty training again. We did the 3 day program with him at 32 months and I would say 6 months later he's completely day trained and about 95% night trained -still has the occasional accident at night. With DS, we gave him a 2 month break from the potty.
    As for your other DD who is not interested, I wouldn't push it with her right now.
    Good luck!
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Nancy, she may have lost interest after the newness wore off. She is still young, I would maybe think about giving her a break & starting again. Or maybe talk to her & ask her is she is still interested in going on the potty or if she wants to go back to diapers, or maybe pullups & she could continue to poop on the potty? I usually found that, once the kids were truly ready, they rarely had accidents after the first week. Good luck!
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I found this to be the case as well. If she is having accident after accident, I would give her a break. Good Luck!!
  5. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Have you tried incentives? For every trip to the bathroom that she is dry she gets a treat. Or if she is dry at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime she gets a treat. It may help her over this lasp. I know that incentives always helped my guys. We have a TON of hotwheels cars from potty training my older 2 boys.
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I thought i'd already posted in here... I wanted to say that my dd was doing great until my ds finally started pooping in the potty... then with all the extra attention he was getting she started peeing in her booster seat at the table... UGH! this was at maybe 30 mo old... anyway a trip to the dr. and a clear bill of health later, we just started praising her more!! and lo and behold she quit the pee accidents... great, manipulations are already starting!

    anyway, we have various charts for stickers and such. a simple way is to just take a calendar and draw a star on it when they go pee or wake up dry etc. whatever you decide. mine think me drawing the star is just as cool as me giving them a sticker... and I don't have to keep buying stickers! AND a start on a calendar gives me a way to see our progress.

    good luck!
  7. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    We had been using smarties, she would usually get one for any 'success', and the thing was she sometimes even forgot about it as the incentive and went to the potty anyway. I took her to the clinic and the doctor said it can be common, especially since they both had a bad cold last week which could run them down, but I still think there's no UTI here because she's perfectly fine otherwise. Sometimes I would motivate her by making it a 'race' to the potty, or I'd say we can't go on our outing/activity/whatever unless she potties first, and all those things would motivate her. I find it strange though that she would only pee a small amount and hold enough to have an accident a short time later.
    For now I have her back in pullups until I get a confirmed result from the doctor but I feel like it's such a step back, will she forget everything she learned? She has asked to poop in the potty though, and she asked to pee this morning, but I am otherwise playing cool about it.
    It seems like there are two perspectives out there: let them let you know when they are ready, OR get them going and train them and take charge. My issues here are this: I am expecting our third baby at the beginning of May, which will be a disruption for sure, but then I have the girls registered for preschool four mornings a week in the fall, and the expectation is that they be toilet trained for this school, so I am feeling the pressure.
    Eeeeeek.....what do you think of this plan...give her a few days break until I get results, then try again with undies and perhaps a different reward system? How the heck did moms do this back in the fifties when kids were potty trained by two???
    Thank you ladies for your help :)
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