potential iugr and twins?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by morgan57, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    I am 22 weeks pregnant with mono/di twin boys. Yesterday, at 21w6d, one of the babies (baby b) dropped from the 32nd percentile to the 17th percentile (13.5oz). He appeared to have grown less in the past 2 weeks than he usually grows. Baby A was doing fine in the 33rd percentile and weighed 1 lb. There was a 16% difference between the babies (and typically there has been a 10-16% difference for the past 10 weeks).

    My doctor is concerned about his drop off in growth. She said it's unlikely that I'll make it to my 36 week due date and likely I'll be lucky to make it to 32 weeks. She thinks it's a placenta share issue (but baby B also has a 2 vessel cord). I also have a low lying placenta so not sure if that is causing any of the problem with growth.

    The silver lining is that both babies had good doppler blood flow through the umbilical cord and equal fluid and were active and kicking like crazy.

    I am terrified of delivering soon. My next ultrasound is in 2 weeks for another growth check. If baby B continues to grow, things will look better. Even if he doesn't grow a ton, they said it will help to keep him in longer. I am now on modified bed rest trying to maximize blood flow to the babies. I would love to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience.
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy had a 2 vessel cord and due to this iugr. She grew very little the last few weeks of the pregnancy. They monitored me twice a week to watch for negative flow. You may e experiencing absent flow which wouldaccoint for the drop in percentage
  3. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    yes, delivering early is a really scary idea, but remember, it's always better to have growing babies in the nicu, than to have stillborns from keeping them in there too long. my first pregnancy, my son had SEVERE IUGR (totally off the charts, not even 0 percentile) from about 20 wks on, and never really gained any weight for the next 10 weeks until he passed away inside of me. we pretty much knew this was going to happen because he was never big enough to deliver. at birth at 30 weeks, he weighed 11 oz. so i never had the opportunity to deliver him and have him grow in the nicu, but i would have loved to have had that opportunity rather than what happened. i'm not telling you this to scare you so please dont take it wrong, i just wanted to bring a bright side of delivering early and having nicu babies rather than the alternative. also, at 10 weeks into my twin pregnancy, my doc tested me for multiple clotting disorders and i was found to have both mutations of MTHFR, so i took lovenox the whole pregnancy and they developed IUGR at 34 weeks but i was still happy with making it that far. can your doc test you for clotting disorders, because these can cause IUGR, and then you can get started on blood thinners asap.
  4. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    Thanks to both for your responses.

    foppa- so sorry for your loss. The IUGR is due to most likely a disproportionate share of placenta for baby B since the twins are mono/di identical twins that share a placenta. I do not have any clotting disorders and baby A is growing normally.

    Twinxes- all dopplers for Baby B have been good. Good doppler flow and good fluid for him. It just looks like either they mismeasured baby B at my 20 week scan (since he appeared to grow more than 2 weeks in 2 weeks) hence the drop off in weight at week 22 (since if you look at his growth from 18 to 22 weeks it looks fairly normal) or he is just growing at a slower pace than baby A.

    When did you notice that jessy was small for gestational age? Were you getting bi-monthly growth scans since 20 weeks?
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    They noticed she was small at my first u/s which was at 24 weeks. I was also put straight to bed rest. Jessy weighted less than a lb at her first scan and Jazz weighted more than a lb not for sure exactly how much. Hopefully the u/s tech got the weight a bit off

    amy you should join us in single parents if you haven't already
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