possible ER visit

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Everyone in the house has a cold right now, and DD had a fever of 104.4 last time I checked. I gave her ibuprofen, and she's sleeping now. The nurse on call for my pedi said to wake her up in an hour and take her temp to see if the fever has gone down, and if not, I'm supposed to take her to the ER.

    Big doubts here. My instinct is to just let Ivy sleep and take her temp when/if she wakes up. She is so tired, and messing up her sleep is not going to help her get better. I really think if her fever spiked that high, she'd let me know. But OTOH I don't want to be negligent... :unsure:
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I would wake her, no if's and's or but's about it. IMO fevers aren't something you mess with.

    Definitely follow their advice and wake her to check. Keep us posted if you can!!

    :hug: :hug: :hug:
  3. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Can you takeher temp without waking her? In the armpit or the ear?
  4. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    I would wake her too. Fevers are natural but they make me nervous. I know the dread of waking a sleeping baby (especially when there is more than one of them that might be up all night after you wake them) but I think I'd heed that advice. Keep us posted.
  5. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    surely if her fever was that high she would wakeup. no Id let her sleep.
  6. JaimielynnLake

    JaimielynnLake Well-Known Member

    Kash always has high fevers during immunization time...I let him sleep however long and often as he wants. Just think of what you do when you feel sick...you want to sleep and be comforted...

    So I hold him and let him sleep on me as long as he likes...When he wakes up, I take his temp.

    The last time he had a fever at 104, the advise nurse said I could give him 0.8mL of infant Tylenol (he was 12 lbs. at the time)...Try that, if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Otherwise, read her cues. You're a mom, and you'll know when something isn't right...then you should take her to the ER.

    Trust your mom-instinct.

    Good luck!
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My kids always get very high fevers, so I know what you are going through. The thought of waking a sick, sleeping baby feels wrong! But, if she might need medical intervention beyond what you can give her at home. I would take her temp. while she is still sleeping and take it from there. It always seems that you take them to the ER for them to tell you to go home and let her sleep! But, it's just not worth risking in case she's worse off than you think, or has an infection.

    Have you tried giving her motrin and tyelnol at the same time? It's ok to do, as they are two different medicines. Like I said, my kids get very high fevers. I will start with a dose of tylonol and motrin at the same time and then give tylenol every 4 hours and motrin every 6 hours, as needed. Usually the first combo works great at bringing the fever down and the following doses prevent it from getting so high again. You have to keep on top of it, making sure they get the medicine before the fever goes up too much. I hate giving so much medicine and only do this when the fever is so high and won't come down.

    Good luck and keep us posted!
  8. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I'd wake her and take her temp- but that is just me. I am very particular about those types of things. In my mind- waking her up and dealing with an unhappy, awake baby for a night is a better choice than just letting this ride out and potentially finding something was very wrong later. No matter what you decide I hope she feels better soon. Hugs.
  9. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    For me, the question would be how does she act when she is awake? Is she in pain? Miserable? Taking fluids? Acting normal? Those are the things I would use to make a determination....not just the # on the thermometer.
  10. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Any News? Did you wake her? At the ER?
  11. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Is there a way you can take her temp while she is sleeping?
    If she was acting fine, i would probably just let sleep.
  12. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I hope Ivy is okay Holly. :hug:

    ETA: we just got over the high fever bug. Ours went to 103.6 the first day and then hovered at about 101 for a couple of days. Then the runny nose and cough started.
  13. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Well, I wound up listening to my instincts on this one and letting her wake up on her own. (Don't get me wrong, I think everyone who said to wake her was probably right, I just couldn't bring myself to do that to her!) I went in and felt her forehead, and she was warm, but not burning up, so I let her sleep. She woke up on her own just a little while ago, feeling much cooler, and saying "Mommy!" in a happy voice, and her temp was down to 99.3! :banana:

    The night is young, but at least we're good for now...
  14. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(denali_ice @ Sep 1 2008, 10:03 PM) [snapback]957944[/snapback]
    For me, the question would be how does she act when she is awake? Is she in pain? Miserable? Taking fluids? Acting normal? Those are the things I would use to make a determination....not just the # on the thermometer.

    This is what I was thinking because usually the on call nurse asks you these questions as well to take it into consideration. It also depends on where you took the first temp. If it is armpit the anal reading may be higher.
  15. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear that it came down. I hope that she continues to feel better.
  16. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear she is feeling better. I was thinking of you and had to come on and check.
  17. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear her temp went down. How is she this morning?
  18. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Glad that her temp when down. I hope your house is on the mend. I hate sick kids.
  19. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad the fever came down! Poor kiddo, hope she's on the mend.

    The two times that Nadia has had 104+ fevers, we did end up at urgent care, but the on-call nurse instructed me to wait until the next morning -- and it was coincidentally Sunday both times. So, I just just alternated Tylenol and Motrin and kept her medicated throughout the night, and used cool compresses on her forehead...
  20. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    She slept soundly the rest of the night, & woke up with only a low fever (100.6). We're going to the dr. later, just to follow up on last night and make sure it's just a cold, like DH, Andrew & I have. Thank you so much for all the good wishes!
  21. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Update us after your appt. I'm hoping it's just a cold.
  22. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Yep, just a cold! As far as we can tell now, anyway. Whew! I am SO glad we didn't go to the ER last night. I don't even want to think about what a bear DD would be after spending the night at the ER.

    Thanks for all the support! What would I do without you guys? Now, anyone got a cure for the common cold? :D
  23. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I see you typing so I hope the doc said it was just a cold...my doc always tells me to piggyback the tylenol and motrin and give a warm bath - otherwise it has to run its course...don't be surprised if she doesn't eat much but as long as she's drinking and keeping it down the fever will break on its own...
  24. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Glad its just a cold! Its not a cure, but lots of cuddles will make you both feel better. (Is it wrong that I enjoy the snuggles I get when my kids are sick? They are usually too busy running around to cuddle me).
  25. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Everything I have read keeps saying fevers aren't as scary as they are made out to be. They are there because they are usually fighting off an infection or bacteria or something...

    Katie has had a fever all weekend, and I have been nursing her with Tylenol and Motrin. It stays down with the medicine, which is a thing to look at. If it does stay down with medicine that is good. Here is a good link I read the night before last on fevers.


    The last time I took one to the ER for a fever it was 105.5 and all they did for him was what I could do at home. They used cold compressions on his lower abdomen, a cool bath, medicines and made sure he got all the fluids in him we could.

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