Potty trainin

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 24 months in 2 weeks... We started pottying training months ago (around15 months) and are NOW getting serious about it. They finally get the whole sticker system. Now what do we DO with the stickers??

    Okay, first let me start by saying that I have a Sesame chart for each girl that I purchased at BRU. It had all kinds of columns, one for saying "gotta go" one for sitting on the potty, one for going, for cleaning and flushing, and for washing up. I liked this better than the homemade chart I had previous.

    Well, now when they go, I'll give them the corresponding sticker to put on their chart. And also I was giving them one additional, sparkly sticker of their choice (different animals, dora, Ponies, etc..) to put on their hands/body somehwere. Well they last about 2 seconds and end up either on the floor or being eaten. The last couple of times they've actually put hte stickers on the potty chart with the other stickers.. So I was thinkin of making a seperate chart just to put the sparkly stickers, so they could see how many they've collected, etc....

    What do you do with the stickers you give them??
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Our chore/reward chart and our potty sticker chart are totally separate items. I give stickers for trying on the potty, a skittle or M&M for actually going. I have one potty trained DD and now I only give her a skittle or M&M if she specifically asks, which is maybe 20% of the time. But for the one I am still working on, a sticker everytime she tries and a treat if she actually goes is still in effect.

    I have the potty sticker chart taped to the bathroom door that we use most.
  3. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know that some people do a reward after so many stickers. You could have small items from the dollar store that you could give them. My kids were just happy putting the stickers on the chart. When they were fully trained, they were able to pick a toy at the store for their Potty Training Prize.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We actually went over to the chart and the girls selected their sticker and they stuck it on their own chart. Then they got to pick two M&M's--they always picked their favorite colors which ended up being brown for some reason. After they filled up their chart then I took them to the store to buy a pack of panties. For Allison, since she took longer to go to the potty, I actually printed out a big girl bed and taped it above her chart and that's what she worked for.
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