Potty training question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by someone, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    my three and a half year olds are pee trained and day trained. they do sometimes still have accidents but are pretty good. one also poops on the potty but my other one is afraid too. she asks for diaper to poop in, i have tried bribing, telling her it will be easier (she doesn't like the wiping) but nothing works, she will not go on the potty. does anyone have experience with this and how did you train to poop on the potty too?

    also when should night training happen? the one who poops on the potty acually sometimes wakes up dry but my other one always wakes up soaked! any advice would be appreciated.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    For me, night training happened when they were dry for X amount of nights IN A ROW! For my daughter, it was about 3 months after she was day trained (I think). For my son it was 2.5 years after they were day trained. Nighttimes is a brain thing. It's not something you can really teach I do not think. Just limit liquids before bed and have them go potty before bed. Give them every opportunity to have a dry night. If they do not, then they are not ready.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Jackie, I know night training was nothing I could train the kids to do, they had to do it on their own when they were ready. My DD was night trained about 3 months after being day trained. Oddly enough I remember the last time she wore a pull up. I kept her in a pull up overnight for a month before I finally said to myself, I guess she's night trained. (It was August 29, 2009). My son was night trained probably about 3-4 months after day training.

    As for poop, some kids really have a hard time with the visual of something from their body going down the toilet. I know during the first round of PT-ing with my son, he pooped in the potty and did not expect to do so and he was totally freaked out. It totally turned him off of PT-ing for a while. We just kept assuring him that poop is normal and we all do it (I even sang my own little song, Everybody Poops to the tune of Everybody Hurts by REM). And since DD was training at the time, I would make a big deal about her pooping in the potty and letting him know that she was okay when she did that and it was perfectly normal and he was going to be okay when he was ready to do it. I think as he got closer to 3 and we did a second round of PT-ing with him that was successful, he was just more ready and accepting of the whole process. So I would just keep reinforcing that it's totally normal and maybe come up with some kind of reward for pooping in the potty.
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