Potty Training Poll

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mandylouwho, May 3, 2007.


Please Choose one of the following:

  1. I potty trained mine together and Im glad I did it!!

    0 vote(s)
  2. I potty trained mine together and Im sorry I did it! :(

    0 vote(s)
  3. I potty trained them seperate and Im glad I did it!

    0 vote(s)
  4. I potty trained them seperate, and Im sorry I did it!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Other: I did it another way, Please explain!

    0 vote(s)
  1. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    This is the one thing I have NO experince with. I know a lot about babies and even toddlers, but with this I am LOST! PLease post your success stories for me, and to share with others maybe going through the same thing.

    Thank you TS ladies (and gents) in advance!! :p

  2. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    There is a sticky thread of success stories in the potty training subforum, you can find the subforum at the top of the main 1-5 page.

    I didn't vote because I honestly didn't train them, when they were ready they did it all. It did end up that their timing was not the same so they trained 4 months apart. Worked for us! I personally don't think this is a decision you should make but one your children should make!
  3. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I think that maybe you should add a question to your poll.... are they id. or fraternal???... both boys, both girls or one of each... I have a b/g and I think this made a huge difference... my dd was ready at 19 months, and she did it herself. I was as shocked as everyone... I didn't do anything except to put her on the potty one day when she wanted to go.... My ds is scared of the potty and totally not ready yet..so he has yet to be trained... I really think it does depend on the kid...but unlike the pp I can't claim that I didn't train my kids... my older dd I definitely trained. She did resist a bit, but after a week she got the idea and did just fine. I knew in my gut that she was ready, just stubborn... and once she mastered it (after about 5 days) that was it and she has rarely had an accident.... My twin dd, like I said, was one of those do-it-yourself kids.... With my ds I do expect a bit of a fight.... but I'm not going to start aggressively trying with him until he's over 2.5...simply b/c he's a boy and from everything I've read/heard boys are a different ball game from girls.. i'm hoping with some encouragement he'll start this summer... but I'm not going to do anything drastic like take away the diapers entirely like I did with my older dd...not yet anyway. He does love his big-boy underpants...but he has no clue that he can't pee in them or why he shouldn't pee in them... he thinks it's just peachy to walk around in wet clothing! :rolleyes:
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I voted other because I started to train them both at the same time but only one was ready for it and the other had no interest. It was a long and frustrating period for us. Katrina who trained later we tride many times off and on and it just got very frustrating until one day she just decided she didn't want to wear a diaper any more and has done a great job since. Kira who trained first we still have problems with off and on and has a constipation problem with. I know for our son I will not push it and when he is ready he will train, just like Katrina did.

    I was also going to mention the sticky at the top about potty training it has sucess stories and also some things people have done to train their kids.
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