Poor Andrew

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melissao, May 24, 2007.

  1. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy kept waking up last night and crying. I was up more with him than than Elizabeth! Anyway, finally at 4:30 he told me that his ears hurt. I gave him some tylenol and told him I would take him to the Dr. today and he finally fell asleep. I gave him some motrin this morning and called the ENT. We went in at 4:30 and he has a horrible ear infection in his right ear. Poor guy :( At least we found out before we leave for the beach on Saturday! I'm so glad he told me what hurt! So now he has an antibiotic and 2 different kinds of ear drops. We also have the name of an ENT near the beach just in case!
  2. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I hope he feels better soon. Does he already have tubes in his ears?
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Hey, we're right there with you. My girls have been sick since last Thursday. Arwen ended up getting sick from Lorien and got it 20 times worse. Yesterday, she couldn't even smile the whole day and she developed a fever. Well, at 3 in the am she woke up and she had a fever of 102.7! I took her in to ped today, and she has an ear infection too! It's the saddest thing in the world. I just wish she could have "told" me that her ear was in pain. We had just had her ears checked last Saturday. It's just so unfair that babies should have to experience such discomfort and pain!! I hope your little one feels better.
  4. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    I hope he feels better soon. Are his allergies bothering him? I give Olivia her zyrtec daily now because of the fluid in her ears. She seems better. Hope you can have a nice weekend. BTW-ask your dr for the ear pain drops, they are a Godsend, prescription though.
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon and that it doesn't interfere with your beach trip.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Poor sweetie! :hug99: to him. I hope he's feeling better soon!
  7. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    It is great that they can now tell us what hurts.

    Hope he feels better soon.

    Happy & Safe Travels!
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Poor punkin! It's great that he could tell you what hurts though!
  9. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls. He is feeling so much better now that he has the abx. We're leaving for NC in the morning :) Wish me luck!
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