Potty after bedtime is becoming ridiculous!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LMW1015, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My twins have been in big kid beds for 7 months now. Ever since we moved them they have found some reason to get out of bed. We'll go a couple weeks where they'll do really good about staying in bed after we put them down but it's usually the SAME thing. They have to go potty. No matter that we just took them before we put them to bed. Not 5 minutes after we close the door (and we have a door "lock" so they can't just come out but they bang on the door and yell POTTY!) they say they have to potty. 9 out of 10 times they will go and 7 out of 10 times they have to poop. I swear laying down in bed for the night is like the poop trigger! I don't know how to change this. The last week they've been up messing around until almost 9:30pm (bedtime is 7:30). It would be different maybe if they were quick poopers LOL but DS takes FOREVER! Like 30 minutes! And yes he's pooping that whole time. So I put them to bed at 7:30 and I'm lucky if they're back in bed by 8pm. Even if I move bedtime back to 8pm to give them a chance to poop (tried this a few times) it still is the same thing. Waiting until we've tucked them in and closed the door. Then they have to go. I'd say I could try putting them down earlier but then that would mess up my youngest bedtime. It's not fair to make him go to bed so much earlier because of all this. He's great at just laying down and going to sleep. I've changed naptime to a "quiet time" where they can watch a movie or play quietly in their room and about half the time they fall asleep. Maybe I need to end that earlier. I'm just getting SO frustrated with this pooping thing. LOL I can't say Nope you can't poop because it's after bedtime but any tips on how to change their pooping schedule? LOL I get so excited when they poop during the day but somehow they still have to potty soon after we shut the door. Other than the potty business it's not too bad. Has anyone dealt with this and had success moving past it? I was hoping it was a phase they'd grow out of but 7 months!?? LOL
  2. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    No advice because mine still refuse to potty train,but 5 out of 7 nights we have to go upstairs and change Xavier's diaper before he goes to sleep because he waits until they are in bed for the night to poop! I laughed when you mentioned the poop trigger because I have said the same thing!
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If you can, put them to bed maybe 10 or 15 min earlier. Then wait by the door. As soon as they need to go, open the door, let them go, then back to bed with little to no interaction from you. Eventually they will see they aren't getting any fun out of it and they'll quit. Maybe add extra fiber to breakfast? And less later in the day? Worth a try! lol
  4. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    LOL crazytwinmomma - I swear it's a poop trigger. 2 nights ago they amazingly stayed in bed and went right to sleep (I was thinking apparently I just need to post my frustrations on TS LOL) but last night they both pooped 10 minutes after I shut the door. LOL

    ktfan - very good idea. Sometimes I let my frustrations get the best of me and I go on and on about how they need to go before bed and blah blah blah. LOL I KNOW I need to not talk to them (gotta love Supernanny) but I still find myself doing it. I will try that approach. I also set the timer for 2 minutes sometimes (sometimes I forget in my frustrations LOL). If they haven't gone pee or at least attempted to poop in 2 minutes then I know they're just messing around and it's back to bed with them. They seem to respond pretty well to that. I'll try the no talking/attention thing though and see if that helps and also making them each go in a different bathroom. They always want to "wait" for the other one to get done. My youngest is pretty much potty training himself (he'll be 2 on April 3rd and he wants to be just like the twins LOL). Before I know it I'll have 3 doing this stuff if I don't get it squared away soon. LOL
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