pooping in pants

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdio33, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Hello. I hope someone here can help me. Both of my boys picked up on using the potty a week before they turned 3 (July 29th). Logan has done great, only wet himself a few times sense then. Lucas has also only wet himself on occasion has pooped on the potty 2 times but now REFUSES poop on the potty. I know this is common.....but it's been 4 months. His bm's seem fine, not constipated. I called the doctor and they had me checking for WORMS while he was sleeping! Nothing there. They said there is nothing they can do unless he is crying, there is blood ect. There is none of that. When I ask him he has a diffrent answer everytime. He is scared, the potty is too big, the potty is too small, the list goes on. I'v done stickers, candy, money, and every sort of reward out there, locked both of us in the bathroom with toys/books when I new it was time....still NOTHING. Do I just wait it out and for how long or do I insist that the doctor see him?
    TIA Jen :)
  2. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I wish I knew. Anna is doing fabulous with peeing but will not poop on the potty. I hope you get helpful answers!
  3. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    This might sound like a stupid suggestion, but my daugher was very stubborn too. She has a favorite poop spot, so one day I put the little potty in her poop corner and she actually went in it. I still can't believe that's all it took, because she was adament about not going poop on the potty. I did it a few days in a row, and then she was fine with going on the big potty. Almost 2 months later and I still have to remind her constantly and give her rewards though. As soon as I think she's completely trained, she regresses and I have to have a couple days where we focus on it all over again. It's getting annoying! But, it's still better than diapers I guess.
  4. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    His "spot" is in the playroom. I have tried that, but not in a few months. I will try again......... :wacko: worth a shot right?
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    The best advice I can give is do NOT make a big deal out of it. Reward when the poop goes in the potty, and only minimal attention to get it cleaned up when he doesn't. I actually took to lining my dd's undies with folded up toilet paper so it was easier to get them clean. :headbang: She did eventually figure it out.
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    My friend had that problem, and her son would ask for a diaper before pooping. At first she would let him have the diaper. Then only in his room or the bathroom. Then only in the bathroom. Then only if he was sitting on the potty, and finally he went. It took a while, but he was a sensitive child, and by molding where he could go, eventually he got over his fears.
  7. pinkpoonani

    pinkpoonani Active Member

    My friends son did that too, would ask for a diaper to poop and refused to sit on the potty. Then one day he was playing with a friend and his friend said "just.go in the potty". And he did! And has ever since. Peer pressure is a great motivater
  8. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    It took my DD 10 months to poop in the potty after being PT for pee. Those were 10 long months. We tried everything, but until she was ready, nothing worked. For us, constipation played a big part in it. Once we got her constipation under control where it wasn't painful to poop, I picked up a bunch of toys from the dollar store and put them in a Disney princess gift bag on top of the fridge. Nonchalantly I would remind her that those were her poppy prizes that she got only when she pooped in the potty. I let her look through the bag and see the prizes too. After a few days and accidents, she finally pooped on the potty and got a prize. After that, she was hooked. She still has accidents when she gets constipated, but overall, the desire to poop in the potty is there.

    I tried the poopy prizes idea a few months prior, and it did not work. She just never once pooped in the potty to get a prize. :shrug: I think until a kid is ready, there's not much you can do.
  9. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    Right there with you. One twin has potty-ing down. The other refuses to poop in potty, now we're 3 months after getting rid of our diapers. Wonder how long it's going to be. Seems endless.

    Good luck! You're not alone!
  10. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Thank god! It totally seems endless! I'm soooo sick of the mess and seriously they are big poops nows! lol. *sigh*
    Thanks for all the advice. I will try anything at this point. Hopfully it isn't going to take much longer :unsure:
  11. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat with DS. He has been pee trained for a month or so, but refuses to poop on the potty. It is gross because after he poops in his underwear, he tries to clean himself up without me knowing. Talk about nasty mess! :headbang: He uses the 'I'm scared of the potty' excuse as to why he won't poop on it. So, no advice here...just know you are not alone.
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we did most of our PTing in August, and just 3 wks ago my boy finally started going in the potty! I don't know what helped... we have a small calendar chart that I mark down when he goes... and "x"s for accidents. I tried toys and other things as incentive, and finally remembered that he loved the icecream cones we had on our summer vacation... but milk products don't do well with our kids digestive systems... so we don't do ice-cream... but if he were going on the potty who cares... SO... I made a cute chart with a picture of them in front of a big plastic 6 foot ice-cream cone from vacation and we started talking about he could get a "biiiig ice-cream cone" when he pooped on the potty. oh my, we've talked about it for at least 3 months! anyway, everytime we'd talk about it, and he'd say "poopoo big icecream cone"... so when we started actually going in the potty (any amount) we'd draw a little icecream cone on the chart (nanny's idea to draw them... that was genius!)... he loves pointing to them and "counting"...

    i guess the idea is somehow they will do it, and hopefully you can find what his "currency" is... good luck!!! poopy underwear isn't any fun!
  13. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    I tried making him wear pull ups the other day (all day). I told him it wasn't a punishment but mommy is SO sick of cleaning poopy undies. He cried, so I didn't end up making him. I did make him promise he would tell me before he pooped from now on though! He has been doing good so I can deal with that.....I guess!
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