Potty training regression

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lharrison1, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Okay so I HAD both of them completely day trained. In fact Reese was the easy one, willing, excited, consistant etc...now out of the blue she could care less about it. I mean it had been several months of not one accident to now the ONLY time she goes on the toilet is if I put her there, and even then she will go a tiny bit and then pee her pants 10 minutes later.
    Talking to her about it goes in one ear and out the other...she just doesnt care, not about being wet, not about getting a reward or me being proud of her.
    I have been putting her in a pull-up after the first or 2nd accident of the day, (same with daycare) we cant just constantly change soiled clothes, but now she uses the pull up like a diaper.
    Has anyone else experienced this? Why is she doing this? What should I do? I cant afford pull-ups in place of diapers and I am scared that if I just put a diaper on her she will just go to being a 3.5yo kid that is not potty trained AT ALL.
    I am so so incredibly frustrated, mainly because she WAS doing it, and I know she CAN.

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I'm sorry Lesley, it is frustrating when they do this. With Trevor he went through something like this with pooping on the potty. So what we had to do with him (just for pooping) was basically start over again. I made a new sticker chart (even though we had done at the beginning of PTing) and he got a sticker each time he pooped in the potty and worked towards rewards to earn. I hated having to start over with him, but it's what had to be done.

    Can you think of something like that that might work with Reese?

    Good luck! :hug:
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Amy, Lesley. You could also give her a break for a week or two and start over again with undies and rewards. I went through this with Luke, he started off great and then fell off the wagon. I put him back in diapers and started over again about a month later.

    Good luck! I hope she turns around it for you soon :hug:
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we had lots of regression with my dd when we started praising my ds for pooping on the potty last year... I started praising my dd for anything progress of getting to the potty and she turned around... not sure if it's the same thing for you... is there anything that is new that is taking away from the pottying?? oh ugh for regression!
  5. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    no help here just a :hug:

    i had SO many issues (still do but not re PT) w/ older DS... he was one of those 3.5 year old who had to run naked in the back yard to seal the deal on p.t. :gah: BUT on the positive side it was cute seeing his bum running around all naked... i will remember it on my dieing day :blush:

  6. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm going though the same thing with A&R. Both of them have at least one accident a day and I just want to pull my hair out! I'm putting them back in pull ups after the second accident. I think part of ours is because I no longer ask them to go to the bathroom on a regular basis (they were doing so well going on their own) and partly because they want to use the same bathroom (even though we have three.)

    Yesterday I went back to asking them to go every hour. We only had one accident each yesterday. And Royce's wasn't too bad, just a little pee on his underwear. Alice's though was a "mop the floor and give the kid a bath" bad one.

    So I'm right there with you.
  7. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    My dd was fully day trained, and regressed a few months ago - I hoped on that immediately, I brought out new underwear and a fancy new sticker chart and it turned her around within a few days. But, for me the key was catching her right when she first started regressing - because she loves attention, and if she starts to get attention from accidents she will just run with it.
    I would set it all up again and start from new- tons of positive when she uses potty, and praise for other twin as well, and a new sticker chart with a reward that she loves (new toy, cookie, treat, special time with mommy - whatever works for her).

    Good luck, hang in there, she will get it.
  8. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: ugh I'm so sorry!! :hug:

    The only thing that has helped here is finding their "want". Is there a type of candy or food that she totally loves and isn't allowed to have often? Ours turned out to be coconut m&ms, and I didn't even offer them to my ds who was the one having trouble. Instead I gave them to aly every time she went potty on the potty. I didn't say anything to Jake about it but he wanted it so bad that he did finally go on the potty again just to get candy. We've had to do this 2 times but it's totally worth it and we're able to slowly move to stickers after awhile.

    My only advice, good luck!!
  9. hannahshope

    hannahshope Well-Known Member

    One of mine is trained and the other wont poop and as long as she is wearing a pull up she wont Do either except occasionally. So today we started over in panties and I just told daycare if she poops in her panties throw them away. I pray it works this time. We've done everything. I told her we would buy her an airplane ( toy one :)) if she goes so I'm hoping this works!!!! :). We've bribed w everything. She just has to make up her mind and do it!
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