Potentially Stupid Questions

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Queen of Carrots, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    Question 1: Are earrings a problem, either in labor or during a c-section? I got my ears pierced since the birth of my last two. I usually wear small gold ball studs. Will I need to take those out?

    Question 2: How much of that stuff on the hospital bag list is really needed? Now I know the hospital where I had my first two was *very* generous (they gave away a CAR SEAT with each baby B) ) but seriously, don't most hospitals have things like soap, toothbrushes, towels, water bottle and soft wipes for postpartum, plus send you home with the rest of whatever packs of diapers and wipes they started on the babies? Do you only need to take your own of those things if you have a preference to use your favorite brand or whatever? Because I'd really rather not pack more than necessary. ;)
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I wore earrings and didn't have any problems during or after my C-section. Maybe it depends on your hospital policy? As for bringing stuff, my hospital provided everything I needed except soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. They probably had some if I asked but it wasn't out in the room like a hotel.

    I was glad I brought a bathrobe, slippers, snacks, toiletries, an eye mask to block out light, a notebook, pens, my cell phone, and that's about it. I don't remember using anything else I brought.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Question #1, I know for my c-section, I had remove all jewelry. Can't remember for my vaginal with my oldest DD. :blush:

    Question #2, I always took my own toothbrush and toothpaste, I am just picky like that. But they do have towels for you to use, soap, wipes for afterwards and diaper for the baby. I usually took clothes for myself, and any toiletry items I wanted to have.

    Wow, your hospital gave you a car seat with each baby? :eek:
  4. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    You may have to take your jewelry off with a c-section.

    You shouldn't need pads or wipes for yourself, or anything for the babies. The hospital had every toiletry item I needed, but I brought most of my own anyway. My hospital even provided hairdryers!
  5. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I didn't have to take my jewlery off for either my vag delivery or c-sec.

    I also brought my own toothbrush and toothpaste so I never asked for them. It's not like they take up a lot of room in my bag. I brought nursing nightgowns, clothes, bathrobe nad my own pillow. (much mor ecomfy then the ones they provided. That's it. One small back pack and a pillow under my arm..
  6. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    I just got out of the hospital and they didn't have soap other than the hand soap dispenser. I never saw any other toiletries either. Maybe if I'd delivered there, I was just on bedrest. But I was on the L&D ward. I was glad to have toiletries, earplugs, my own pillow and an eye mask.
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :eek: A carseat with each baby? That's so nice!!

    I'm another one who had to take off all jewelry for the c/s. As for what I brought with me: toothbrush/toothpaste, a hairbrush, take home clothes for the kids, and a few dvds. I didn't bring anything else. My hospital provided everything I needed {gowns, socks, towels, soap} so I didn't bother packing any of them and I was happy with that decision because there was nothing for me to lug around. :)
  8. bebedoc

    bebedoc Well-Known Member

    1. I never had to take off my earrings for my c-section. It wasn't a problem during or after.

    2. At the hospital where I work, they give you everything for you and for baby. I took my toothbrush and hairbrush, along with makeup. I also brought my own PJ's for day 2 and 3. Just more comfy. For baby, I took his going home outfit, a few gowns just because, and the boppy. It was all we needed. BTW, we don't have the toiletries in L&D, they're in the postpartum units. That could be the reason the PP didn't have anything during her stay.
  9. Terrebeth1

    Terrebeth1 Well-Known Member

    i was just in L&D overnight and they had a bunch of toiletries. I guess it depends on the hospital. I would suggest to bring the least amount of "stuff" possible because you don't want to have to lug it all back home!
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I thought I knew everything about childbirth and pregnancy when I got preg. w/ the twins - afterall I had done it 3 times! yeah - wrong! my twin pregnancy was a totally different experience and things change so quickly with hospitals - even that is hard to know for sure what to expect! that is why I am glad all of us have each other to ask!

    when my 14 yr old was born, they had us choose from a gift basket or a carseat. but with my 11 and 9yr olds or with the twins - the word carseat was never mentioned in the same sentence as the word give! I think most hospitals have gotten cheaper - with my older boys, we got at least the rest of the pack of diapers but with the girls - they would bring us like 2 or 4 diapers at a time - NO EXTRA!! and the wipes we got, we had to fight for! it was crazy! I am surprised they didn't ask for their hospital bracelets back - it was that bad!!

    I did have to take out my earings for my c-section - and all jewelery(wedding ring included) and all makeup- I had to go to the hosp the day before for pre-op bloodwork and they went ahead and put on those lovely hospital bracelets that was all the accessorizing I could do !!

    I still wouldn't pack diapers - they will give you enough for your stay and drive home - just don't stop anywhere in between LOL!! I would pack tolietries for myself - not pads they will give you those, my girls were 2 days old when we came home (and yes I had a c-section) so I could have packed MUCH lighter but you just never know how quick or long you will be there?

    I would call the hospital to find out about the carseat thing - with the economy being bad I don't know - it would be nice but????
  11. anippy

    anippy Well-Known Member

    #1 - vaginal induction with son - I had to remove all jewelry. I just took everything off at home. I did forget to remove my toe ring, but I had slippers on the whole time so no one but me knew it was there. :)

    #2 - My hospital provided the squirty bottle, Tucks pads, maxi (and I do mean MAXI) pads, in the shower was a dispenser thingy with shampoo and liquid soap, slipper-socks, mesh undies. For the baby they provided diapers, wipes, little wrap-around long sleeve shirts, and receiving blankets.

    I brought my own conditioner because I can't get a comb thru my hair otherwise, toothpaste & toothbrush, contact solution, deodorant, Chapstick. I don't wear makeup or hairspray regularly, so all that got left home. I wore home the same clothes I went in. So my bag was about the size of a make-up bag. :) We live about 20 mins from the hospital, and I knew hubby would be going home at some point during my stay, so I didn't see any need to overpack.
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