Poop in the potty

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So potty training Hannah is going surprisingly well! Had you asked me a week ago I would have said no way, she's not ready! But starting on Sunday she's down to 0 accidents a day!! I can't believe it! Poop on the other hand...different story! We can tell she needs to go bc she will say she needs to then sit on the potty and do nothing or dribble a little bit. She lets these stink bombs of farts so we know she needs to LOL! She just won't in the potty. She held it for 3 days until my mom was watching her today and she let loose in the undies and told my mom "I poop". I'm actually just glad she pooped bc I don't want her getting backed up, but it took 3 days when she was loaded with juice, yogurt, and chocolate milk....things that would give my boys diarrhea if they had to much!
    How do you train them to go in the potty? With the boys Jack just took right off no issues, JT it took changing the currency to a gummy bear instead of M&M and they pooped about 9x a day! She doesn't even care about the gummy bears we are giving her for peeing....to be honest I can't remember giving her any at all today!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My 4.5yo still poops his pants. Wish I could help...
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Poop is generally a harder concept to learn than pee. Perhaps because it is something that they can see. My youngest poop trained before he potty trained at just before 4 years old. My twins were another story. I've heard of some kids hiding in their closet to go poop in their undies. Patience. I think with the twins we gave a nickel for potty and two nickels for poop. Good luck!
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  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Jackie. Both of my kids were freaked out when they first pooped in the potty. I still remember the first time my son did it, he was not expecting that to happen and both he and my DD were screaming like I do when I see a spider. It was sort of funny but also perplexing at the same time. What I did with both kids was constantly remind them that everybody poops (I even had a song for it) and that poops want to go in the potty and not on their pants/diapers/pull ups. When I would change them, if I could, I would take the poop and flush in the toilet with the child watching or actually having the child flush the toilet and say "bye-bye poop"

    I also told the kids that they would get a special treat when they had 5 stickers for poop, DD got ice cream and DS got some matchbox cars. But it does take time, she will get it. It is a good sign that she is telling people that she pooped even though she is not doing it in the potty yet.
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