Potty Chair Recommendations

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoin2005, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Which ones do you have?
    Which style do you prefer (mini seats that fit on the toilet or the little chairs)?
    How many do you have?
  2. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    I bought the one by Safety 1st that has the cushy little seat, except I didn't put the lid on it. I want them to see it for what it is and not another piece of furniture to climb or stand on. I just bought it this evening. So far, they've checked it out and sat on the edge of the seat with their diaper on (can't ask for much more than that at this point). Amber did poop her diaper after her bath while sissy was still in the bath and we went to the bathroom, took off her diaper, and wiped and put the wipes (the cottenelee kids fluchable moist wipes) in the little potty. She does take one and wipes herself for as much as she can wipe herself. I figure it's a start.
  3. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    i have 2 bjorn little potties for in their bedroom (upper level) and 2 bjorn delux for in the main room of the house. i wanted something that wasn't going to come apart easily and had a wide, solid base. i helped LOTS of kids potty learn when i worked day care, and the potties we had there were not secure to me. anyway, that's what we have. the little potties are really low to the ground, and are kind of hard for the boys to get on, but they manage.

    ***WARNING ABOUT SEATS YOU PUT ON THE TOILET IF YOU HAVE BOYS**** if you get one of those seats you set on the big toilet, make sure it doesn't have a sharp seam on the inside. there have been cases of little boys scooting off and cutting their penises, some pretty severely.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We have decided to avoid the chairs and go straight for the rings on the big toilet. The LOVE to sit on it, but have yet to actually go! It is a Winnie the Pooh themed one with handles. I got it at BRU.
  5. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    We got a potty chair at the boys baby shower :rolleyes: . We had it out for a while but they really didn't want much to do with it. I thought maybe if we had a toilet ring they would get more interested. It didn't work initially. Now that we are finally training, Nathan used the toilet ring the first couple of days, but yesterday we learned how to balance without it. I figure he has to be able to potty on the go and he won't have his ring with him. DD also had a potty chair, but learned on the big potty (she was afraid of her little potty).
  6. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    We have rings for the regular toilet and a Nuby nonslip step stool, we also have lowish toilets so that helps them get on and off easily with the stool. At first I had just bought one, we have two bathrooms, one upstairs and one downstairs but we never went upstairs during the day so it was easy to just bring the ring and stool up at night. But since DH finished graduate school and is home with them in the afternoons he takes them upstairs more and felt like it was a pain to run up and down for the ring (I looked at it as getting in a little exercise myself--MEN!) he went out and bought another. Potty chairs seem kind of dirty to me and I like that they are using the regular toilet right from the start. We also use the nuby step stool for hand washing, getting onto mommy and daddy's bed and they like to "help" wash the dishes and they stand on it then.
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