Possible IUGR - looking for advice/stories

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by msc, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. msc

    msc Member

    Hello All,

    I am new to the site and was wondering if anyone has any insight on IUGR. At my 24 week u/s, one of my boys was measuring way behind the other- he is just on the border of the 10th percentile while his brother is above the 30th. My Dr. is very concerned, and is fairly certain that he is not just small but that IUGR is coming into play (I was originally carrying quints so he believes the placenta was not able to form properly). I go back Tues. for another ultrasound, at which point we will come up with a game plan based on how/if he has grown.

    He told me best case was that the little guy would hover between the 5th-10th percentile and that I could hang on until we reached 30-32 weeks. I was not prepared for this news at all as everything had been great at my last few appts. Now I am fearing the worst- possibly losing him, developmental problems, extended NICU stays for both, etc. Is anyone in a similar situation and/or have a success story to share. Thanks very much.
  2. msc

    msc Member

    Hello All,

    I am new to the site and was wondering if anyone has any insight on IUGR. At my 24 week u/s, one of my boys was measuring way behind the other- he is just on the border of the 10th percentile while his brother is above the 30th. My Dr. is very concerned, and is fairly certain that he is not just small but that IUGR is coming into play (I was originally carrying quints so he believes the placenta was not able to form properly). I go back Tues. for another ultrasound, at which point we will come up with a game plan based on how/if he has grown.

    He told me best case was that the little guy would hover between the 5th-10th percentile and that I could hang on until we reached 30-32 weeks. I was not prepared for this news at all as everything had been great at my last few appts. Now I am fearing the worst- possibly losing him, developmental problems, extended NICU stays for both, etc. Is anyone in a similar situation and/or have a success story to share. Thanks very much.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    up until my 28 week visit - my girls had been very close
    in weight - then at the 28 week visit - they tell me that
    baby A is a whole pound smaller than baby B and that her fluid level
    is low. It was an awful shock!!! they put me on bedrest and told me to drink
    drink, drink - now there is a size difference but not nearly as bad - baby A's
    fluid level is low but not in the danger zone - we will be 38 weeks tomorrow
    You are in my thoughts and prayers [​IMG]
  4. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Im so sorry for the loss of your other babies [​IMG]

    At around 24 weeks M started to really slow down in growth. She fell below the 3rd percentile while B continued to grow steadily. Ours has happened before, it was a placental defect, she got the short end of the stick basically and just wasnt getting as much nutrients, her umbilical cord placed funny as well. I had the steriod injections that day, went on strict bedrest, and started going to the peri 2-3 times a week for NST and BPP. I wasnt hospitalized until 29 weeks and carried until 32+3 only delivering for my health and not theirs.
  5. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Oh and if you do bedrest, lay on your left side as much as possible, it increases blood flow to the placenta and drink 4 boost high protiens a day. If you qualify for WIC they will pay for the Boost if your doctor writes a prescription
  6. Mommy2PJ

    Mommy2PJ Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat.. sort of. I didn't find out it was twins until 19 weeks... they missed it on my first sonogram. And at that sonogram they realized that the boys were pretty different size-wise so they sent me to a specialist. So at 21 weeks I found out baby B has IUGR - he was less than the 10th percentile and Baby A was at the 50th. I have an u/s every week now to keep checking on the growth and if something starts looking bad, they will deliver me early (they said any time after 24 weeks, if it looks like they'll do better out, I'll be delivered).

    So far, at 23 or 24 weeks, we found out baby B was up to the 29th percentile, but they still have IUGR not based on him being in less than the 10th, but because they also diagnose it if the babies are more than 20-25% discordant. Mine have remained right at 25% apart for the last 2 weeks, and now I'm getting growth ultrasounds every two weeks and a "checking on things" ultrasound each week.

    It's kind of nerve wrecking.. because anything could happen at each week's appointments - some weeks it looks a little better, and other weeks not so good. But so far, they are telling me as long as baby b is following the same growth curve and hasn't slowed way down or stopped growing, I can keep carrying them. The peri says I can hope to go to 37 weeks, but they could also have to intervene any time now.
  7. msc

    msc Member

    Thanks so much for the responses - it is very helpful to hear other peoples' experiences.

    I have not been placed on bedrest but was told to cut back activity (no exercise, more rest, etc.). I am hoping this will help...I guess we'll see where we're at on Tues.
  8. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry about the loss you expereienced early in the pregnancy.

    The way you described your feelings with the possible IUGR of one twin - I have definitely been there, too. I didn't find out I was having twins until 19-20 weeks and at that time, there was a 20%discordance in the two. Around 24-25 weeks, the dicordance had grown and they discovered some issues with Baby B's(the smaller twin) cord blood flow. They also noticed that, like Cassie05, B's placenta just wasn't as healthy, functioning, etc. My doc told me that, basically Baby B lived on the wrong side of the tracks! Needless to say, I was a mess. Future trips to the doc showed that the two's discordance was growing and right now , A is in the 48th percentile (she was in the 10th at one time! So there's some hope there!) and B is still in the 4th. She is defintiely IUGR. They check fluids, dopplers, do NST's and BPP's 2x week - but things have been pretty stable. My doctor currently feels that we'll make it to 35-37 weeks - and he doesn't feel that I need a steroid shot or anything at this point. I don't think he would have said that one month ago. We have gone from hoping to just get to 28-30 weeks to now looking at going as far as 37 weeks! My point is that, things can defintiely change for the better, sometimes overnight! It's nerve wracking to go in every week and get the latest report, but as long as that little one is growing and your amniotic fluid levels are sufficient, then I think that is the most important thing. I, too, was told to drink tons of water, drink the boosts...I think that has helped a ton. Just hang in there, rest and we'll all pray for the best!
  9. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Mommy2PJ:

    It's kind of nerve wrecking.. because anything could happen at each week's appointments - some weeks it looks a little better, and other weeks not so good. But so far, they are telling me as long as baby b is following the same growth curve and hasn't slowed way down or stopped growing, I can keep carrying them. The peri says I can hope to go to 37 weeks, but they could also have to intervene any time now.

    I've been there, too, with Akameme and PJ and R.T.Mom... Ditto all of the above! We found out at 28 wks, up to then no problems whatsoever. We made it to 35 wks exactly. My whole story is posted in my journal entries in my babysite (link below). Basically, we're still in NICU, but my babies were VERY HEALTHY, with no long term problems whatsoever!! They are tiny and gorgeous and perfect. They're coming home within the week.

    Focus on gestational age over weights. It's the most important thing - how long you're able to carry. I made my goal 30 wks, and we were sucessful. After that every week was dessert.When they were born, they were at the 0th%tile and 10th

    It is nerve-wracking, but you can do it! . They are tiny but mighty!
    Hang in there; compared to some issues that twins face, IUGR is not a big deal, IMHO.
  10. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    I am sorry for the loss of your two babies early in your pregnancy [​IMG]

    I know there are others who have experienced something similar and they will respond to help you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. msc

    msc Member

    Thanks so much- we had an appt. today and the little guy is still growing and hanging in there. Just 4 more weeks until the 'safety zone' and then after that, as 'Overachiever' put it, everything else will be desert! My dr. said today that 32-34 weeks would be ideal but that I would defifnitely not be going beyong 34 weeks...so I guess I have to get my act together and prepare!!!

    Thanks again for sharing personal experiences- it is very helpful
  12. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I meant to post earlier, but just wanted to add a few things about my IUGR experience.

    At the 25 week growth u/s Jake, Baby B, was diagonsed IUGR, his weight was estimated to be 8 ounces less smaller than Becca. He was 3rd percentile, she was much higher. I was put on bedrest, which I was heading toward anyway due to high blood pressure.

    My goal was always 36 weeks and as long as the babies grew and I didn't develop pre-e, she would let me hold them in. It was very stressful until I hit 32/33 weeks. She also sent me for a doppler study on his cord to make sure there were no problems with it. I started NSTs 2x a week to make sure he and his sister weren't in distress. The NSTs were torture (took up 2 hours) but the kids looked great. Also, pay attention to fetal movement. It was very reassuring to me that Jake was sooo active.

    I delivered last week, at 36 weeks on the dot. Jake is very small, he was born at 3 lbs 8 ounces (almost a full pound less the last u/s est of 4 lbs 4 ounces) and surpringly Becca was small, 4 lbs 12 ounces (her est was 5 lbs 5 ounces). Jake is in the NICU, should be released tomorrow and Becca had no NICU time. Sara/Overachiever is right, Gestional age is SO important. Jake just needed some help with body temp and maintaing his sugars. Even though he probably stopped growing a week or two before delivery, I'm glad my peri let him stay in.

    We still don't know what caused the IUGR, but he is healthy and we anticipate no issues down the road. Feel free to PM me w/any questions.
  13. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    First, I'm very sorry for the loss of your other three babies [​IMG]

    I started my pregnancy with quads and lost two and I had similar complications that affected Anthony, my Baby B (originally Baby D) throughout the rest of my pregnancy. I think you've gotten a lot of really great suggestions and support from others here with similar stories and I hope that lends you some reassurance and hope. I think it's a good sign that you're activity is limited but you're not on bedrest!!

    The most important thing for me personally to keep in mind was that even the most boring of all pregnancies are still unpredictable. There's no predicting what our babies and our bodies will do. That's kind of a scary thought, but at the same time, it's what gave me the hope I needed to get through some of the scariest predictions. Luckily, my family was blessed and my babies did things nobody could have ever predicted! I hope that weeks from now you're saying the same thing.
  14. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My Jessy was IUGR because of a cord defect. I had three drs tell me that she would never make it to delivery and if she did she would have major health problems. She did come out weighting almost 2lbs less than Jazz but other than a heart murmur she is very healthy. She weighted 2 lbs 13oz and was born at 34 weeks and a day. She is now a very onery one year old [​IMG]. PM for any questions as I have limited time on here.
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