Potty language

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ohtwinmom, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    We are on a roll w/ potty words the last 2 weeks. They think they are hilarious! Time outs used to work, but it's reached a new level. Doesn't matter if I ignore it, they feed off of each other and think it's the best thing ever. Advice? Is it just a phase that will go away?
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    oh boy... something to look forward to. (no ideas here)
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You mean curse words/words you don't want them to say?

    We just tell them that they are adult words and that when they're an adult they can say them.

    Potty words to me are poop, pee, crap, fart, all the words and euphamisms for poop and pee.
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  4. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    We tell our children that if they don't know what a word means, ask us at home and never repeat it. I assume you are meaning curse words or bad words. So even to this day our 10 year old comes home and will ask us what something means. They don't hear curse words at home at all. So if they ever were to repeat something they heard elsewhere, we go back to the rule don't repeat something until you ask mom or dad about it. We tell them when they ask that it's completely unnecessary speech that we don't use, period.
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  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Try not to laugh (although it can be hard) because that makes them think it is funny so they will say it again... and again. I just keep telling them over and over not to say it its a wordy dirty and little kids don't talk like that. Fortunately it was a short lived phase.
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We just tell them that that is a word we do not use in our family. I'll usually ask where they heard it from (more out of my curiosity) and then tell them well don't repeat words that so-so says. BUT...for the most part, I wouldn't make a HUGE deal about it. In our experience, the bigger the deal you make of it the more of an issue it becomes.
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    So far if they've repeated a word that they shouldn't then I just tell them (like Bex) that those are adults words and not to say that word. So far that's worked for us.
  8. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    No, not curse words (thanks goodness!). Potty stuff. Poop, pee, butt, penis... They like to combine these with anything and everything (monkey poop, baby pee and on and on). They just get on a roll!
  9. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    For curses, I just told them those are for adults and had no problems.

    For them joking around with potty words, I just let them. Eventually it will lead to punning and other more sophisticated verbal humor. :)
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  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I'm sort of with Ruby. If we're at home I don't really worry about it. But...I don't like them to talk like that in public because I personally don't like it. :pardon: So I tell them when we are out of the house, potty words are only to be used when we are talking about needing to use the potty.

    We have a friend whose son constanly says stuff like "you're a stinky poopy butt" and the like which my girls think is hysterical and started to repeat. Ummm, no. That I'm not okay with. :nea: In this case I tell them those aren't nice words to use and we just don't talk like that.
  11. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I actually encourage (and taught) them the correct language for their genitals. So them using words like vagina, penis, butt, and the like don't bother me. DS has started to notice when he gets erections and will say, "Mommy, my penis is big again." That can be a little embarrassing if we're in public, especially if he's being very loud. But now I'm teaching me that it's just normal and he doesn't need to be loud about it.

    Now, with name calling (poo poo head or the like) then that just falls under our no name calling rule. It's not nice and we don't do it.

    Otherwise, potty words just don't bother me. Poop is poop, pee is pee. If they want to be funny and combine words, so be it.
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  12. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I hadn't really thought of it in the context of name-calling. I rhyme a lot (I'm like some sort of low-rent Dr. Seuss), so they tended to do that for name-calling, rather than using bathroom humor. Think, "What's the time, slime?" and the like. I don't know, I don't think my girls were all that inclined toward name-calling anyway, and with the boys it was so long ago I don't really remember. (They are 19 and nearly 17.)
  13. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i'm trying to figure out how to stop mine, too. they're huge on singing songs with the words "boogers, poopies, farts and butts" i have the humor of a 12 year old boy, so i laughed at first, but now i'm trying to tell them that some people don't like to hear those kinds of songs :pardon:
  14. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    LOL! I had to giggle at my mistake. We don't have too much talk like that, but when it happens we tend to say, "We don't talk like that." My older boys are probably the ones to whom I have to speak to about inappropriate talk. They tend to like dinner time, LOL.
  15. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    Too funny! That's exactly when mine really get into it, at dinner time!
  16. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Depends on how it is used:

    1. Silly willy talking with potty words in it. Or goofy potty talk "pee flea me. Me pee...on the floor. PSsssst. hahhaa" .usually ignored first comment or with if it is a word-play rhyme. If continued after asked to stop or try another word, they are sent to bathroom. or" (make a farting noise with hand/mouth/etc on purpose) "heee heee. fart!! fart!!" farting noise repeated on purpose. sent to bathroom.

    When they start with silly potty words or actions (poop, pee-etc). I tell them (nicely) that those are potty words and belong in the bathroom if they are going to be silly---where they can go and say those words all they want ( they did at first, but with no audience- it lost its luster).

    2. Used as name calling ( stinky head, poopy butt, etc). Which is rare- they brought it home from school and we put a stop to it quick with time-outs and loss of activities. Not a big issue (yet), but we were especially sensitive to it since one DD has bowel problems and last thing we want her to to think 'poopy head', etc since she is already sensitive to anything potty related. It was mostly seeing what they could and could not say and get away with.

    3. Normal speech. "I have to pee." "I pooped!!" "Did you toot?" etc. Fine in context. One DD has potty concerns (digestive disorder) and so we still do a lot of praise for potty related achievements!

    We try to make sure that they know that everyone goes to the bathroom(poop/pees) and to use those words for that purpose. Just matter of fact about it. They actually asked me if the President poops, if their teacher at X school pees....etc. Where animals poop/pee. We answered matter-of-fact with the gentle reminder that it may not be polite to ask people outside of the family about such topics if they have to do with people (animals are fine since it is fairly common questions for all kids) and if they have a question about anything that may be 'private' (a concept we are still working on) to ask at home. Name calling (of any kind) is not allowed in our house and silly potty talk they can do if they want by themselves in the bathroom (which of course makes it no fun).

    At our house, we are still working on tact! and what to tell whom and where, even if it is in context! (Like DD telling the nice cashier that she pooped and it was shaped like New Hampshire! LOL. or other DD flashing her panties to her PreK teacher to show her them- they were new!! Or in a busy public bathroom.... " Mom!! It smells like stinky poop in this bathroom!Ewwww!- it was true and I *thought* the same thing!)
  17. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Alice likes to run around "with my vagina hanging out". I really want to correct her and say that vaginas don't hang, only penises do, but then that would open up another can of worms!
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