post your latest language funnies here

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by p31heather, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    On the way home from church today, we're discussing what to have for lunch. PBJ, mac and cheese, etc. and what leftovers do we have in the fridge. etc.

    Rachel: Are we having leftovers?
    Alexis: No, we're having rightovers!
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    HA!! we are having rightovers tonight!!!

    Yesterday was my little nephew's 5th birthday party and one of his gifts was the Ninja Turtle movie. When he opened it he said MOM!!!! it's the Engine Turtle movie!!
  3. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    I love reading these threads! :D

    Katherine's Latest:
    We were in a store and she noticed some Christmas decorations. She got SO excited.
    She blurted out: "I can't believe my mind!" :laughing:

    Michael's Latest:
    The other day he was sitting on his Nana's lap (my Mom).
    He asked: "Nana, why is your face cracking?" :laughing:
  4. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My dh is a big-time hunter, so I blame this one on him.....

    went to the big sporting goods store yesterday & my sister was holding dd. They passed some displays of bucks & dd says, "Buck! Buck!" Then she said, "Meat....mmm, mmmm."
  5. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    JJ broke his arm 3 weeks ago. In the first few days, his fingers swelled and looked like little sausages. After the swelling went down, he asked - "Mommy, do my fingers still look like hamguebers (hamburgers)? :laughing:
  6. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    since the girls started JK they have loved singing "oh Canada" so the line that goes

    True "patriot" love jorja sings
    True "Painted" Love it makes me laugh every time..
  7. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    The boys are supposed to be asleep by now (it's 8:30pm!), but instead they are in there jabbering to each other. I can hear them through the door saying "toe sandwich! toe sandwich!". :wacko:

  8. Nancy H-J

    Nancy H-J Well-Known Member

    My guys are starting to tell jokes to each other. One of them says, "Poopy diapers!" and the other one just cracks up. Then there's the knock-knock jokes. "Knock-knock!" "Who's there?" Then the first one laughs hysterically.
  9. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    The other day I had my 3 yr old with me alone, and at one point I said, Oh, no baby to him. He says-me not baby, me HUGE MAN!

    My neice vehemently wanted her castrator and couldn't figure out why I didn't know what it was to get it down. Finally I figured out it was her cash register.

    My sister was needing a tampon and sent her girls out of the bathroom so she could "have some privacy". My neice said "I'll get you a privacy mommy" and brought her a tampon.

    I have more, just will have to think a little.
  10. newmomma

    newmomma Well-Known Member

    Here at our house we "crap" eggs when we want yellow (scrambled) eggs!

  11. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    I love reading these!! :D

    This is such a fun age with the things they say!

    Here is a conversation between Colin and I
    in the kitchen, on the floor. He is snuggling
    on my lap.

    Colin: What are you sitting on Mommy?
    Me: I am sitting on my bum.
    Colin: No you're not, you're sitting on
    your vagina

    (not sure if that last word will come out,
    but I am sure you know what he said!

    And all I could say was "You're right" and
    try not to bust out laughing!
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy is starting to mix up her word order, now that she's using longer sentences, so we get a lot of "Mommy sit on Amy's lap!" DH and I have tried to explain to her why this is funny, but she honestly doesn't seem to realize what she's saying.
  13. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(p31heather @ Nov 25 2007, 02:47 PM) [snapback]508053[/snapback]
    Rachel: Are we having leftovers?
    Alexis: No, we're having rightovers!

    :rotflmbo: That's the kind of thing Jade used to do with language all the time. Love that one!!

    One of my favorites of hers, "I'm not doing a somersault, it's a summer pepper!"

    Let's see, recently...

    Melissa still can't say "refrigerator" so she puts things in the "ferigerator" -- too cute. And this morning we get in the car and she starts doing inventory for me, "Mommy do you have your phone? do you have your keys?" She knows me well... :icon_biggrin:

    I'll have to think of some recent Jade-isms.
  14. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Just this morning I dropped a cup of orange juice, Ava (the dramatic one) said:

    Ava: Mommy, What happened?
    Me: Just spilled some juice
    Ava: That's a shame (and walked away) I burst out laughing
  15. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness - I am laughing so hard I am crying!! All these things are SO funny! This is what makes having twins so much fun - when they talk to eachother and say crazy stuff!

    I think I posted this somewhere else, but this is a conversation - er...argument I overheard between the twins as we got ready to go watch the Santa Parade in town:

    McAuley INSISTS that Santa's name is Noah. And he kept saying that we were going to see Noah.
    Zayne kept correcting him and started saying, "No, McAuley, his name is not NOAH, it's SANTA CLOSET...ok? SANTA CLOSET, McAuley, not Noah...." .
    Zayne likes to tell me that I look beautiful - she will stroke my hair and say, "You're so beautiful, Mommy!". The other day, we were getting in the van and Zayne said "Mommy, you're beautiful, I'm beautiful, Daddy's handsome, and McAuley is....a little, little, boy."

    I think one day, Zayne will really confuse her baby sitter or her teachers at nursery when she tells them she has to sneeze on the potty - that is what she calls pooping! Sometimes, when Zayne hears me sneeze, she will call out "Mommy, you sneezed?? not supposed to sneeze in your pants!!!! That's yucky!! You suppose to sneeze on the POTTY, mommy!!" She will call out - "Mommy, I did a BIG SNEEZE on the Potty, come see!!!"

    McAuley calls the "Incredibles" (movie) the "Peckables"

    Zayne has started making up her own songs, which are really quite sweet - and funny! On the way to church, she sang in a sing-song kindda way:

    "The moon is in the sky, waaaay up high
    And I don't know why
    It's SOOOO high, I don't know why it's so high.
    God made the moon and the stars and the cars,
    And I don't know why the moon is soooo high in the sky
    I don't know where my daddy is, I didn't see him ever before
    Till today...."

    One morning, McAuley was paticularly grouchy and was crying as we went downstairs. Zayne walked along with him, saying "IIIIIII know, 'Cauly, IIIIII's's ok...IIIII know."

    Last night, we went to my parents house to watch the Riders beat the Bombers in the Grey Cup...YAHOO....anyhow they kids had a bath there....I took Zayne out of the tub 1st while McAuley stayed in longer. I was laying her down on the bed to get dried off and she says to me, "Ok, I'll lay here for 2 minutes, you go get my brother."....I just about burst out laughing.

    I caught Zayne with her play phone up to her ear saying "Call", "Grandpa", "Home" over and over. It took me a minute to figure out - she was copying what she here's her daddy say into his voice activated cell phone/earpiece!

    Zayne likes to sing the Veggie Tales song 'The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything' - but instead of "Stay at home, and LIE around" - she INSISTS that it's "Stay at home, and HIGH around"....there's no correcting her!

    It's so hard not to laugh when your kid says something when they are CRYING that is paticularily funny - it's so mean, but sometimes it just comes out! Once, Zayne pinched her finger and was WAILING! I was trying to find out where it hurt and what happened when she sticks the hurt finger in my face and screams in a very gravely voice, full of tears....."KISS IT!!!!!!!!"

    Zayne is an expert fake-cryer. Once, during one of her episodes, I just asked her "What's that noise, Zayne?" Instantly, she stops crying and whining and says in a perfect, calm voice, "That's Zayne, crying"....and then she starts right back where she left off...tears and all.

    I think I should write a!

  16. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    When I'm the first one in their room in the morning, Bea greets me with "Mama not Dada!"
    There are so many of them, I'll have to think! I love hearing them talk.
  17. Joanna831

    Joanna831 Well-Known Member

    I love toddlers so much! They are SO adorably funny
  18. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I forgot one...Kenna will name everyone in the family by name but when it come to Mitchell she will say "bro-bro" instead of mitchell...I do love that one!
  19. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    One of my girls was making up her own verses to: The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

    She sang while on the potty: The Babies on the Bus Make Poo, Poo, Poo
    Mommy says Yuck, Yuck, Yuck

    and no...I do not say Yuck for potty time, but she knows what it means and put it together herself.
  20. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Jade: "May I pleease have an apricot?"
    Me: "sure okay"
    Jade: "Was I asking nicely?"

    Melissa: "What are we having for dinner tonight?"
    Me: "Chicken, corn and beans."
    Melissa: "That's a good plan."
  21. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I love reading these, they are so funny!

    Last night, there was a new Shrek holiday special on. When it started and Donkey came on Megha said "I love honkey!"

    We were in the supermarket yesterday and Nolan asked me whether we were done. I said no, we needed to get more things and he said "That's amazing!"

    I had the TV on the other day and was getting dinner ready. Nolan walked up to the TV and shut it off while saying "That's it!".

    And when we go anywhere, whether it is for a walk, to the mall or even at the parade the other day, one of them will decide that they have to sit down. When I tell them "Let's go" they say "No, I'm taking a break".

    I'm sure I have more, I'll have to think about it.

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