Potty seat recommendation?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by aielloa, May 14, 2007.

  1. aielloa

    aielloa Active Member

    So here is my silly question- is there a potty seat that works well for boys? Jack and Sydney will be two next month, and we are starting to work on potty usage. I went to Buy Buy Baby on a whim, asked the saleswoman for help with picking two out, and she said "Well, they are really all the same, so just pick out one they will want to use."

    I bought two First Years Elmo pottys, but Jack doesn't "fit" if you get what I mean. He just sprays right onto the floor while sitting on the potty?

    My husband is a biology teacher, so I do understand that there is also some anatomical differences between them, but then what will I use for Jack- do we just deal until he learns to go standing up? Can anyone offer some advice?

  2. MJXplus2

    MJXplus2 Well-Known Member

    I didn't need any different potty for my son. Can't you just teach him to push his ***** down between his legs? It will be a mess in any potty unless he pushes it down himself and aims like that if he's not standing. If he is too big to sit back and still push his ***** down without making a mess, I think he might need a larger seat or need to sit on the big potty.
  3. aielloa

    aielloa Active Member

    Thanks, Melanie! I guess that is my question- what potty should I get? He doesn't fit into the bowl while he is sitting, but it doesn't seem each potty seat lists its bowl's diameter on the box. I don't want to keep buying seats that he doesn't fit in? Any specific recommendations on seats with bigger openings? What did you use?
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    We used the toilet, the opening is plenty big and it didn't cost anything.
  5. oandgvh

    oandgvh Well-Known Member

    I've been happy with our Baby Bjorn potties (the two piece not the little tiny one). Easy to clean up and they seem big enough. Our guy seems to point down naturally and we also emphasized from the beginning to make sure he was peeing in the potty. My nephew, on the other hand, will sit and pee in his lap and not be phased and my sister is struggling with getting him to make sure he's pointing down. Silly boy.
  6. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    We tried two different ones at first, but the shield was a waste of time for our guys and I hear that a lot from friends. Mine went right to standing up, tho they occasionally will piddle while sitting for pooping practice. If you want to have him go on the regular toilet, I've seen some insert that just fit over the hinge and between your lid and seat (does that make sense?). Just have him lean forward a bit and hopefully he'll be a natural :good:
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