Pooping Question....help!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by emily3580, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. emily3580

    emily3580 Member

    My son is going about 5 days in between bowel movements. They were started on Neosure and then switched to Similac Advance, that is when the pooping problem started. The ped's office suggested karo syrup in every other bottle. That worked for 2 large bowel movements in one day, but then he was taking all this karo syrup and still going 4 days without going.

    As of Thursday we switched to Similac Sensitive and he still hasn't gone since Wednesday morning. His stools are pasty, not hard at all.

    Anyone have any experiences like this? I don't know what else to do.

  2. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    My friend's little guy had this issue and she gave him some prune juice... I'm not sure if she mixed it with his bottle or gave it separate (either way would probably be fine) but it seemed to do the trick.
  3. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    My DS had this problem as well, the pedi suggested baby apple juice or prune juice, 1oz of juice & 1 oz of water. I used the prune juice with no success. She then suggested taking his temp in his rectum, I had my mom do it and later that day he had 2 big bowel movements and has been going everyday since (that was about 2 mths ago). GL!
  4. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    at that age jacob would sometimes go 4 and 5 days between poopy diapers. it was a bigger problem when we went from neosure to similac advanced, and in hindsight i chalk it up to his body adjusting to a less calorie-dense food. our pedi told us that as long as he continued to eat and he didn't seem uncomfortable and the poops were normal when they did arrive, then not to worry too much.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think the key is that he's comfortable, doesn't seem to be in any pain, and his stools are not hard when he does go. I would keep doing what you're doing & bring it up the next time I saw the ped, but I wouldn't worry too much until then. :hug:
  6. emily3580

    emily3580 Member

    Thanks, ladies.

    All seemed ok and then right after I posted he had a hard lump of poop (clearly constipated) and it had a slight trace of blood in it.

    I called the nursing hotline from our ped's office and the lady didn't act very concerned. I will be on the phone to the doctor first thing in the morning.
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Aww, poor little guy! Let us know what the doctor recommends!
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Awe, I hope he feels better soon.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It really does depend on how he's doing. If he's not upset about it, doesn't act like his tummy is bothering him, then he's probably fine. It's not so much consistency because they can have poop problems even if it's soft. Both my dd's, for some reason, have trouble with constipation. My older dd's poop was hard, but my younger dd's isn't, it's soft. But you can tell she's hurting, she'll scream and scream, pull her knees up, flail around, refuse to eat. As soon as I use a liquid glycerin suppository and she goes, even though it's very soft or even runny, she feels much better.

    I use Karo syrup every second bottle for both babies and it seems to work pretty good (so they usually get 3 bottles with 1/2 oz of karo syrup in them per day.) Occassionally I still have to use a supp for my dd but it's not too often.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have occasionally used these with our kids too. I had totally forgotten about them until you mentioned them Danielle. It would be a good thing to try, it's just glycerin & they often are quite effective!
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