Potty Training ?s

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by *Shelly*, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. *Shelly*

    *Shelly* Well-Known Member

    Ok, we are officially on the potty training thing, but am confused by a few things. I'm sorry if these ?s have been asked before.

    Carter has decided it's time, which is great! He decided yesterday he wasn't going to wear anymore diapers. We had to fight with him last night to put one on durning bed time. Anyways. I was talking to my mom & she said we should pour warm water on his "woohoo" to help him go pee & to let him drink the warm water. Because she claims that's how she got my brother trained. I just don't see the logic on it because wouldn't he just not go unless he's getting water poured on him??

    Another thing, do we just do undies durning the day & pull-ups at night? Which pull-ups? Dh saw the "cool feeling" ones & wondered if those really work or if the generic brand ones work just as good.

    He tells us non-stop he has to go potty & we're affraid to ignore it unless he really does have to go, So do you just go when he says or do you do it every 30 mins?

    I am so lost at this potty training thing.

    TIA for all the help & again sorry if these ?s have been asked before!
  2. *Shelly*

    *Shelly* Well-Known Member

    Ok, we are officially on the potty training thing, but am confused by a few things. I'm sorry if these ?s have been asked before.

    Carter has decided it's time, which is great! He decided yesterday he wasn't going to wear anymore diapers. We had to fight with him last night to put one on durning bed time. Anyways. I was talking to my mom & she said we should pour warm water on his "woohoo" to help him go pee & to let him drink the warm water. Because she claims that's how she got my brother trained. I just don't see the logic on it because wouldn't he just not go unless he's getting water poured on him??

    Another thing, do we just do undies durning the day & pull-ups at night? Which pull-ups? Dh saw the "cool feeling" ones & wondered if those really work or if the generic brand ones work just as good.

    He tells us non-stop he has to go potty & we're affraid to ignore it unless he really does have to go, So do you just go when he says or do you do it every 30 mins?

    I am so lost at this potty training thing.

    TIA for all the help & again sorry if these ?s have been asked before!
  3. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    I just started with DS this wk. I'm with you!!

    My Grandma said the same thing about the warm water! How funny! I tried it, didn't work!

    I'm doing with him the same I did DD. Diapers (not pull ups) only at Naps and nighttime. STICK TO YOUR GUNS! Stay home this wk. if you can so he can get it down. I put the potty in the room they're in if they're using the portable one. That way you won't have to get up every 30 sec.
  4. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I used pull ups for nap and bed. I also used them when we went out but I put real undies on under them. I never used pull ups before training so mine never got confused with them on. I called them night night and bye bye undies. I never did the warm water thing. I would take him every time he says he has to go. For awhile mine went a lot plus it is great practice for him to get used to the feeling he has when he does go. I only did every 30 mins the first day after that I just reminded them often and tried to convince them to try every hour or so. After about a week they were correctly telling me when they had to go.
  5. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Never heard of the water thing, I agree....don't see the logic.

    We did pullups at naps and bedtime. We didn't use them before either so there was no confusion. I probably wouldn't do the ones they can feel because right now I am not sure if you want them to feel it during sleeptimes. I would let them conquer the daytime first.

    I would let him go whenever he says. I never did any timing, never asked them if they had to go, they went when they needed to.
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Add me to the list of people who have never heard of the warm water to train. Hmmm...

    Anyway, We did regular undies during the day and pull-ups at night (mine stopped napping otherwise they'd have used them during naps too). We used both Pampers and Huggies brands and honestly saw no difference in the quality of them. I'm not sure about the cool feeling ones. Kelly fought me on diapers once she had pull-ups at night. There was night that I ran out and needed to use diapers and she was not happy. So, consistancy with the pull-ups is important. You can also make a chart telling him that if he wakes up dry for a week straight he could try sleeping in undies (just make sure the mattress is protected).

    We also took them whenever they told us they had to go. I felt that it was better to let them learn the feeling even if they had accidents in the beginning then timing it. They both had some accidents and I consider them learning experiences.

    Good luck with the training and WTG Carter on the big step!
  7. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    I guess every child is different but we successfully used Pull-ups during training. For Ben, it was a quick training within a week or so at 34months...and into underpants. Night training also simultaneously occured. Luke is just going through official potty training now. When I hear that it takes children....6mons+ to train...I wonder if they just aren't ready? Maybe it would be easier for all to wait a few months and try again. I had to do that with my one son. He just wasn't ready when his brother.

    I used the "cool alert" style pull ups for daytime (did not use at night because I didn't want them to wake up if they went). They seemed to be effective in getting the point across about the accident. I just wasn't willing to have our house and furniture peed on with accidents. In our situation, pull-ups worked fine. I realize that I am probably the minority on that.

    I never used a timer. In the beginning, I would ask every hour or so. Minimal reminders after one month. Only remind now if we are out of the house. Ben goes all day long by himself at home, he only needs assistance from me with #2. I'm still in the reminder phase with Luke right now.
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