Potty Training HELP!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Birchbeer6, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    So LOS will be 3 in April!!!! I thought the hardest part was taking away there bottle.....I thought wrong.....They have been going on the potty (NAKED) since they were 2....but as soon as I put on underwear they Pee!!!!they do tell me that they pee'd and I tell them to sit on the potty and they continue to go on potty.....but thats as far as it gets.. DD loves going on the BIG potty, DS heck no,, wont even try it....I dont know what to do???? Ive tried bribing them, letting them pick out there on undies, but nothing.. I honestly become so impatient with them when the pee in there undies, that I dont bother keeping up with it...(underwear)HELP
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: My DS is three and has been PT'ed since late September/early October...however, he will not step foot near the big potty. If we are out, he will be more then happy to hold it. So I always give him the option to use the big potty but I don't force it.
    I am wondering if your two and you could use a break in PT-ing. I went through a phase with my DS where he was happy to sit on the potty and wouldn't do anything on it (after a period of going on the potty pretty well) and I put him back in diapers for almost a month and tried again with the 3 day program and it worked for him.
    My other suggestion would be to be consistent with the underwear, reminding them that they have to keep their underwear and clothes dry and also having them help you clean up their messes.
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    For us, DD was a breeze to train...trained in 3 days. BUT...DS was a totally different story. He was just plain stubborn when it came to potty training. :pardon: We tried for 8-10 months with everything from bribery, sticker charts, tons of praise, and even yelling (not proud of but true). It was sooooo frustrating. We finally realized we were just in a battle of wills with him. We wanted him too and he didn't! We finally put the responsibility on him. We would tell him it was up to him to keep his underwear dry. We couldn't do it for him...it was up to him. It was also up to him to clean up the mess, get new underwear, clothes, etc...if he decided to pee in his underwear. It was completely up to him. Our DS is very strong-willed. It had to be on his terms. After a couple of weeks of changing our approach, he finally potty trained. I don't know their personalities, but could you possibly be locked in a battle of wills?
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My son did the naked potty training and he did great when naked, no accidents except for one poop accident. He had problems with the transition to underwear though. He would wet his underwear so I put him in just loose pants for a little while until he got the hang of that and then moved on to underwear and pants together. He did very well and only had a few accidents as we transitioned from one thing to the other. Maybe you can try loose fitting pants. I think it might just be the tightness in the area that is confusing them. I also had one of my girls that liked the big potty and the other liked using the little potty. Does your son go on the little potty (if you have one)? I agree with the pp I wouldn't push him. Maybe stop for a little while or just do what the pp did let him help clean up the mess and not push or make a big deal out of it.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We started potty training January 1st and it took up until last week for mine to finally wear underwear.
    I would do one of two things, either let them go without or put them in underwear all the time.
    Good luck, it's not easy! But the older they get the easier it gets.
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