Potty training advice please!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amy A, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    So last Wednesday Josh started using the potty. I worked this past weekend and he wouldn't go potty for daddy, so he was in diapers. Then I came down with a really bad cold and fever and ended up missing 3 nights of work, and couldn't help at all at home. So no potty for 3 days. Then Monday night Josh went twice and Noah went once (Noah's first real time!!!). Tuesday (today) Josh went twice in the morning and so did Noah. This afternoon Josh told me he wanted to wear underware. So I let him wear underware. We just had our 4th accident in 3 hours. Is that to many? Should I just put him back in diapers? It isn't bothering me to much, but I wonder if he isn't getting it and just isn't ready yet. He tells me he doesn't really want to go on the potty, but if I encourage him he will. I don't want to lose this opportunity, but I don't want to force him. Oh, I should say that I have been asking him several time to go to the potty between accidents, and he has gone a few times but still has accidents. I think he probably just pees in small amounts very frequently and will have to learn bladder control. I don't think he will figure that out until he gets wet several times!! Everyone says the next day and the next day get better than the previous day. Is this true??? Please let me know what you think!!

    Right now I am setting the timer to go off every 15 min or so to try and go potty. It's almost bedtime, whew! I am hoping that tomorrow has a few less accidents, then I will know we are going in the right direction!!
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I wish I had good advice for you Amy. I tried putting Cathrine in panties last week and she did really well all day, no accidents, but then when I put DH in charge for a few hours she had an accident and totally freaked out. Now she won't wear the panties anymore and cries for diapers. I've decided just to take a break from it until after the new baby arrives. It sounds like you're doing a good job of being consistent. The every 15 minute thing would wear me out!!! Good luck :)
  3. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    maybe try letting him run around naked. I had alot of accidents with Alexis until one night she started peeing after her bath and she was running away from herself like what was that.
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Part of the criteria that I read for being potty training ready was to be able to hold urine during a nap or for at least 2 hours. It sounds like he may not be quite ready. I don't think that means you should discourage him because even if he goes every now and then that is great, it just might be too soon for underwear.

    I don't recommend doing the naked thing because I don't like to start things I know I am going to want to stop ie. most people don't run around without something on their lower body so it wasn't something I wanted them to get used to. I know it works for some but it is also counter productive for others because once they train with nothing they want to wear nothing. Just something to think about, not saying it won't work for you!
  5. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Well I chickened out on the underware thing. I would actually try pull ups. If they are willing to sit on the potty and tinkle like a big boy then they get to wear a pull up. If they refuse to try pottying when asked, they go back in a diaper like a baby. This gives them a little control. I have Nathan in a pull up because I can handle peeing messes but his poopy accidents are HORRIBLE. He likes to keep his design on the front from fading which is how we know he is still dry. Don't ask if they want to try and potty, tell them it is time to go potty or put on a baby diaper.
  6. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I haven't started training, yet (just looking in for some advise). But, when looking for information I came across a product called Pods. Unlike Pull-ups, they go in the underwear and actually change feeling when wet or dirty so that the child is uncomfortable. That way the child will really try not to have accidents because they don't like the feeling, but if they do there is less mess. Here is the link: http://www.pottytrainingsolutions.com/shop...?products_id=28

    One (only one) of the reasons that many experts think potty training is taking place later than in the past is because of disposable diapers. The diapers do such a good job of keeping the kids dry that they don't mind having a dirty diaper. Clothe diapers become so uncomfortable that kids want to train sooner. Maybe this can help since, like many others, I'm not willing to give up the convenience of disposable diapers. Hope that helps!
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