Poop Question - Sorry!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by beckman445, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! I have a quick question and wondered what your opinions were. We're in the process of weaning our guys from BF. One is still nursing twice a day, and gets some cow's milk mid-day. The other got sick about a month ago and weaned, and I've started mixing pumped BM and cow's milk recently. They've been getting some cow's milk for about 1.5-2 weeks. Just in the past two days, both boys have started having really runny, stinky diapers. They're sleeping fine and eating fine, just the nasty diapers.

    So, what do you think? Do you think it's the cow's milk affecting them or something else? If it is from the cow's milk, does that mean they're not tolerating it well, or just their bodies processing it differently? I don't remember dealing with this with my oldest, so I'm clueless.

  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my experience with the girls were that when they reacted to dairy it was usually pretty immediate (within 24 hours). if you suspect the dairy though, you could always drop it for a couple of weeks & then try re-introducing it. it could also just be a stomach bug - sometimes my girls have random bouts of diarhhea with no apparent cause. i always assume they got a bug somewhere.
  3. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    In my kids, yep! They get milk but only about 2x's a week. Even less if I start seeing yucky diapers. Try cutting it out and watch their diapers. You can reintroduce when you feel they are ready.
  4. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    Could be lactose intolerance too maybe try some lactaid milk. It's cows milk without lactose. My 19m old is sensitive to lactose too.
  5. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    So, if I want to try something other than straight cow's milk to see if that's the issue, can I try it now?

    They've had small amounts of formula throughout the first year and I've never seen a reaction. But maybe it's showing itself now because they're getting more. But I'm still wondering if they caught something because I've changed at least 4 dirty diapers on each kiddo already today which is huge for us.

    Thanks ladies!
  6. dwerling

    dwerling Member

    When we were weaning our girls from dairy formula and breastmilk at 1 year, we went to whole cows milk. We never had an issue at all with our older son. However, the girls developed painful diaper rashes which caused them to hold their poop--not good! We would go off dairy and it would get better, and then when we went back on dairy the rash would reappear. So, we started them on enriched almond milk, and they have been great ever since! We will try again in the future, but figure that with the almond milk we are offering other calcium rich foods and they should be ok. They love their milk!
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yep, cow's milk, and I finally think I realized the yogurt I was feeding them was giving them yucky diapers too!!! I keep meaning to try cow's milk again.. I try every once in a while and it gets yucky. ours are 27 mo. old, and though I'm still bf'ing, I give them a cup of the Almond Milk like the pp said. I've tried Soy milk but seems they still have nasty diapers with that too, and with Rice Milk too.

    I had ours tested for allergies but milk doesn't show up, it must be an "intolerance" not an allergy for us. I think it'd be good for me to try the Lactaid too... good idea.

    many people live without milk, so don't worry if you can't give it to them... there are many other calcium and protein sources.
  8. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I talked to my dr.'s nurse today and we're trying Lactaid for 5-7 days to see if that helps. She said, of course what I already suspected, it could be the milk or they could have caught something and the milk could be making it worse. The funny part was she was going through all the possibilities and asked if we'd been out of the country recently :rotflmbo: . Yeah, I haven't even been out of the county recently!!

    So, she called in a prescription diaper cream, b/c one kiddo's rash is really, really bad. I'm glad to have something, but we c.d. so I'm sure that means I'm going to have to strip all of the diapers once this clears up to get the residue out :headbang: . But totally worth it for him to not scream every time we change diapers.

    I'm still wondering if it's just a virus though since they both started with the diarrhea within a few hours of each other and it was a week after we had started introducing cow's milk. Just when you think you've got a handle on things <_< !

  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    do you also give yogurt? seriously, when I quit yogurt our bad rashes went away!

    I feel your pain for the cd'ing... we do too! make sure that the diaper creams don't have any cod liver oil in them!! I didn't pay attention and one time I got a tube of a publix or target brand and the whole load ended up smelling fishy - ICKY!!! also if you have any cloth liners I'd use those to keep the creams away from your diapers. I ended up cutting some white colored fleece and they worked perfectly... lets the urine seep through but keeps most of the creams away from the diapers.

    again, good luck! we had the best luck with a aquaphor base layer then a diaper cream on top...
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