1. Wilmington Twin Mom to Be

    Wilmington Twin Mom to Be Well-Known Member

    I have not posted on here FOREVER! I had forgotten how informative it is. In saying that I need help. One of my twins, Kaitlyn (22 months) has learned how to get out of her clothes and take her diaper off while she is in her crib. It wouldn't be that big of deal if it wasn't a poop diaper. This morning when I went into the girl's room there was Kaitlyn with her hands covered in poop, along with the crib, crib sheet, stuffed animals, her sippy cup blanket and she had even thrown some onto the floor which I stepped in. If that wasn't bad enough when I went to get her from her nap today she had the SAME thing!!!

    Hasn't anyone else had this problem and if so how did you stop it from happening?
  2. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: Oh no! That sounds awful. Knock on wood, that has never happened to us.

    However, I have heard some people say that they duct tape the diapers shut during naptime & bedtime, which makes them harder to remove. Putting them on backward with duct tape makes it doubly challenging. Good luck! We use cloth diapers, so duct tape will not work as well.. I really hope we never have to deal with this!

    :welcome: back!
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Sleep sacks on backwards! My girls are always in sleep sacks - for naps and nighttime. Not only do the sacks keep them warm, but they can't remove their clothes or diapers because the zipper is on the back. You can get extra large sized sleep sacks at Babies R Us from a company called Halo or make your own (if you can sew; I can't). I swear by sleep sacks.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not had to deal with this yet. If yours have not figured out how to unsnap onesies, you can also try them while they are sleeping. Good luck, this thread is good to know for the day when mine might start to do this.
    Welcome back!
  5. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Oooh, poop. So very fun. :D

    Yep, duct tape the diaper, and then put on a onesie over it....or, like Tricia mentioned, a sleep sack backward would work great.

    I have a friend who put her twin girls in footie PJ's that zipped up, and she duct taped the zipper so the girls couldn't unzip.
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I have EXTENSIVE practice in preventing the Poopcassos.

    Onesies under her clothes if she can't undo snaps, footie jammies on backward (buy them one size too big and twist the leg so the feet point the right way), backward sleep sacks... all of it worked briefly for me. What worked best, though, was layering: a onesie, then overalls WITHOUT a snap crotch, and a button-up shirt over that. They could get out of it but it took long enough that they'd give it up and go to sleep. My next step was a straight jacket so it's a darned good thing they potty trained!

    If it's happening on a regular basis, I'd try putting her on the potty before putting her to bed. Mine were a bit of a different case because they'd take off a clean diaper and poop in the crib then dance and paint and it took me ages to make the connection that they were ready to potty train. Anyway, it's worth a shot.
  7. lindsay084

    lindsay084 Well-Known Member

    :D I was just getting on here to ask the EXACT same question!! I woke up to the same wonderful scenario this morning! I was thinking of duct tape!!
  8. Wilmington Twin Mom to Be

    Wilmington Twin Mom to Be Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys for all the advice....I am going to try it ALL tomorrow. Today the girls were in their playroom and when I went up stairs to get them Kaitlyn had smeared a poop diaper all over herself. Luckily they were watching a DVD so I don't think she put it on any toys....that I know of :eek: This time she didn't even take off the diaper she had just stuck her hands down of the back of it!
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