potty training..in desprate need of help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Loriann, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Loriann

    Loriann Well-Known Member

    most of you dont know me i havnt been on here for a long time.. my twins are now 4 and arnt completly potty trained. Mikayla will use the potty to a point but still wont poop, i can sometimes catch her and send her into the bathroom but not usually because she hides... trace on the other hand will make no effort to go into the bathroom at all unless I make him and tell him to all day long. so i am having to have him in pull ups all the time. now my youngest is 2 and wants to go but will only just sit there and push as hard as she can until she passes gas and thinks thats all she needs to do and is so proud of herself cuz she went potty... I am giong to school full time, and havnt been home a whole lot but now have changed my schedule so I can be home more, but there isnt much change with me being home. they are about to start day care tomorrow and I am hoping that might help if the care givers are willing to help. I just dont know what to do anymore I have tried so many things and it is now just frustrating and really starting to wear on me. Im hopeing that y'all have something I havnt tried. any suggestion are totally appricaiated!!! TYIA-
  2. Loriann

    Loriann Well-Known Member

    most of you dont know me i havnt been on here for a long time.. my twins are now 4 and arnt completly potty trained. Mikayla will use the potty to a point but still wont poop, i can sometimes catch her and send her into the bathroom but not usually because she hides... trace on the other hand will make no effort to go into the bathroom at all unless I make him and tell him to all day long. so i am having to have him in pull ups all the time. now my youngest is 2 and wants to go but will only just sit there and push as hard as she can until she passes gas and thinks thats all she needs to do and is so proud of herself cuz she went potty... I am giong to school full time, and havnt been home a whole lot but now have changed my schedule so I can be home more, but there isnt much change with me being home. they are about to start day care tomorrow and I am hoping that might help if the care givers are willing to help. I just dont know what to do anymore I have tried so many things and it is now just frustrating and really starting to wear on me. Im hopeing that y'all have something I havnt tried. any suggestion are totally appricaiated!!! TYIA-
  3. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    Hi Lori,

    I remember you. [​IMG]
    My DD Kelly took quite a while to potty train. With her, we think there was some sensory stuff going on, and she either didn't notice exactly when she had to go, or she didn't notice when she had gone (maybe a little of both (?)). Anyway, our preschool director suggested a couple of things that worked very well --
    First, we got a special toy for her (in her case, a pretty dress-up dress that she REALLY wanted to wear) and put it out in plain view but told her she could not wear it, until she went in the potty. Then, we put her in underwear, as long as we were going to be home. Kind of messy and a hassle, but it was the only way she seemed to realize when she had gone. Even pull-ups didn't work for her..... I guess they were too "warm" for her to feel any difference. I had tried just about everything else and thought she would never potty-train, but after less than a week in underwear, she got it. [​IMG]

    You also may want to check out this quicklink: Before You Potty Train. It presents a lot of good things to consider.

    Good luck!
  4. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the old 'let them walk arouind without clothes on' routine? I have heard that works many times too. Most 4 year olds wouldn't like just peeing/pooping on the floor all day long. They eventually would probably get embarrassed and use the toilet. Best of luck though!
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine are only 2 so I don't have any advice, but have you talked to their pediatrician about it? There could be some medical reason that they are having trouble with it. I can understand how frustrated you must be though!!!
  6. vansmudge

    vansmudge Well-Known Member

    All I can give you is empathy because I am dealing with a similar situation. My 3.9 year-old has never gone on the potty, refuses to try, throws a fit when you push him and has declared that he is going to wear diapers for the rest of his life. I have tried everything! To top it off, his brother who is 18 months older trained with no problems so I know it's not me.

    Good luck and let me know if you find the secret!
  7. Loriann

    Loriann Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. Ive tried letting him go naked it only works for so long and then he wants clothes. Im thinking that pull ups are his "comfort zone" and thinks he can get away with it which he does most of the time becase I get so tired of fighting him.. .im sure part of it is the lack of motivation on my part cuz ive been trying this for almost 2 years now. Im not too sure that it is a medical problem... more of a lazy problem... he gets it from his dad!!He wants everything done for him. hopefully someday he'll get with it. [​IMG]
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