
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by frickandfrack, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    Anyone have any ideas what/why the issues with pooping in the potty when urinating does not seem to be a problem? Any tricks to relieve the fear?

  2. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    My DD had the biggest problem with pooping on the potty. The only thing that got her to stop was to buy little inexpensive toys (dollar store) and when she went (bm) on the potty she got to choose one. I HATED to clean Poopie underpants... Gross!!! :bad:
  3. Soon2Bmotherof3

    Soon2Bmotherof3 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had some tricks - we are going through the same thing. Going on six weeks now since we got him pee trained, but he just won't poop on the potty. The craziest thing to me is that before he started wearing big boy pants he had gone poop on the potty 3 or 4 times. Now that we're training he flat out refuses to go on the potty. I thought of trying one really big incentive present but couldn't come up with anything. I think I am going to try Ashley's suggestion - maybe that would work better.
  4. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat! We've only been pt'ing for a week, and they are doing fantastic with peeing. Noah even woke me up last night to pee in the potty.

    However, poop is a totally different story. In the past 7 days: Noah held it until we put on their bedtime diapers, and then today he disappeared into the basement and pooped hugely in his underwear. Aiden held it for 6 days until he woke up crying in pain "my tummy hurts" and finally went in a pull-up; and again today pooped in his underpants. Yuck yuck yuck!!!!

    I like the PP's suggestion; I'm totally going to stock up on $1 toys and offer them as bribery for poop in the potty. We did chocolate chips for pee and it worked right away.
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My oldest had that problem. I had to employ the tactics of little rewards. He really liked Thomas at the time, so I promised a train the first time, because he really needed a big item. Once he finally did use it (within a day of the "promise") we gave him little things for about a week and then cold turkey. Good luck! :hug99:
  6. *Lori*

    *Lori* Well-Known Member

    DH promised our boys the zoo. Which has been motivating for one but I am pretty ticked cause we cant afford the zoo. I am so mad about that I wish he would have promised an ice cream or a movie or McDonalds but no he said the zoo and it stuck from minute one. Its like 40 bucks to go to the zoo. I hate being a liar. Yeshua says I gonna go to the zoo everytime he goes poop. Then the other day he had an accident and he said Mommy, I cant go tothe zoo. I said Why and he said I pooped. Well I am gonna figure it out we have to take him. I guess I will go donate plasme or somethng.
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