Possible Key to Austim found!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sharongl, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I saw this Front Page Article this morning, and I find this discovery really exciting!

    It is about how scientists think they found a metabolic key to Autism. Basically, it says that children with autism are missing a gene which produces "good fatty acids", a simple urine test can determine if the "bad fatty acids" are too high, and a blood test can determine if the gene is missing. They are in the process of coming up with a "cocktail" to replace the good fatty acids--tailored to each child. While it is years away from becoming available, I think this is a huge leap in the effort to help children with autism!
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I saw this Front Page Article this morning, and I find this discovery really exciting!

    It is about how scientists think they found a metabolic key to Autism. Basically, it says that children with autism are missing a gene which produces "good fatty acids", a simple urine test can determine if the "bad fatty acids" are too high, and a blood test can determine if the gene is missing. They are in the process of coming up with a "cocktail" to replace the good fatty acids--tailored to each child. While it is years away from becoming available, I think this is a huge leap in the effort to help children with autism!
  3. 4kids4Cat

    4kids4Cat Well-Known Member

    Sharon, that is awesome! I've always thought there was a genetic link. I will have to read up more on this later, when I have time.

    Thanks for posting!!! [​IMG]
  4. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    I heard that on Paul Harvey yesterday, but I didn't have time to look up the acutal article. Thanks for posting it!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow, that is very interesting and sounds promising. It would wonderful if this was it! Thanks for posting this.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Sharon, thanks for posting This.

    SO interesting! It is so hopeful too!

    I also want to say thanks for summarizing the article. (Pet peeve of mine are links without a summary!)
  7. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I think that's excellent. There's been speculation for a while that omega-3 and other fatty acid supplementation could be beneficial in autism. But this is the first that I'm hearing of any actual plans to formalize it as treatment and use such a urine test. Very exciting!

    Thanks for posting this Sharon, I don't think the news has gotten out of NJ yet.

    In the meantime, anyone know of any good fatty acid supplements that would be palatable to children? I take some fish oil pills myself, but they would be too big for the girls to swallow. Maybe I should just dump the oil over their food? (autism or not, no harm...)
  8. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Marieber:
    In the meantime, anyone know of any good fatty acid supplements that would be palatable to children? I take some fish oil pills myself, but they would be too big for the girls to swallow.

    They do make fish oil supplements for children. You have to go to a nutrition/vitamin store. I think they make an orange paste one??? Not sure, I just remember a lot of mom's on CP board I belong to give them to thier children.

    Sharon very interesting article.
  9. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I am so excited by this too. I have wondered why the different "diets" seem to work for autism, but this theory would make the most sense, in that the diets that work probably limit the "bad" fatty acids naturally.

    I also think it is great that it is happening at Rutgers, since they have the special Autism school there--kids are placed there because there is no where else for them to go--so they will have a good population to work with and observe the differences--regardless, as Marie said, the fatty acids can't hurt!
  10. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Wow that is incredible. I hope they are able to work toward a solution.
  11. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    My SIL is a biosystems engineer at Virginia Tech and is doing her graduate research on adding more Omega 3 Fatty Acids to baby formula, baby foods, dairy products, etc. It's really interesting research. How wonderful that it may help children with Autism!
  12. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    I follow this issue pretty closly. I worked with special needs students for a couple years and of course that included two of my favorite people.. two lil girls with Autism. I also know several boys with Asbergers. I will be very interested to see what developes. It is so neat to hear there is hope.. thanks for sharing you made my evening!!
  13. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Sharon, thanks for linking us to this article! This is exciting news... I have worked with so many autistic children. It would be wonderful to see the disability erradicated.
  14. tonitza

    tonitza Well-Known Member

    thanks for sharing, this is very intersting! I hope there is a breakthrough soon to determine what causes autism! However i dont think its so simple, and the may be multiple mechamisms and complex genetic/env interactions.


    Marie - I use nordic naturals complete omega3-6-,9 it's oil, and you need to make sure it does not have vit E or A because usually its more than the toddler's dose. I wish I could buy something over the counter. I dont like that there is no quality control for these natural supplements and you never know what you really get.
  15. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    with so many people making so much money off of families w/ children on the spectrum... i hope that the "cure" doesn't get lost in the wind!!!
  16. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    Wow!!! I work in the mental health field and something like this would have huge implications for treating this disorder!! I hope it works out! And who knows, maybe this could be the tip of the iceburg as far as treating other developmental disorders!!
  17. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Thank you for posting this... maybe this will relieve some mothers fears of immunizations.
  18. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    Wow! How exciting. Autism is so heartbreaking, and the increase is cases is pretty scary. Thanks, Sharon.
  19. jem0622

    jem0622 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by KYsweetheart:
    Thank you for posting this... maybe this will relieve some mothers fears of immunizations.

    I highly doubt that this will alay the fears regarding immunizations. I would treat that as a separate topic, IMHO.

    Also, I don't think that they can take a universal approach to the causes of autism. I do hope that it is a step in the right direction for providing adequate treatment and care for those with autism. I do think that diet modification and removing toxins from the body are a help in minimizing some of the ill effects. I have seen it first hand with my gf's daughter.

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