Potty Train

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mandywellman, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    My girls are in diapers still as they are only 16 months old. But they both grab at their diaper when they pee. As they have for several months now. But Lillianah takes her diaper off b4 she pees or poops if she has no pants on. Which is often, I guess I need to start keeping pants on her or always button her onsies.

    **The other day after her nap she took her pants off and her diaper off and peed all in ehr crib! That was a first she took both off!!

    when did you start potty training? when did you buy the toilet?

    I think its way too early as they would not understand, but is it?
  2. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    My boys are 19 months adjusted and I bought a potty last week. So far, no action. I bought it because they have started to tell us when they need to "poop" or have "pooped." They don't do this every time, so it's hit and miss. They also tell us what to expect, so to speak, when we change their diapers by saying "pee pee" or "poop" and usually get it right. I thought this may be a sign they're getting ready, but the few times they have said it and I have put them on the potty, they don't want to sit. They treat it more as a toy right now. They both play with their diapers and are near taking them off if they have no pants/shorts on. In fact, I am typing this right now because I ran upstairs to grab shorts before DS1 takes off his diaper!
    I'll keep trying every now and then and maybe one day soon they'll figure it out!

    Better go get those shorts.....
    Good luck!
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We bought potties for the girls at 18 months as they were showing some early readiness signs. We let them sit on them whenever they wanted & even tried doing some scheduled times (ie before baths). We talked a lot about how big kids/adults use the potty & let them watch us go to the bathroom, etc. But they didn't potty train until just before their 3rd birthday. At that point, they pretty much just did it on their own. They started asking to wear panties & seemed to figure it all out really quickly on their own.

    So I would say it can't hurt to have some potties around & do some pre-training stuff. Some kids definitely do learn to use the potty that early! But I wouldn't push it or stress yourself out if they're completely uninterested either.
    1 person likes this.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    ITA agree with Rachel. We bought potties at 18 months and had them around for the kids to explore and then practiced sitting on them at scheduled times (first thing in the AM, before and after naps and before bed). My DD trained on her own and was PT'ed 4 months before turning 3 and DS was a couple of months later...but he was a tough nut to crack!
  5. mish_lewis

    mish_lewis Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing....

    My 21 month old is taking his diaper off and then telling me he wants a clean diaper. I have sat him on the potty a few times, but no dice. I do let the twins watch my 3-1/2 year old go pee pee. We then talk about it.....but still I do not think they are quite ready.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ditto Rachel and Nancy both. I had potties around 18 months for both my older kids, they trained at 3 yrs and 3.5 yrs each. I'm in no rush for the twins, I'll give it a try this fall when they are a little over 2.5 yrs. But I'm in the camp of pushing doesn't do any good, when they are ready, it'll be super easy to train them.
  7. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    I think those are good readiness signs. I would at least get the potty and start introducing the idea.
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