Potty training opposites

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Babies4Susan, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Lily is potty trained, except she still wears a pull up overnight. We did a boot camp weekend, she had some accidents at first trying to make it to the potty in time. For a short while she didn't poop in the potty, but once she figured out the control on that she's got that down too. But when you sat her on the potty, or when she sits herself now, she gets rid of everything she's got in there.

    Now, on to Grace. For a while she refused to even sit on the potty. We knew she wasn't ready, so we backed off and just asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty about once a day. Lately she's been asking to sit on the potty, saying she has to go, and showing general signs that she really is now ready.

    She never pees more than a drop or two in the potty though. The girl will sit on it all day long, that doesn't bother her, but she never puts anything substantial in the potty. She knows when she's gone in her diaper, so I would assume she knows what happens when you go, but ugh! Saturday I decided to do a boot camp with her to try to kick start something, she wore underwear all morning long, sat on the potty a lot, drank as much water as I could get her to, and never once went on the potty. But she also did not go in her pants. She just did not go, apparently she held it. By lunchtime it was apparent she had to poo, but she didn't go. I promised that child cupcakes, her ultimate treat, and she still didn't go. So she went 4+ hours without going pee or poo. And then she went in her pull up while napping. She also often wakes up dry in the morning.

    So she can obviously hold it. Does this mean she's just not ready? She acts totally ready, same as Lily did when she was ready, but she just is the complete opposite when it comes to process. I really want to get her to train but these tiny little drops of pee in the potty, or nothing at all, is totally different than my first experience.

    Anyone have this? What did you do? Any advice appreciated. :)
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    She's probably just not ready. My Nolan just couldn't do it when Meghan did. It took him a few more months to be ready. I hope you get there soon!!
  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, just support b/c it's happening here too!!

    I tried a three-day span of potty boot camp too. Ben caught on immediately and has been 100% dry for at least three weeks now. Sarah refuses to have anything to do with the potty. At all. She seems slightly interested from time to time when she sees Ben being praised for using the potty, but not enough to try it herself. She's just not ready, so I've completely dropped the subject with her. I AM pleased to be down to just one in diapers though!!
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Allison did this. She would go all day without peeing until I put a diaper on her at night and then the flood gates opened!! She would sit on the potty time and time again and say she had to pee, but nothing. After three days of this, I put her back in diapers. This happened in June, I tried again in October--no luck, and then again in November and all of the sudden, she started peeing. I agree with pp, she probably just isn't ready yet. Allison hated to be wet in a diaper and would bring me diapers to change her, but for some reason, she just wasn't ready for the potty.
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aaron did this. My whole thing was...my goal was for him (any of them really) to wear underwear instead of diapers. After a few days of accidents, he would sometimes go in the potty, sometimes the only time he went all day was in the diaper/pullup at nap and then at night. I figured, he wasn't having accidents, so it didn't matter to me that he didn't use the toilet that often. He knew that he wasn't supposed to go in the underwear and he didn't. BUT he was just a few weeks shy of three when we did this and he was one of three in diapers at the time. I think I saw your dd is 2yrs 8mos? If so, I'd wait like two months and then try again. My ultimate cut off for potty training was 3yrs (until I got to Miss Stubborn Diva Kayci but that's a whole different story!) so that's why I just went with keeping the undies clean and dry. I figured he'd eventually stop napping and have to use the toilet at least once a day!
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