Potty train at same time?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CCK, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. CCK

    CCK Well-Known Member

    Hi. My boys will be 3 at the end of April and they are showing signs of being ready to potty train. Did you train yours at the same time? I read in this book I got (How to Potty Train in One Day) that you should not train them both at the same time. Your thoughts? Also, this book says to use a potty doll (like Elmo) and go through the potty motions with the doll first and then your child. Anyone use this technique? Were you successful? Can I really potty train in one day? I'm having my doubts!!

    Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    Cindy K.
    wife to Greg since '00
    Mother to Chase & Parker
    born 4/27/04 at 35.2 wks
  2. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    It just worked out that they trained at different times and I'm SO glad. I have to agree with your book....I think for your sanity you're better off training one at a time. But you have to go with the flow. If they both are "going for it" then I guess you have to follow their lead.

    Since your boys are close to 3yrs, I think its possible to train quickly (days..a week). My one son day and night pee trained literally overnight (at 34 mons). When the light clicked...he totally got with the program and I did nothing. Yet for the other guy, its been months of back and forth...especially with #2 OHHHH!!! But almost there. It's amazing how different brothers can be!

    BTW...they did get an Elmo potty doll on the 2nd b-day. It did spark their interest to want start going on a potty chair at that time. More for fun at that point...the process of knowing they had to go wasn't there. Like I said, it didn't finally click for Ben until 34mons and Luke over 3yrs. Gotta love potty training boys! They like to take their time!
  3. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    I have boy/Girl and they are being trained together..it seems Brianna got it pretty good and he was feeding off of her and thats what is helping him out so much..its been a month, and brandon is finally going on his own during the day, not at night at all...Brianna was potty trained in 2 days both day and night..they dont get anything to drink after 7pm and they go to bed at 9pm and dont get up till 7:30 or 8am
    #2 was hard..she was scraed they first time it took her 1 1/2 to go and it must of hurt her...then the next time I gave her a daiper once and only once...after that she would go on the potty and we made a huge deal...we would go running around the house like a made man and they loved it so much...

    Brandon it seemed to take a longer time...we still have to ask when we are out and about we try and ask every hour..at home he will just yell out potty big potty..he wont use his little potty but to go #2 he loves to stand up like daddy..he just started 3 days ago as far as going #2 on his own.....after a week we where able to leave the little potty at home..they were scared to use big potty's out and about, they love the big one at home an it seemed once they used them alot the other ones where not bad....intill you flush then they run...but they know now to hold there ears they hate how loud they are...it takes a lot of time ......and you want to pull your hair out...I was on here everyday asking ?? thinking I was never going to get it done...but a month later its so wonderfull.....once you get past that hup (?) its smooth sailing....

    we did there sticker chart and little small treat like m&m in the very begining but that was only for the first 2 weeks then that got old and they just didnt ask for it anymore the running was enough for them.......sorry I just went on and on.....hope some of it helps....mine are doing great now..I hope you the best
  4. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    I started training at 32 months and we are still training. Rylee is day trained but Ryenn is not. We trained them together. I wasn't going to go through that again. Ryenn was probably not as ready and still isn't ready to poop in the potty but it will come. I have them in panties during the day and pullups at nap/bedtime. I just took the diapers away one day and that was it. I would say it took a month for them to really get it and every month since then has been good. All kids are different so I would see what works for you. Potty training is an attention thing so the othe rone might feel left out.
  5. andreamyers76

    andreamyers76 Well-Known Member

    We actually started training our boys a couple of months ago (27 months), and it went much better than we expected. We trained them together, and in our case, I think it was a great thing. It seemed that there was a little bit of healthy competition between them, and that kept them excited about going. If one went, the other one wanted to go.

    We picked the day we were going to begin, and when that day came, we made a big party of it - horns, hats, prizes - you name it. They were very enthusiastic. We took them to the potty about every half hour for the first day. Of course, we had some accidents, but half the battle was just keeping them interested. Every time they would attempt it, we would get so excited and cheer like they had just won the Olympics! [​IMG] They would get a little "prize" just for attempting(goldfish, raisins, etc), a pee got a bigger prize (sticker, piece of candy, etc...) and a poop got a big prize (little car, truck, toy, ). I know some people would disagree with this reward/bribery method. But, we only did that for a few days, then it became a habit. I would say they were fully trained within a week - aside from nights and naps. That was two months ago, and they have done great ever since.

    I know every child and every family is different, but in our case, training them together worked great! Good luck to you!!

  6. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    Brooke started showing signs at 20 months, and Erin only began wanting to sit on the toilet when she realized that her sister was getting Tic Tacs. It's usually very chaotic when they both want to go. Someone usually gets pulled off the toilet, and onto the floor. So I eventually bought, a floor potty, and a toilet potty, however, they still usually fight. I think it's easier to take one at a time to the bathroom. We also found Elmo potty trainer at a garage sale for $3.00, and they do like to put him on the potty too.
  7. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I did one at a time but I had one that was ready really early (prior to 2) and one that wasn't ready until 30 months. I used the one day technique. It really takes a good week but it gives them a great start!
  8. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I'm doing my b/g twins at the same time. We've been going strong for about a week now. Yesterday, DS had no accidents, DD had one. They are letting me know when they have to go and are doing very well. It's hard doing both at the same time, but mine are inseperable and it just didn't work trying to do one at a time. They are still wearing diapers for naps and bedtime.

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