Potty training - She'll sit there and play then get up and then pee on the floor

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christinam, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies! This question isn't about my twins but my 3yr old. I thought I would put it over here instead of the Club board. My DD turned 3 in September. She's so ready to pt. Or so I thought. We tried it and she's peed in the potty twice and pooed once. She's also pooed on the floor once and had dozens of accidents. She refuses to go on the potty. She'll sit there and play then get up and then pee on the floor. She cries for diapers. If I just say tough deal with it she just pees on the floor. I really think she's just not ready with the timing part. I'm in the court to just wait and try again in a month and keep up the process each month until she gets it. I have others saying if she's done it once she gets it so keep trying. I'm not sure. My older two just got it. DS was 3.5y before I tried. We went cold turkey and were great. DD was close to three and got it easily as well. Not sure what to do!!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm always a fan of waiting. It's not something you can force them to do since they're in control of actually going so why make it a battle of wills?
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Thank you!!! That is what I think too.
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Kayci was close to 3.5 because she just didn't care. And up to that point I wasn't willing to fight that battle. I finally decided she wasn't going to do it on her own so I did my own version of the 3-day method over a long weekend at home. I put the little potty in whatever room we were in, put her in underwear and never looked back. (Well, except for night time, we stuck with diapers at night for a little longer) For 2 straight days I cleaned up giant puddles. But by the third day she started getting it. She had more accidents than any of the others for a while (like once a week or so, not a ton) but I wasn't going back! At first I offered a treat for getting any pee in the potty at all. Then it was for stopping the flow and getting MOST of it in the potty. Then it was for keeping the panties dry. I figured the ultimate goal was dry panties, didn't care if she peed in the potty as long as she didn't pee any where else! lol
  5. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Well, DD seems interested today and has peed and pooed in the potty today. She had an accident earlier this morning. This morning I only had two clean cloth diapers and naturally those went on my 17 mos old girls. I stuck DD in undies until clean. She had an accident but then later pooed on the potty. After that I decided to just leave the diaper off and she's peed since. Maybe this will be the time it clicks??? I'll give her until tomorrow night. If she constantly is having accidents and cries for a diaper I'll go back. But, this is what she does. She flip flops.
  6. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Ok today we're back to diapers. We're going to stay in diapers for a month and see then.
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