Potty training twins!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mooshie, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    Ok, I haven't actually been on here in a LONG time! But my identical twin boys are now 2 years 5 months old. It really is getting close to time to potty training them. They show interest, often wake up dry, can take their own pants off (and do on a regular basis whether we want them to or not) and I'm sick of diapers. I just don't wanna do it! I'm afraid it will be a terrible failure. :( Mostly because it went wonderfully with my oldest DD, my older DS did not do so well, and my 4yo was very resistant! Honestly I only potty trained her because I was tired of having 3 in diapers. I just don't want another year and a half of accidents, and fights over going potty. But I don't want to have them in diapers forever either. Anyone else feel this way?

    But really, I know I should do it now while they're interrested and not wait too long until they're no longer wanting to have anything to do with the potty. And I figure this summer is a good time because they can just run around in underware and a t-shirt. I just need to be brave and do it. I'm just worried about it being a nightmare with twins! Any tips on how to do potty training with twins that is different than doing it with singletons? Heck, anyone wanna come do it for me?! Please? hehehe
  2. AVAS

    AVAS Well-Known Member

    I tried for months to focus on training both of them. I was getting so frustrated I was about to give up. I decided to try one more time only focusing on the one who seemed more ready. I just put the not-as-ready one in diapers and didn't mention the potty again. The first one is totally day trained now and I am much happier. I think his brother will follow when ready. That's my two cents. Good luck!
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mooshie @ Jun 23 2009, 11:20 PM) [snapback]1366126[/snapback]
    But really, I know I should do it now while they're interrested and not wait too long until they're no longer wanting to have anything to do with the potty.

    For this very reason give it a shot - now! I waited too long with my girls for this and that reason and they were resistant because they started to have too much of a voice. Thankfully, we are done with it now!! :good:

    I would just get started on both of them. Don't stress yourself out though, it's not worth it!! If you see it's not working well after being determined for a few days, stop and reassess. Like PP said, maybe at that point try one at a time.

    Good luck!!
  4. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    Mine trained separately based on readiness -- DS at 2.5 and DD over 3. If they are really ready, it should be an easy process. I would give it a shot and if it does not work, but them back in diapers. Nothing to lose.

    Best of luck!
  5. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I was in the same boat with my boys this time last year too. After trying with just training undies and doing more wash then ever, I did pull-ups. It took until the end of August just for them to actually pee in the potty (2yrs 8m) and DH was the one who got them to do it I was at a wedding reception and DH called to say they finally did it. I was worried too and just wanted it done by the time they were 3. They also continued to use their potties until last week when we finally got them to start standing and going. It felt like forever but now they do everything on their own. You really have to let them feel like they are in control, start to make the potty a focus but not pushing so much they don't want to do it.
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I agree with Michelle, give it a shot for a few days and if you see they aren't progressing at all, stop for a bit. :hug: It's not worth getting all stressed over.

    My own personal experience, I tried doing both at the same time. :gah: That was a emotional mess for me. I couldn't do both. My dd was more ready then my son. So I did her first and a few months later my son. :good: That's what worked for us.
  7. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    I have to chime in, mine decided about 2 weeks ago it was time (completely on their own). I am from the school of thought that they will do it when ready, this didn't work out for my oldest son, as i still have issues w/him and he is 7.
    That being said, the boys are doing great, i do get annoyed/frustrated though, i spend most of my waking hours at home doing potty patrol w/them. But I know this is part of it! I also know we could regress some, so don't get frustrated! it will all work out!!!
  8. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    We did ours seperately and I think that worked well for us. Once my first DS was completely trained, i started the second. I think I started the second one about a month later than the first. BTW-- I love not having to diaper twins anymore, I know what you mean about having three in daipers.
  9. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I was scared, too. I tried it the first time, and it didn't work. I just kept trying every few months and it eventually stuck. It definitely is intimidating (or at least it was for me) trying to potty train two at once, especially since my son was a nightmare to train. I think you should just pick a date and go for it. It may not be as bad as you think.
  10. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    Thank you too all for the encouragement! I think we will try in about a week and a half. I just want to get back from our camping trip first. I sure hope it's not a nightmare. :)
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