Potty training help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well my plan was to start PTing the boys when I was off with the new baby for 12wks with the "naked training" since it will be summer time. I know its early but I would rather start early and have it take a little longer. Anyways...Jack has taken a real interest into the potty latley and will even announce "boppy" (ie: potty) after he has gone poop or will say "poo". How do I get him to correlate the potty before he poops and not after? He seems to understand poop belongs in the potty but he never says it until after he does it. Also when I sit him on the potty it becomes a toy to him and he doesn't want to sit. It doesn't help that it is shaped like a truck and I need to buy a boring one (Thanks for the gift Mom;)) but any tips would be greatly appreciated!!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am in the middle of potty training my two and what I found helpful is starting off by having them sit on the potty at regular intervals. I started off with them clothed and they would sit on it in the AM, before nap, after nap and before bed...then we graduated to sitting on it without clothes. When you DS sits on the potty, can you give a book or toy to distract him from thinking the potty is a toy? As for him telling you afterwards, mine do the same thing with poo still, they are happy to tell you when they did it but not before hand.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I am no where near pt my two but just wanted to say that sometimes it really helps to wait. They tend to get it faster the older they are. GL.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ours are almost 2 yo and I'm attempting it several times a day... I just started a sticker chart... and I make a big deal about getting a sticker for their chart (its also a good thing for me to see... basically its a calendar that I made in Excel. my dd's is on purple paper and ds's on red so that they can see they are different... I put a small sticker in the day when they go.) My son got 4 stickers today... though let it be known that a couple of those were for only about 1 tablespoon's worth! but still he did pee in the little potty.

    Maybe a potty that didn't look fun would help? I don't know.

    I will say that when I initially got the potties back at 18 months or so, they wouldn't sit still... now sometimes they are great about hunkering down and staying still. and yep, I get out the Reader's Digest and he pages through it! very cute.

    good luck... sometimes I think I should wait until they'll get it quicker... but for now I'm ok with our meager tries.
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