Poop help?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    What can I give them to firm up their poop? They are on soy, since one has a dairy allergy. I do soy milk and soy yogurt. I give them a banana and yogurt for breakfast everyday. I have tried apples, rice and toast and nothing is working. I thought it was a bug, but it has been over a week now of yucky poops. We are going through diapers like crazy and their bums are so raw. Any ideas?
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Could be teething. My girls get watery poop when they are teething and I can't really do much about it except give them some 'air time' during the day, and lots of diaper cream to prevent a rash.
  3. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    You mentioned some like bananas and rice...how about potatotes? I usually mash them up in this case (and even mix with a bit of yogurt). Lots of starch! Hope it clears up soon...
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Leighann, both of my twins have watery and frequent poops when they are teething. I give them a lot of air time and aquaphor/triple paste or burt's bees. I also tried bananas and rice to firm it up but it did not work.
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Do the feel ok or are the sick?

    Does the poop smell worse than usual and is it yellow in color? If so, they may have the rotavirus. My boys had it back in April and it lasted a good 10 days.

    Butt Paste worked really well for the rash and that is what our pedi told us to use.

    Hopefully it's not that and it clears up soon.
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    our pedi just suggested the aquaphor layer first then a diaper cream. I'd heard good things about Triple Paste, so I started using that this Sunday, and just got the Aquaphor tonight. hopefully that does the trick for us.

    Ours have had back diarhea when we've started sweet fruits... peaches and mangos. I totally cut those out and in addition do grilled cheese, toast, banana etc. I've also been told that sweet potatoes cure either constipation or diarhea... kinda like the magic food.

    good luck, its yucky! we cloth diaper... so its extra yucky! thankfully our dipes are better now, that we figured out what it was, and now I'm hoping the aquaphor helps my dd's bum.
  7. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll try them all. One of them is teething, so I'm sure that's it. The other seems to be a little better today. We'll see what happens.
  8. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    My boys went through that for about 2 weeks and it was absolute hell so I'm totally feeling for you right now!
    I called their pedi and he suggested that we add really try to up their fiber intake. One thing that I found that was an easy way to get more in them was Oroweat Double Fiber Bread. I know it sounds like it would be terrible but its a soft wheat bread and it actually tastes good. They didn't even notice a difference.
    The other thing my pedi suggested (and I will admit this sounds totally opposite of what I thought I should give them but this is what the doc said) is to up their fat intake. I know, sounds crazy but apparently it helps bulk up their stools. I kid you not, he suggested I could give them Happy Meals!
    Here is an article that addresses toddler diarrhea.

  9. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Yeah really change their diapers often. My girl got her first diaper rash that way and it was a doozy. I think for us it was a virus of some sort. Lots of bananas and cheese at every meal. I had many people swear by corn starch. Make sense -- keeps area dry. I mean EVERYONE I mentioned it to said corn starch. I found a baby powder with zinc and cornstarch. but it is from Australia.

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